Charles Ayers


Charles Ayers. – This venerable gentleman was born in Redding, England, March 3, 1829.  His father, James Ayers, moved from Redding to Windsor, England, when the subject of our sketch was a lad of five years.  The father being a confectioner and pastry cook, he learned that trade from him.


March 17, 1848, Mr. Ayers set sail from his native land for Australia, where he worked at his trade and was financially successful.  In London he was married to Ann Delahny, an English lady who was of Irish descent and of a Protestant family.  Her father was a hatter by trade, and was engaged in business in London; both her parents being natives of that city.  She became the mother of nine children, two of whom are now living, namely: Elizabeth, widow of M. L. Britton; and Charles, a plumber by trade.  She died in 1879.  July 30, 1889, Mr. Ayers married for his second wife a Miss Laughtry, by whom he has one son, J. W. B. Ayers.  Mr. Ayers has five grandchildren.


As a pioneer of San Mateo county, he is well known.  Indeed, he was one of the very first business men of the very first business men of Redwood City.  He built the Fremont Hotel, one of the most popular hotels in the county, and has since continued to operate it.  As a man of integrity and square dealing few have a better reputation than he.

Transcribed by Karen L. Pratt

Source: Henry D. Barrows & Luther A. Ingersoll, A Memorial & Biographical History of the Coast of Central California. Page 343. Chicago, Lewis Publishing Co., 1893.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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