EDWARD Buchmann is one of San Mateo’s oldest merchants, having been in business in that city for more than a score of years.  He was founder of Buchmann’s Hotel and the San Mateo Bakery, both of which have become old landmarks and have kept up with the pace of the times.  For many years Mr. Buchmann was the proprietor of a wholesale liquor store.  In 1914 he bought out the San Mateo grocery and combined it with his liquor business.  He now operates them both under the name of “E. Buchmann & Co., Wines and Groceries.”

             Mr. Buchmann has been a persistent good roads advocate.  Long before the days of the automobile he fought for paved streets and good roads, declaring that the time would come when they would be the country’s greatest asset.  Now that he has seen his prediction fulfilled he is still interested in any new boulevard project.  Mr. Buchmann is also an automobile enthusiast.  No highway or byway within one hundred miles has escaped his notice.

             In Mr. Buchmann the proposed municipal baths at San Mateo Beach have a staunch supporter.  This has been a pet scheme of his for many years and he says he expects to see it become a reality just as he realized his dream of good roads.

             Mr. Buchmann was born in Alsace on October 12, 1864, when that province was a part of France.  He left his native land for America thirty-one years later.  Mr. Buchmann is a member of the Masons and the Elks lodges.



Transcribed by Betty Wilson


Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 118. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.



© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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