Few residents of this county realize that just north of Redwood City is the largest and possibly the most valuable lot of dogs on the Pacific coast.  The kennels called the Browndale Kennels and famous in dogdom the world over, are conducted by Mrs. E.F. Brown who has been interested in dogs for many years.

             Mrs. Brown specializes in collies and the dogs which she owns of this breed are the best in the world.  A still greater honor that comes to Mrs. Brown is the fact that the dogs that have defeated all comers in shows in all parts of the country, have practically all been bred by her.

             The Browndale Kennels were formerly at Easton but recently moved to Redwood where eight acres are devoted to the culture of these aristocratic dogs.  In the kennels at present are 65 dogs.  This year Mrs. Brown raised fifty puppies which have been shipped to all parts of the world several going to European nobility and one to the ex-president of San Salvador, Central America.

             Mrs. Brown’s collection of medals, plaques and cups which were won by entries from the Browndale Kennels, comprises over 300 pieces.  She won the bronze plaque of the Immortal Anfield Model, the type most desired by breeders.  Her dogs won the highest awards for quality and condition at the P.P.I. Exposition, where they competed against the dogs of all nations.

             Mrs. Brown has bred eleven champion dogs.  Perhaps the most famous is her Champion Browndale Model which has defeated all coastbred collies and English dogs.  He began his career when only seven months old by competing in thirteen shows and winning medals for the best puppy.

             Mrs. Brown is president of the Pacific Coast Collie Club.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 144-145. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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