San Mateo County











            Daniel Cowan Jackling, mining was born August 14, 1869, in Hudson Township, Bates County, Missouri, the son of Daniel and Lydia Jane (Dunn).

            He attended the junior academic year at State Normal School at Warrensburg, Missouri, 1888-89, then entered the Missouri School of Mines for the academic year 1889-90.  From 1891 to 1893 he was assistant professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy at Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Missouri; received the B.S. degree in 1892, Met. E. degree in 1900; and the D.Eng. degree in 1933.

            From 1894 to 1895, Mr. Jackling was employed as chemist and metallurgist at the Cripple Creek District, Colorado; then in charge of construction and operation, Metallurgical Works, Mercur Gold Mines, Mercur, Utah, from 1896 to 1900.  In 1903 he organized the Utah Copper Company.  During the period 1904 to 1942, he served successively as director and/or general manager, managing director, vice president and, for about twenty years, as president of the following mining and metallurgical corporations:  Utah Copper Company, Nevada Consolidated Copper Company, Ray Consolidated Copper Company, Chino Copper Company, Nevada Consolidated Copper Corporation, Gallup American Coal Company, and the corporate subsidiaries of these, including the Nevada Northern Railway Company, Bingham & Garfield Railway Company and Bay & Gila Valley Railroad Company, and also held similar offices with the Butte & Superior Mining Company, Alaska Gold Mines Company, Granby Consolidated Mining Company, American Zinc, Lead & Smelting Company, Mesabi Iron Company, and numerous other industrial corporation of lesser importance.  Also served as a director of Braden Copper Company and director of Mining Operations of the Kennecott Copper Corporation.  Mr. Jackling was retired as an officer and director of all the foregoing industrial corporations named during or before 1942 except the Mesabi Iron Company, of which he remains president and director.  During the stated period he also served as a director of the Chase National Bank, 1916-1924.

            Served as colonel with the Colorado State National Guard, active service, staff of Governor J. H. Peabody, 1903-1904; colonel, staff of Governor Spry, Utah, 1909-1913; was Utah Commissioner to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909; director of United States Government Explosives Plants, 1917-1919; assistant to United States Director, Purchases, Storage and Traffic, 1918; member of University of Missouri Advisory Council, 1933.

            Member of American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers (director 1925-28, 1938-41; president 1938); Mining & Metallurgical Society of America (councilor 1939-44); Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association (president 1932-33); American Chemical Society; The Western Society of Engineers; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers – Fellow; American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Newcomen Society of England (American branch); and the following clubs:  Menlo Country (San Mateo County, California); Pacific-Union, Engineers (San Francisco); Alta (Salt Lake City, Utah); and Mining Club (New York City).  Republican.

            Mr. Jackling was awarded the Active Service Gold Medal from Colorado State National Guard in 1904; Distinguished Service Medal in 1919; Gold Medal from Mining & Metallurgical Society of American in 1926 “for distinguished service in the development of low-grade mines”; William Lawrence Saunders Gold Medal “for achievement in mining”; the John Fritz Medal “for notable industrial achievement in initiating mass production of copper from low-grade ores, through application of engineering principles”; the Washington Award “for pioneering in large-scale mining and treatment of low-grade copper ores, releasing vast resources from formerly worthless deposits”; Doctor of Laws from University of California in 1940; Doctor of Engineering from University of Southern California in 1940; and Doctor of Science from University of Utah in 1942.

            On April 5, 1915, Mr. Jackling married Virginia Jolliffe at San Francisco, California.  Residence is at Woodside, San Mateo County, California.

            Offices:  1800 Hobart Building, San Francisco 4, California.






Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Eminent Californians 1953, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor.  Pages  349-350, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Joyce Rugeroni.









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