Edward F. FITZPATRICK is recognized as a leading member of the bar of San Mateo County and as one of the representatives and public spirited citizens of Redwood City, the judicial center of the county.  He has been a resident of California since his childhood, and is a member of one of the sterling pioneer families of this state.


Mr. FITZPATRICK was born in the State of New Jersey, on the 28th of November 1858 and is the firstborn of the three children of the late Patrick P. and Ann (CONLON) FITZPATRICK, both natives of Ireland.  Elizabeth, the second child, is the wife of Judge BUCK, of San Mateo County; and William F. is a resident of San Francisco.


Patrick P. FITZPATRICK came to California in the late ‘50s and after a period of association with gold mining operations he established the family home at Redwood City, where he became connected with the old Tremont House, one of the early and popular hotels of this section of the state, this hotel building being still in good preservation and constituting one of the historic landmarks of San Mateo County.  Mr. FITZPATRICK continued successfully in the hotel business here for a long period of years and he was one of the venerable and honored pioneer citizens of Redwood City at the time of his death, in 1921, his wife having passed away in 1916 and both having been zealous communicants of the Catholic Church.


Edward F. FITZPATRICK was reared at Redwood City and here received the major part of his early education.  He thereafter read law under effective private preceptorship, and in 1880 he was admitted to the bar of Sacramento.  He has long held prestige as one of the able and resourceful members of the California bar, has a large and representative practice, has given much attention to corporation law, and has in this connection been legal representative of various railroads and other corporations, including the Spring Valley Water Company.  He served one year on the bench of the Superior Court of San Mateo County, but has preferred to give his attention to active law practice rather than official service.  He erected the FITZPATRICK Building, one of the excellent business blocks of Redwood City, and in the same his offices are established.  He has shown lively interest in all things concerning the communal welfare and is known as one of the liberal and progressive citizens of Redwood City. His political allegiance is given to the republican party, and he and his family are communicants of the Catholic Church.


In the year 1886 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. FITZPATRICK and Miss Mary A. O’CONNELL, who was born and reared in San Mateo County.  Of the three children of his union the eldest is Frank, who is now in the employ of the Bank of Italy, one of the substantial financial institutions of Redwood City; Jessie is the wife of Omar. E. DOYLE, of Redwood City where he was born and reared; Joseph R. was a graduate member of the class of 1923 in the law department of the University of Santa Clara, and is now practicing attorney of San Francisco.


Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 8 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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