Dr. Arthur J. Belton, dentist of Burlingame, stands prominently among the large class of young professional men who have selected San Mateo County for their field of practice.  When Dr. Belton took his degree at the University of California in 1910 he was confronted with the most important question of his career, where to locate and establish his practice.

             A painstaking and thorough investigation, which is characteristic of Dr. Belton, was made before he paid Burlingame the high compliment of deciding that it was the field of greatest opportunity for a young man starting out in a profession.

             Dr. Belton has laid a firm foundation for the practice of dentistry.  In addition to graduating from the University of California, he has pursued special study under eminent specialists and dentists.  Since leaving college he has practiced one year in San Francisco and five in Burlingame.

             Dr. Belton was one of the leading spirits in the formation of the Burlingame Commercial Club; and since its organization he has been untiring in serving on important committees and carrying on the work of the club.  At present he is secretary of the club.

             Dr. Arthur J. Belton was born in San Francisco on November 4, 1887.  He has lived in California his entire life and has been a resident of San Mateo County for the past eight years.  He was married in Burlingame on September 8, 1915.  Dr. Belton is a member of Masonic lodge, No. 400.


Transcribed by Betty Wilson

Source: History of San Mateo County by Philip W. Alexander & Charles P. Hamm page 152. Press of Burlingame Publishing Co., Burlingame, CA. 1916.

© 2004 Betty Wilson.


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