One of the great army of commuters who believes that there is no place like San Mateo for the home of the San Francisco business man, is L. C. Brandt, manager of the San Francisco branch of the Buffalo Brewing Company of Sacramento.

             Mr. Brandt moved down the peninsula six years ago, and each succeeding year has strengthened the convictions which caused him to locate in San Mateo.

             The city has profited handsomely by having Mr. Brandt as a citizen.  When he bought property in San Mateo Heights he started to safeguard the interests of that district.  He became one of the most active workers in the San Mateo Heights Improvement Club and later served as its president.

             The demand for industrial sites in San Mateo began to result in the owners of large plants infringing on Mr. Brandt’s pet residential section.  His resentment was immediate and before plans could even be drawn for plants in this district, Mr. Brandt had a campaign well under way to exclude industries from the ‘Heights.’

             The result of the campaign has been the passage of a residential and industrial act which confines industries to what are now flourishing industrial districts, and prohibits any violation of residential districts.

             Louis Charles Brandt was born in Vienna, Austria, on July 20, 1867.  He came to California twenty-five years ago.  Mr. Brandt was married in San Francisco in 1898 and lives with his family at 322 Grand Boulevard.  His son Robert, attends the San Mateo Union High School.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 145-146. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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