Among San Mateo County’s foremost citizens is R.F. Chilcott of Redwood City, secretary of the San Mateo County Abstract Company, who has been intensely active for the past twelve years in the affairs of the county and particularly those of Redwood City.

             After a thorough training in abstracting and record searching in other counties of the State of California and the State of Washington, Mr. Chilcott came to Redwood City in 1904 to engage in this line of work.  Days spent, year in and year out, examining the San Mateo county records has made him an authority on this subject and an expert on land titles in San Mateo county.

             Mr. Chilcott’s loyalty to San Mateo county is evidenced by the time he has devoted to civic work.  As president of the old Redwood City Board of Trade he labored faithfully for the upbuilding of this community.  Such far reaching results did he obtain that he was made chairman of the harbor committee of the new Redwood City Chamber of Commerce, one of the most important branches of that body.  Mr. Chilcott also belongs to the San Mateo County Development Associates.

             Richard Frederick Chilcott was born in Washington on December 31, 1882.  He came to California fifteen years ago.  On February 8, 1906, Mr. Chilcott was married to Miss Olga Heiner of Redwood City.  His business interests are generally confined to Redwood City.  Besides being secretary of the San Mateo County Abstract Company, he is inheritance Tax Appraiser for John S. Chambers, State Controller.

             Mr. Chilcott’s fraternal affiliations include the San Mateo Elks and the Masons in which he ranks high.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 139-140. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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