Maurice F. Boland, proprietor of Boland’s Cigar Store and Billiard Room in San Mateo, and for eleven years Chief of Police of San Mateo is well known throughout the county.  As police chief, Boland had an enviable record.  In addition to preserving order in the community, Chief Boland figured in the capture of many famous criminals.  So satisfied were the citizens of San Mateo with his work, that he was re-elected several times and was in office at the time his business interests forced him to retire from public life.

             Of powerful physique Boland was a splendid athlete when a young man.  He won prizes in all branches of sport.  He is still a close follower of athletic events and keen authority on sports.  Boland is a San Mateo property owner and in him the city finds a booster who always puts in a few good words for the city to every stranger that patronizes his place.

             Maurice F. Boland was born in Boston, Mass., where he lived for only three years.  His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boland came from Ireland.  Since coming west Mr. Boland spent a great part of his life in California and has been a resident of San Mateo for many years.  He has been in the cigar business for the last four years.  On December last he was married and lives with his family at 611 North C Street.

Transcribed by Betty Wilson


Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 135. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.


© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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