South San Francisco is destined to become one of the great industrial centers of the west.  In its massive plants thousands of workmen whose paychecks are the barometer of the city’s prosperity, are turning out materials and articles of a quality that is distinctive to South San Francisco, and are making its products of world-wide fame.

             For this high standard of quality, credit is due those efficient men who direct this army of toilers.  One of them is Leonides R. Dennison who is superintendent of the great plant of the Steiger Terra Cotta and Pottery Works.  Mr. Dennison has been with this firm for thirteen years, and superintendent of its plant for 10 years.  During this time its output has increased many fold and it has grown from a small factory to one of the largest and most important industrial plants in the west.

             Mr. Dennison who is also a stockholder in the company, is enthusiastic over South San Francisco as an industrial center.

             “I am sure that we could not get the same results out of the men any place else,” said Mr. Dennison.  “Besides the transportation facilities and countless other advantages.  South San Francisco has the ideal climate for the workmen, as the heat is never oppressive in the daytime and the tired toiler can go home and sleep through a cool night any time of the year.”

             Mr. Dennison has been a resident of South San Francisco for the last eighteen years.  He was born in the Yosemite Valley on February 3, 1885.  He is a member of the Francis Drake lodge 376, F. & A.M., the Charles Frederick Crocker Chapter, No. 106 of the Masons and the Knight Templars.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 154-155. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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