Clarence S. CRARY


Clarence S. CRARY.   One of the progressive cities of the San Francisco Bay district is Burlingame, San Mateo County, and one of the progressive and representative business men of this city is Clarence S.  CRARY, who is here president of the Bank of Burlingame.


Mr. CRARY was born in the State of  Iowa, March 30, 1879, and is a son of  M. S. and Martha (LEONARD) CRARY, the other surviving children of the family being Charles J., vice president of Mercantile Trust Company in the City of  San Francisco, and F.W. and A.R. still residents of Iowa.  The early education of Mr. CRARY was gained in the public schools of his native state, which was supplemented by a course at Grinnell College, Iowa, and after  coming to California he entered Leland STANDFORD Jr., University, in which institution he was graduated as a member of the class of 1903 and with the degree of Bachelor of Arts.  Soon after his graduation he initiated his connection with the banking business, and in 1906 he became associated with the bank of which he is now the president.  Prior to this he had  held the position of cashier of the Mayfield Bank and Trust Company, later in the Merchants National bank of  San Francisco and still later  had been for a time identified with banking business in the oil fields of the Bakersfield district.  Mr. CRARY gave ten years of effective service as a cashier of the Bank of Burlingame, and at the annual January meeting of the Board of Directors of this institution in the year 1923 he was elected its president, a preferment which he had worthily won.  Mr. CRARY takes deep interest in all things tending to advance the general prosperity of his home city and county, is a republican in politics and is affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.  In 1924, he served as secretary of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce.  Mr. CRARY has always taken an active interest in community affairs, and during the war had charge of the Liberty, Loan drives, and was one of the men who succeeded in more than doubling the quota assigned to this district.  He is one of the most popular men in the community.


The year 1912 recorded the marriage of Mr. CRARY and Edith SLIFER, a daughter of Lieut-Col Hiram J. SLIFER, who died in France as a member of the American Expeditionary Forces, having been connected with the American Railway Engineers.  He was formerly general manager of the Chicago and Great Western Railroad Company, and also at one time was superintendent of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad Company and was associated with Col. George GOETHALS in the construction of the Panama Canal.  He was one of the twenty-nine upon whom General PERSHING conferred the Distinguished Service Medal.  SLIFER Post of the American Legion of Chicago is named in his honor.  Mrs. CRARY was born in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and they have four children; Leonard, Mary, Margaret and Martha.


Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 306-309 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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