Clarence M. DOXSEE


Clarence M. DOXSEE has had a broad and varied experience that gives him authoritative status in connection with the abstract business, and at Redwood City, judicial center of San Mateo County, he is now successfully established in this important line of enterprise, as president of the George H. RICE Abstract Company.


Mr. DOXSEE was born in Medina County, Ohio, on the 30th of July 1861, and is a son of Alfred R. and Mary J. (BENNETT) DOXSEE, both likewise natives of the old Buckeye State.  The public schools of Ohio and Iowa afforded Clarence M. DOXSEE his youthful education, his parents having become pioneer settlers in Iowa.  After leaving school Mr.  DOXSEE was for a number of years actively identified with the abstract business in Iowa, where he continued his residence until 1901, when he came to California and settled in Santa Clara County.  There he remained four years, at the expiration of which he established his residence at Redwood City and became associated with George H. RICE in the abstract business.  The business was finally incorporated under the title of the George H. RICE Abstract Company, and of this company as previously noted, MR. DOXSEE is the president.  The service of this concern is at all times exact and authoritative, and its offices have the best of facilities for giving reliable abstracts of all realty titles in San Mateo County.  The company figures as the medium of ultimate decision in connection with all important real estate transfers in this county and its service is of inestimable value.  In 1922 the company completed and established its offices in its present modern building and is now affiliated with the Western Title Insurance Company. 


Mr. DOXSEE is one of the wide-awake and progressive citizens of San Mateo County, is a republican in political adherency, and he and his wife hold membership in the Congregational Church, while in a fraternal way he is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias.


The year 1886 recorded the marriage of Mr. DOXSEE and Miss Mary H.  INGHAM, who was born and reared in Iowa and the children of this union are four in number: Margaret, Wilbur H. (associate with his father’s business), Caroline M. (Mrs. C.H. WOODHAMS) and Ruth.


Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 239-240 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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