San Mateo Directory


Arthur F. Woodmansee, Manager







Acct…. Accountant-elev….adv….. Advertisement-eng…. Engineer-prop…. proprietor
agt…. agent-est….estate-pub…. Publisher
apts…. Apartments-exp….archt…. Architect-expmn….assn…. Association-frt….av…. Avenue-fur rms….furnished rooms-s…. South
bet…. Between-furn….bkbndr…. Bookbinder-furngs…. Furnishings-sec….bkpr…. Bookkeeper-gds….bldg…. Building-gen….blk…. Block-h…. Residence or house-spec…. Special
blksmith…. The blacksmith-hdw…. Hardware-sta….boul…. Boulevard-ins….brklyr…. Bricklayer-inspr….Stenographer
brkmn…. Brakeman-Lab….carp…. Carpenter-lithogr…. Lithographer-supt…. Superintendent
cashr…. Cashier-lndy….cbtmkr…. Cabinetmaker-mach…. Machinist-tchr….civ eng…. Civil engineer-mcht… merchant-tel…. Telephone
clk…. Clerk-mdse….Telegraph
clnr…. Cleaner-mfr….Teamster
colr…. Collector-mkr….comn…. Commissioner-mi….cond…. Conductor-mkt….conf…. Confectioner-n….constr…. Contractor-nr….Upholsterer
cor…. Corner-opp….ct…. court-opr…. Operator-v pres….ctr… Cutter-orchdst…. Orchardist-vydst…. Vineyardist
dep.… deputy-pass…. Passenger-vulc…. Vulcanizer
dept…. Department-pharm….div…. Division-photgr….photographer-whsmn…. Warehouseman
dom…. Domestic-phys….e…. East-pkr…. Packer-wks…. Works
elec…. Electrician-pres….

(Hillsborough residence receiving their mail at Burlingame P O are listed here.)



Gabinett Geo clk r 163 2d
GAFFIGAN JOHN A (Margaret M) (Gaffigan Sheet Metal Works) h 311 8th
Gaffney C h 203 W Poplar
Gaglio Saml (Matilda) shoemkr h 517 Mt Diablo
Gainer Agnes T r 41 No C
Gainer Jos J gardener h 41 No C
Gainer Kathryn F nurse r 41 No C
Gainer Mrs Margt r 41 No C
Gainer Mary E r 41 No C
Gallagher Mrs Sarah r 53 Griffith
Gainer T Frank clk r 41 No C
Gaines Henrietta A tchr r 614 Highland
Gaines Waller E (Alice) trainmn h 614 Highland
Gale Edna music tchr r 39 Griffith
Gallagher Chas printer r 53 Griffith
Gallagher Mrs Sarah r Griffith
Gallagher Mrs Sarah r 53 Griffith [found above out of alphabetical order]
Gamble Wm W phys r 241 E Bellevue
Gandion L D h 921 Palm
Gandolph Antonio (Mary) gardener h 809 2d
Ganino Nuziato (Rozina) lab h 7 No G
Ganzini Marcelio (Antonia) lab h 326 So E
Garbo Salvador (Laura) barber 248 Main h 17 So C
Garcia Ramon (Inez) lab h 620 4th
Gard John C (Caroline) civ eng h 826 Prospect
Garguilo John gardener r 432 Wisnom
Gargiulo Ralph (Mary) (Three Cities Nursery) h 302 No D
Garguilo Tony gardener h 432 Wisnom
Garland Edw F (Josie) mech h 44 No F
Garnier Julius (Madeline) mfg h 621 Highland
Garrett Jas clk r 247 No D
Garrett Jos (Harriet) wood sawyer h 110 3d
Garrett Mrs Mary A h 1017 Creek
Gartner Mrs Florence L h 332 No C
Garton Russell J (Clara) publisher h 635 Costa Rica
Garvey Thos J (Jessie) auto parts h 1022 Laurel
Gassenberg Ellen tchr Homstead Sch r 226 So D
Gassenberg Henry J (Rilda) elec h 226 So D
Gassenberg Henry J Jr clk r 226 So D
Gassner Mrs Henrietta Poett rd Hillsboro
Gastaldi Mrs E rt 1 bx 14
Gately Josephine r 233 Warren
Gately Rose E h 233 Warren
Gaunt Clifford eng r 141 B
Gaunt Ernest B (Ethel) carrier P O h 521 So D
Gauvin Aurore B supt S M Preventorium h 418 No C
Gava Jos lab r rear 12 No F
Gavin Wm J eng Mills Hosp
Gay Mrs Mary h 726 Hurlingham
Gayman Bert A (Alice M) h 555 Occidental
Geary Roy (Carol) floors h 728 Costa Rica
Gedge Donald M (Daisy) phys h 221 W Bellevue
Geen Cory P (Jessie) mcth h 820 Highland
Geft Almon D (Lena) carp h 809 5th
GEHRELS FRANZ (Marie) Physician and Surgeon 203 Balovich Bldg h 124 Griffith
Gehret Alfd C (Maude E) estimator h 11 Westmoreland
Genovese Antonio barber S Santaluce h 611 2d
Genske Fritz E (Gertrude) mfr h 723 Costa Rica
Gerbing Geo F chauf Pen Ice Co r 328 No C
Gerbing John J (Mary) h 328 No C
Gercke Wm J (Olga) carp h 36 16th
Gergen John T (Mattie) meat ctr R E Ferranti h 116 No C
Gherini Ambrose (Maria) atty h Brewer Dr
Ghetto Otto rt 1 bx 33
Ghigo Lauro lab h 325 So E
Ghirardelli D F (Addie) r 810 W St Ines Hillsboro
Giannini Amadeo P (Clorinda) banker h 20 San Mateo av
Giannini Lawrence clk r 20 San Mateo av
Giannini Virgil clk r 20 San Mateo av
Giansiracusi Paul lab r rear 7 No G
Gibbons Wm H (Anna) ins broker h 408 Midway
Gibbs Geo carp r 26 So C
Giblin P gardener r 128 So C
Gibsen Mrs Anna r 126 Ellsworth
Gibsen Edgar C (Irma L) carp h 126 Ellsworth
GIBSON BRUCE S Pres Penn Furniture Shops Inc r 130 2d
Gibson Dorothy tel opr r 38 No E
Gibson Frank r 465 Costa Rica
Gibson Herbt (Louise) clk h 716 5th
Gibson Jay R (Frances T) tires 301 Baldwin h 420 Wisnom
Gibson John carp h 38 No E
Gibson Theo G (Della O) draftsmn h 238 The Crescent
Gibson Wm F (Esther) carp h 39 No F
Gilardi Henry plumber r 39 Griffith
Gilbert J Raleigh (Minnie) atty h 408 Warren
Gilchristie Ada C tchr r 105 Tilton
Gilchristie Andrew (Catherine) bkpr h 105 Tilton
Gilchristie Ellis B clk r 105 Tilton
Gilchristie Gladys H r 105 Tilton
Gilcrest Pauline tchr Homestead Sch r 343 Highland
Gilhouse Geo h 717 3d
Gill Raymond F (Annette B) ins h 1405 Palm
Gillen Wm J (Margt J) metal wkr h 20 15th
Gilligan Ignatius painter r Union Hotel
Gillingham Edw butler r 900 S El Camino
Gillis Ray (Eva) pharm G H Eilers h 216 So E
Gilman Maud R tchr High Sch r 52 Peninsular Ct
Gilmore John A dry gds 264 B r 123 2d
Gilmore Mrs Minnie rt 1 bx 29a
GINNEVER CHAS A Real Est Insurance Notary Public Balovich Bldg 235 3d r 331 Griffith
Ginnever Thos (Mary E) h 331 Griffith
Girte Mary r 428 B
Gittings Reginald J (Maude) elec h 716 San Mateo
Gitzendonner Louis C printer News Leader r 215 2d
Gjerdrum Eivand (Agnes) clk h 924 4th
Glant Abe (Hazel) mcht Edgehill rd Hillsboro
GLASCOCK WM L (Ilene L) Principal San Mateo Union High Schools r Howard Rd Hillsboro
Glazer Sandy R (Sophie) clnr 318 3d h 345 Elm
Glennon Mrs Anita r 94 W Poplar
Glennon Floyd W (Florence) chauf Dairy Dl Co h 209 No C
Glennon Ione designer r 94 W Poplar
Glover Wesley btblk H B Taylor r 127 No F
Glud Paul W (Christa) metalwkr h 133 No G
Godano Peter gardener h 500 No D
Goddard Wilfred B (Florence) designer h 438 Hillcrest
Godfrey Wm (Louise) h 517 Crescent
Goecken Louis H (Nettie) h 50 Clark
Goffin Mrs Nellie r 420 Dorchester
GOLDBERG, BOWEN & CO Mrs L E O'Connell Mgr Grocers 170 2d
Golden Gate Hotel Mrs Pearl Ammerman mgr 163 2d
Goldie John G carp r 720 Highland
Goldie Mrs Nellie h 720 Highland
Goldman Leon (Grace M) stock broker h 937 Laurel
Goldstein Edw r 237 Griffith
Goldstein Hyman (Ida) clnr 330 3d h 237 Griffith
Goldstein Isaac driver Burl Furn Store r 237 Griffith
Goldstein Philip bkpr r 237 Griffith
Goldstein Sara G steno Pen Bank r 237 Griffith
Gomes Francis E (Mary T) bkpr J F McGowan h 122 15th
Gomes Jos r 122 15th
Gonzales Jos (Mary) h 76 No G
Gonzales Manuel gardener h 151 No C
Gonzales Mary lndywkr r 76 No G
Gonzales Victor (Julia) ftr Pen Water Co h 1012 E Poplar
Goodhue Saml G (Clarice) tchr High Sch h 218 Minnie
Goodier Jonathan (Margt) salsn S Oil Co h 16 Clark
Goodier Lewis E r 16 Clark
Goodspeed Mrs Elizabeth r 48 W St Ines
Goodwin Wm A (Anna B) grocer 1106 S El Camino
Gootherts Max (Dorris) salsn h 738 Costa Rica
Gordon Alfd W (Barbara) bldg mat h 186 Warren
Gordon Esther tchr r 405 B
Gordon Jos B (Wilma) (Kirkbride & Gordon) h 525 San Mateo
Gordon Mrs Mary J r 350 Elm
Gordon Roy E (Pearl) lather h 241 No C
Gordon Walter J r 3 10th
Gore Frank W (Margt) lather h 415 So E
Goss Philip (Ruby) mcht h 53 El Cerrito
Goss Saml (Vera) mcht Hillsboro
Gotelli Lawrence V (Marie) dept mgr Levy Bros h 105 So D
Gothan Emil F (Esther I) mcht h 453 Wisnom
Gothard John W (Christine) driver h 266 Main
Goudy Baptiste rt 1 bx 39b
Goudy Louis (Adeline) rt 1 bx 40
Goudy Phil rt 1 bx 40
Gould Albt R h 215 W St Ines
Govan Mrs Isabelle r 603 No D
Govan Jos (Minnie) driver H E Casey Co h 603 No D
Goviera Manuel (Marie) lab S M F & F Co h 343 No E
Gowdie Dessie r 729 Highland
Grab Mrs O r 130 Baywood
Grabowski Felix (Modesta) bldg contr h 330 No D
Grace Lutheran Church (Rev A R Kurtz) 321 Griffith
Graham Jas (Hazel) salsn r 39 Griffith
Graham Mathew cementwkr h 710 No C
Grana Louis (Daisy) (San Mateo Bakery) h 107 No G
Granberg Dolly hairdresser r 39 Griffith
Grandke Mrs Carolina r 118 10th
Grand-Perrin Mrs Blanche h 21 Baywood
Granellene Olindo (Julia) lab h 153 14th
Grant Saml (Margt) painter h 33 No E
Grantley W R rt 1 bx 4
Granuccie Fred (Jennie) molder h 612 So G
Grassi Mrs Minnie r 38 No C
Gravance Manuel driver S M F & F Co r 273 S Railroad
Graves Mary tchr h 218 Elm
Graves Philip H (Margt) gardener h 20 E St Ines
Gray Albt. W floorlyr r 1115 5th
Gray Mrs Della h 1115 5th
Gray Jas G (Hazel) servicemn Levy Bros h 135 11th
Gray Ralph E (Vay C) salsn h 414 Dorchester
Gray Saml A (Adelia) carp h 427 Midway
Green Allie J (Virginia) elec h 636 So E
Green Austin J P O Box 271 Homestead
Green Chas E (Mary) banker h 109 Elm
Green Geo A (Emily) painter h 525 N El Camino
Greenberg Louis (Ruth) notions 139 B h 141 B
Greene Jerry lab r rear 7 No G
Greene John C (Frances) lab r 709 2d
Greene Merle J (Ersie) salsn rt 1 bx 14c
Greenfield Benj chauf r 215 2d
Greenley Mrs Mary h 110 St Matthews
Greer Lowell C (Isabelle) salsn B L Grow h 335 Griffith
Grell Edw F (Lydia) exporter h 734 Prospect
Griffin Eva F h 438 Wisnom
Griffin Mervyn E (Rita E) bkpr h 605 So E
Griffin Robt W r 438 Wisnom
Griffin Apts 227 Griffith
Griffith Mrs Ellen beauty shop 47 B
Griffith Reece J (Ellen) h 47 B
Griffiths Thos L (Catherine) lather h 331 No D
Grihault Victor A (Mabel) shoemkr 409 2d h 354 No C
Grill Martha nurse Mills Hosp
Grimaud Mrs Germaine hair dresser h 303 Highland
Grover Alvin L (Olive S) foremn h 16 12th
Grover Wm S watchmn r 16 12th
GROW BERNARD L (Clara) Real Est 326 3d h 337 Highland
Grow S Leslie musician r 337 Highland
Grumnom Frank S (Katheryn) real est 369 B h 81 W Poplar
Grummon Harriet H designer r 81 W Poplar
Grummon Marguerite L clk r 81 W Poplar
Guarini Croce (Louisa) nurserymn h 336 No D
Guenther Frank (May F) const eng h 154 12th
Guernsey John B (Irene) controller h 718 Hurlingham
Guerrero Caterino (Dolores) glazier h 715 4th
Guerry Elmer B gardner h 221b No C
Guido Angelo (Lila) mgr Mt View Fruit Co h 502 No C
Guido Frank (Caroline) (Mt View Fruit Co) h 501 No D
Guido Geo (Grace) (Mt View Fruit Co) h 518 E Bellevue
Guido Santo lab r 501 No D
Guilliaume Mrs Rose h 2 Clark
Guisto Domanic (Estella) lab h 146 No D
Gunn Albt W (Irene C) salsn h 127 Griffith
Gunn Mrs Amelia asst E K Sisson
Gunn Chester saltmkr r 319 2d
Gunn D Eckel (Margt) radio h 60 Clark
Gunn Wm lab r rear 211 No D
Gustafson Frank G (Beda) carp h 322 Grand
Gustafson Frank W (Edythe) carp h 21 So C
Gustafson Oscar C A sta opr R B Vail r 322 Grand
Gustafson Robt A clk r 322 Grand
Guthrie Archie J (Mayme E) plumber E C Cottier h 311 Minnie
Guttormsen Emma nurse r 312 Griffith


Haaren Grace E artist r 32 Hayward
Haaren Mrs Henriette h 32 Hayward
Haaren Henriette M r 32 Hayward
Haaren John H archt r 32 Hayward
Haas Mrs Hannah P r 227 Elm
Haberl Albtt (Freda) chauf h 611 1st
Hackett Roy waiter Noah's Ark r 127 No F
Hage Mrs Pearl E housekpr Hillsboro
Hager V D plumber r 319 2d
Hahn Chester B salsn r 715 Occidental
Hahn Harry salsn r 715 Occidental
Hahn Helen H clk r 715 Occidental
Hahn Jacob H (Ella) h 715 Occidental
Haight Harry mech W C Davis h 315 No D
Halfpenny Wm L (Amy) clk h 160 Warren
Halket Wm D (Jessie) h 642 Costa Rica
Hall Anne M bacteriologist r 19 10th
Hall Benj F (Addie) (Morse Pharmacy) h 202 Ellsworth
Hall Eleanor H r 19 10th
Hall Geo O (Clara P) stationer h 19 10th
Hall Geo W (Helen) prin S M Gram Schs h 29 Baywood
Hall Gilbert E (Ethel) macht r 39 Griffith
Hall Lucy A r 302 Ellsworth
Hall Marion A tchr Central Sch r 29 Baywood
Hall Randolph potter r 255 Griffith
Hallinan T Jerome r 811 Laurel
Hallinan Wm J (Catherine L) sawyer S M P M Co h 811 Laurel
Halloran Mrs Katherine h 427 Villa
Hama Geo (K) barber h 106 So C
Hamann Emil (Emma) (St James Hotel) h 273 S Railroad
Hamby Frank lab r 318 So D
Hamby Mrs Mary E h 318 So D
Hamilton Danl lab r 127 No F
Hamilton Mrs Isabelle steno Rochex & Rochex r 325 So D
Hamilton Jas M ry agt h 311 Minnie
Hamilton Jerome (Estella) real est h 615 Barriolhet
Hamilton Robt C (Anna) driver S M F & F Co h 410 Cypress Ct
Hamilton Warren S carrier P O r 615 Barriolhet
Hammatt W C h 915 Laurel
Hammond Frank (Lily) painter rt 1 bx 13b 1st av
Hancox Geo W )Susie) lab h 346 No E
Handy Walter waiter r 403 Cypress Ct
Hanlan Jas C (Orrie) painter h 324 N El Camino
Hanna Patk lab r Yorke Apts
Hannewig Edw r Roehampton rd
Hanni Ernest (Elizabeth) farmer h 225 Warren
Hansen Aug F (Jeanette) chauf P R T Co h 508 E St Ines
Hansen Chas (Christine) plumber rt 1 bx 21b Millde av
Hansen Chris W (Marguerite) h 402 Tilton
Hansen Dorris H artist r 402 Tilton
Hansen Hazel D studt r 402 Tilton
Hansen Halmer J (Lois) carp h 1201 5th
Hansen Nick (Annie) dairymn h 50 Clark
Hansen Robt (Marie) mgr Nelson Meat Co r 21 No F
Hansen Rudolph (Mildred) dairymn h 628 Hurlingham
Hanson Wm (Jessie) mech Pattison Garage h 21 No F
Hanzlik Paul J (Bertha) phys h 819 Prospect
Haquette Mrs Isabel r 24 Hayward
HARBISON CHAS H Adv Mgr Coast Directory Co P O 445 Burlingame
Hardie John W (Gertrude) shipwright rt 1 vx 18d
Harding Allan C (Studio of Physical Culture) r Palo Alto
Harding Helen E steno Bank of Italy r 222 Grand
Hardy Henry (Edith E) salsn 824 Highland
Hardy Henry C salsn r 824 Highland
Harger Mrs. Angeline r 1215 5th
Harger C H (Edith) carp h 1215 5th
Harke Emil mach Seibel Air Spg Co h 623 B
Harkins D P h 635 1st
Harney Mrs Sarah M r 110 St Matthews
Harney Walter D (Nina) publisher h 811 Crescent
HARPER M M METHOD Helen I Kammerer Mgr 1437 Burlingame Av Burlingame
Harper Method Shop (Ruth Rose Iva Doherty) Balovich Bldg
Harper Robt T (Leila) bonds h 410 Occidental
Harpootlian Carnig A (May) clk h 1002 Rosewood
Harrell Thos h rear 120 N Railroad
Harris Mrs Alice M P O bx 107 Hillsboro
Harris Saml F mining eng r 205 State
Harrison Ellis (Julia) (Hotel Mateo) h 22 B
Harrison Mrs Frances h 439 Wisnom
Harrison John potter r 123 Baldwin
Harrison Philip F cable opr r 439 Wisnom
Hart Harvey F (Harriet E) personel dir h 729 Highland
Hart Morton E (Mary) phys h 30 San Mateo av
Harta Paul (Katie) lab h 144 No G
Hartfield Ray waiter r 817 Mt Diablo
Hartman Chas rt 1 bx 52y
Hartshorn Benj F (Carrie) mech h 195 E Bellevue
Harvey Geo A (Josie) h 163 Barriolhet
Harvey Wilson B (Nellie) carp h 79 No G
Hasagawa E h 511 3d
Haskell S L r 138 B
Hastings Saml r 415 So E
Hatch Mrs Gertrude h 117 Baywood
Hatch Harden (Susan) banker h 421 Crescent
Hatcher Percy F (Alice) rt 1 bx 21g
Hathaway Harry D (Eugenia) draperymn Penn Furn Shops h 58 Ellsworth
Hathorn Wm K (Floy) elec h 151 No F
Hatton Mrs Fannie L h 212 The Crescent
Hatton Horace H carp r 212 The Crescent
Hatton Hugh A (Margt A) carp h 14 State
Hatton Robt N photg r 212 The Crescent
Hauge Oscar (Ingrid) cone mkr h 826 4th
Haughton Alice E studt r 137 Elm
Haughton Fred A (Anna K) farmer h 137 Elm
Haughton Helen L pharm r 137 Elm
Haven Lewis Q (Corene) acct h 145 Warren
Havreo Richd (Anna) flagmn S P Co h 403 So I
Hawk Clarence E (Delia) millmn Wisnom Lbr Co h 231 No C
Hawkins John A (Mary) refr eng h 119 So C
Haworth Mrs Annie h 15 Clark
Haxe Walter G (Katherine) salsn h 5 W Bellevue
Hay Alice M chiropractor 126 2d
Hay Emma h 17 14th
Hayashi H rt 1 bx 52z
HAYMAN E P (E P Hayman Co) r 635 Occidental
HAYMAN E P CO (E P Hayman) Real Est Ins Home Builders Loans and Stocks and Bonds Baldwin Av and B
Hayne Mrs Grace P h 500 S El Camino
Haynes C R rt 1 bx 34
Haynes H A auditor P R T Co r 123 2d
Hays John B (Gertrude) ins agt h 15 W Poplar
Hazelton Eva nurse Mills Hosp
Headrick Clark (May) lab h 317 A
Healy Edw C (Vera B) atty h 215 State
Heaney Mrs Lily h 465 Costa Rica
Heastand Frank D (Hazel) h 643 Crescent
Heath Mrs Belle C h 411 Tilton
Heavey Mrs Mary M h 222 Villa
Heavey Edw tchr High Sch r 246 Elm
Hedge Loraine M stngr r 319 Highland
Hedge Ora L (Daisy) (Easley & Hedge) h 319 Highland
Hedinger Geo potter r 42 So C
Hedlund Geo millmn S M P M Co r Union Hotel
Heegaard Carl V (Eva E) h 130 Griffith
Heegaard Chas E r 130 Griffith
Heesaker Al linemn r 208 No D
Heimann Esther bkpr r 310 The Crescent
Heisinger Hugo (Betty) ydmn S M P Mill Co h 1120 4th
Hellman Richd (Nina) h 517 Hurlingham
Helm Julius gardener r 207 2d
HELWIG HAROLD G (Billie) Sec Penn Furn Shops Inc h 172 2d
Hemmen Nicholas lab h 123 2d
Hemming T Percy (Annie) clk Shell Co h 402 A
Hempstead Chas J (Luna M) h 852 Jefferson
Hempstead E May steno r 852 Jefferson
Henderson Chas S elec h 241 No D
Henderson Lillian B steno r 241 No D
Hendrickson Mrs Ruth M stngr r 337 Ellsworth
Hennes Edw lab r 354 No C
Henning Cleveland X (Mildred) salsn h 232 Warren
Henrioulle Henry (Nellie uphlstr h 60 No C
Henry Mrs John J r Hillsboro Boul
Henwood Arthur W (Ellen J) gardener h 714 Highland
Henwood Edith T tchr McKinley Sch r 714 Highland
Henwood Edw A clk r 714 Highland
Henwood Herbt T (Martha) clk Levy Bros h 726 5th
Herrick Mrs Rose J h 222 8th
Herrick Stephen C salsn r 222 8th
Herrick Wm L broker r 222 8th
Herrmann Edwin A (Mary D) hide dlr h 710 Laurel
Herrmann Meyer J mcht h 11 Ranelagh
Hertz Saml (Lillian) pipeftr h 50 No D
Hester Mrs Mamie E h 704 Mt Diablo
Hettinger Ruth tchr Hi Sch r 70 Clark
Hewitt Herman H (Mary) carrier Burl P O h 872 Jefferson
Heyman Alvin (Ruth) real est h 35 Baywood
Heyman Oscar (Harriet) real est h 130 Baywood
Hibnes Mrs Frances h 455 Wisnom
Hickey Richd (Della) mech Motor Sales Co r 210 So F
Hicks Harold S (Vivian) carp h 638 Costa Rica
Hicks Simon P (Mary) mcht h 827 Cypress av
Higby Christopher B r 325 Clark
Higgins Chas W (Dorothy) contr h 520 Occidental
High School W L Glascock prin Baldwin cor Griffith
Highland Fredk T (Bertha) h 718 No C
Hildebrand Fred H (Caroline) h 21 11th
Hill Alvah W rt 1 bx 21f
Hill Fentress (Marian) lumberman h 150 Sycamore
Hill Geo potter r 22 B
Hill Jean r 910 4th
Hill Vance P studt r 104 Hayward
Hill Wm V (Edith F) rymn h 104 Hayward
Hillebrand Louis H (Marion) foremn W C Davis h 407 Midway
Hillshouse Wm lab r rear 211 No D
Hills Wm E (Libby) auditor h 845 Jefferson
HILLSBOROUGH PARK CO J E Casey Pres H E Casey V-Pres G W Stollery Sec D J Stollery Gen Mgr 307 B
Hillyard Harry C (Grace) elec h 323 The Crescent
Hindle Mrs M rt 1 bx 20
Hinshaw Wm J lab r Union Hotel
Hintz John J (Margt) h 117 Ellsworth
Hirata Harry h 517 2d
Hirose S J rt 1 bx 50c
Hirschey Claude M (Jule) chf police Hillsboro h 428 Midway
Hirschey Earl M clk r 428 Midway
Hirschman Marion (Teresa) jeweler Hillsboro
Hitt Glenn C (Grace) salsn Lang Realty Co h 167 11th
Hoag Carl L (Josephine) phys h 732 Occidental
Hoag Edgar L (Josephine) real est h 301 W St Ines
Hoag Walter R (Florence) real est h 17 Baldwin
Hobart Edw (Halaira) adv agt h 719 Prospect
Hobart Walter S (Flora) farmer P O bx 105 Hillsboro
Hobson Jos potter r 255 Griffith
Hoeffler Henry R r Seabury rd
Hoefler Myron P (Marguerite) gkpr h 1214 B
Hoefler Raymond O (Mildred M) salsn h 1605 B
Hoelle Emile (Minnie) dept mgr g 735 Occidental
Hoey John A (Rose T) atty h 851 Higland
Hofer Anna r 29 Ellsworth
Hofer Fred C (Cora A) musician h 255 No D
Hoffman G mgr Woolworth Co r 145 Griffith
Hoffman Hugh E (Eva) mach Motor Sales Co h 1103 B
Hoffmeyer Geo H r 521 Crescent
Hoffmeyer Theo C (Cora M) h 521 Crescent
Hogan Danl J (Cora) (Union Hotel) h 336 3d
Hogan Jas A cigars 711 B
Hoghton Roy A (Florence H) tile contr h 133 14th
Hokamp Alex (Theresa) h 812 N El Camino
Holetz Robt A (Ione N) cutler h 536 So E
Holland Mrs Audrey clk r 416 E Bellevue
Holland Bernard lab r Union Hotel
Holland Patk (Katherine) miner h rear 227 No D
Hollister Fay L (Rose) painter h 77 No D
Holly Geo lab r 128 So C
Holm Louis (Maria) draftsmh Wisnom Lbr Co h 110 5th
Holmberg Axel F (Theresa) h 40 Chester
Holmes Hans mach h 139 No G
Holmes Henry (Grace) lab h 342 No D
Holsher Herman T (Anita) contr h rear 325 Elm
Holt Wm W (Minnette) paints h 1116 B
Holton Luther J (Elizabeth) h 100 Clark
Holvey Jas F (Sarah) salsn h 132 N Railroad
Holzhauser Tessie bkpr Rosesetti's Booterie h 138 B
Homestead Grocetaria A A Pepin mgr 1314 S El Camino
HOMESTEAD GARAGE (T J Brown) Oldsmobile and Oakland Cars El Camino cor 13thav
Homestead School 15th nr El Camino
Homome T (Motoko) lab h 142 N Railroad
Honerlah Andrew J (Amy) carpetlyr rt 1 bx 7 1st av
Honeysett Ernest H (Annie C) valet h 18 Ellsworth
Hooker Robt G broker El Cerrito av Hillsboro
Hooper Chas (Eliza N) carp h 323 Minnie
Hooper Freda E studt r 323 Minnie
Hooper Noel W (Alice N) draftsmn h 323 Minnie
Hoover Howard L (Cora) dispatcher h 100 Peninsular
Hop Sing Lung chop suy 400 1st
Hop Yick grocer 425 1st
Hopkins Mrs Lydia h 415 A
Hopkins Robt J tchr Junior Coll r 339 Elm
Hopler Thornton M (Myrtle) tchr Hi Sch h 27 W Poplar
Horn Mrs Millis r 625 Hurlingham
Horne Jas (Katherine) carp h 536 So D
Horter John J (Margt) rt 1 bx 52c
Horton Dolores r 61 No C
Horwitz Hyman (Fannie) barber 313 2d h 533 So E
Hotel Mateo (Ellis Harrison) 22 B
Hotel Royal (Mrs M A Booth) 319 2d
Hotel St James (Emil Hamann) 273 S Railroad
Hotel St Matthew (Mrs Minnie Kendrick) 215 2d
Hotel Vendome (Bart Sheehan Jr) 128 So C
How Jared (Margt) Poett rd Hillsboro
Howard Chas S (Fannie) autos h 200 Warren
Howard Chas S Jr r 200 Warren
Howard Geo H (Antoinette) archt Roblar Hillsboro
Howard Jean r 801 Mt Diablo
Howard Jos H P Jr (Helene) h 433 Midway
Howard Len C r 200 Warren
Howard Mrs Marion P W St Ines Hillsboro
Howard R E lab h 311 So C
Howartson E A truckmn h 318 So D
Howe Mrs Alice M El Cerrito av Hillsboro
Howe Mrs Clara r 310 Clarke
Howell Albt J (Maude) mcht h 1016 Palm
Howell Jack W (Sadie) lab h 63 Griffith
Howley John (Clara) foremn h 88 No H
Hoyland Mrs Eleanor M r 507 Dorchester
Hughes Chas R (Ada) steel h 3 9th
Hughes Robt h 411 Villa
Hughes Robt Jr r 411 Villa
HUGHES ROBT H (Marian) Pres San Mateo Feed & Fuel Co h 219 State
Hughes Wm r 138 B
Hull Mrs Ellen T h 122 2d
Hull John P (Clara) real est h 1510 Palm
Hull Mary E r 122 2d
Hull Mrs May O housekpr Yorke Apts
Hull W Coleman clk r 122 2d
Hultberg Hugo (Eva) bldr rt 1 bx 60 Tulip av
Humbert Henry C (Louise) mech S M Nash Motor Co h 147 11th
Hume Arthur painter h 700 1st
Hume Thos rt 1 bx 31
Humphrey Mrs Ida A Hillsboro
Humphreys Florence nurse 335 Highland
Humphreys Howard L (Kathryn) clk h 335 Highland
Hunt Elija S (Mary W) h 317 Ellsworth
Hunter Jas J (Vivian H) banker 619 Laurel
Hunter John S bkpr r 128 N Railroad
Hunter Jos S (Marion T) h 155 12th
Hunter Mose (Anabelle) mech h 340 No D
Hunter Wm (Sarah) janitor h 128 N Railroad
Hurlburt Fred W (Susie) lather h 201 1st
Hurley Frank E eng r 643 No D
Hurley Geo V clk r 643 No D
Hurley Lawrence J (Winifred) toolkpr h 643 No D
Hurst A G carp r 319 2d
Husing Ernest A real est 369 B h 419 B
Hussey Fred B (Ethel) 301 W Bellevue
Huston Hugh potter r 431 Highland
Hutchings Chas (Ada R) carp h 612 Highland
Hutchinson Arthur S (Mary) atty h 42 Chester
Hutchinson Mrs Ida M r 208 Griffith
Huxtable John J (Adeline G) stationer 310 2d h 304 2d
Huyck Louis R (Laura G) carp h 241 E Bellevue
Huyett C B carp r 1623 B
Hyatt Niles G (Frances) adv agt h 316 N El Camino
Hyde Mrs Annie r 458 Wisnom
Hyman Jos h 44 Chester
Hyman Saml L (Marcella) drugs h 121 Vancouver
Hyman Walter G (May) mcht Howard rd Hillsboro


Ild Chris (Violet) shoemkr 20 B h Oak cor 1st Homestead
Ild Edw (Katherine) brklyr h 132 No F
Ild Julius farmer rt 1 bx 56 Brewer's Isl
Ild Richard printer r 132 No F
Ilse John W supt Born Bldg Co r 218 5th
Imachi Y rt 1 bx 49a
IMBODEN DANL C (Carolyn) Mgr Three Cities Chamber of Commerce h 800 Prospect
Imperial Laundry (T Yamauchi) 214 1st
I O O F Lodge W W Benepe sec 115 B
Industrial Finance Co J L Cook mgr 231 3d
Ingebritsen Haldor (Bertha) linemn h 625 Woodside
Inglis Jas E (Cecelia) h 215 2d
Ingraham Mrs Ida r 825 Jefferson
Inwood Mrs Mary C h 915 Palm
Irving Mrs Ella S sec Peninsula Bldg & Loan Assn h 34 12th
Irwin Chas J (Rachel) salsn rt 1 bx 18f Maple av
Ishibashi T gardener h 37 Grand
Isnardi M J (Lucia) rt 1 bx 14
Ito Frank lab h 111 No G
Ito K laundry 261 S Railroad
Izzard Carl F studt r 24 E Poplar
Izzard John (Augusta) h 24 E Poplar


Jackson Alex Mc (Rachel) lab Dairy Del Co h 715 No C
Jackson Mrs Christie h 519 Laurel
Jackson Clarence W (Mitchell Jackson & Co) r 519 Laurel
Jackson Florence M tel opr r 519 Laurel
Jackson Henry (Belle) janitor h 925 Cypress
Jackson Jas B carp r 519 Laurel
Jackson Mrs Jennie r 157 Elm
Jackson Percy W (Gertrude) salsn S Oil Co h 728 Prospect
Jackson Robt D foremn Cahalan Co r 519 Laurel
Jackson Walter S mecht r 157 Elm
Jackson Wilbur H clk r 157 Elm
Jackson Wm J poultrymn Homestead
Jacobs Abe (Nellie) dry gds 230 B h 312 The Crescent
Jacobs Frank B (Vivian) h 523 Occidental
Jacobs Herbt A (Mary) janitor h 119 No C
Jacobson Harry C (Gertrude) pipeftr h rear 234 The Crescent
Jacoby Wm B (Marie) h 425 Occidental
Jaeger Philip (Wanda) h 333 Ellsworth
James Jas S (Florence) civ eng Lang Realty Co h 412 Midway
James John N (Helen Ide) journalist h 812 Prospect
Jameson Mrs H E rt 1 bx 21 2d av
Janes C A phys r Brewer Drive
Jansen Mrs Lydia h 320 The Crescent
Janssen Elsie r 110 Warren
Japanese Association K Abe sec 506 2d
Japanese Kindegarten 514 2d
Jaques John C (Bessie G) lab Wisnom Lbr Co h 320 Mt Diablo
Jarboe Thos (Jane) h 227 Minnie
Jardine Mrs Agnes h 220 The Crescent
Jared C Burton (Ruth) clk h 339 Elm
Jassoy Wm R (Maybelle) salsn h 235 Ellsworth
Jay Malcolm lab Wisnom Lbr Co r 223 So E
Jeffery John M clk r 49 B
Jenking Geo (Elizabeth) gardener h 311 So D
JENKINS HOWARD O (Anna) Pres San Mateo Nash Motor Co h 940 Rosewood
Jenkins Jos (Kathryn) mach h 181 Barriolhet
JENKINS & STUBBE Real Est and Ins 1117 Burlingame Ave Burlingame
Jennings Bldg 218 B
Jennings Emily nurse r 218 Ellsworth
Jennings Harold E r 318 B
Jennings Helen tel opr r 1016 3d
Jennings John lab h 1016 3d
Jennings Mrs Mary E h 318 B
Jennings Thos R (Hannah) ydmn S M P M Co h 910 Tilton
Jennings Truman W r 318 B
Jenny Jos gardener r 38 No C
Jensen Fred painter r rear 211 No D
Jensen Fred O (Mabel) chauf Club Taxi h 409 So D
Jensen Lauritz mach r 130 Griffith
Jensen Wm H (Imogene) butcher h 409 So D
Jermaland Mrs Mary E bkpr r 123 No E
Jirasek Frank (Annie) butcher h 228 So E
Joaquin Jose (Mary) lab h 249 No E
Johansen Eugene (Gertrude) nurserymn h 416 El Camino
Johns Mrs Julia P h 37 Crystal Spgs
Johnson Annie M steno S M F & F Co r 316 No C
Johnson Arthur W carp r 316 No C
Johnson Axel T lab Wisnom Lbr Co r Homestead
Johnson B Hjalmor butler r 145 N El Camino
Johnson Mrs Christine h 181 W Poplar
Johnson Clarence lather r 63 Griffith
Johnson Clarence V (Bessie) carp h 119 13th
Johnson Mrs Eleanor r 181 W Poplar
Johnson Emily clk Woolworth Co r 244 No C
Johnson Frank (Christina) lab h 316 No C
Johnson Fredk M (Conway Raybould & Johnson) h 228 Peninsular
Johnson Gail B (Carrie B) salsn Lang Realty Co h 402 Clark
Johnson Geo B gardener r 316 No C
Johnson Hugo elec r 181 W Poplar
Johnson Mrs Ida B r 107 Grand
Johnson Jas H (Annie) shipping h 433 Turner
Johnson John A cementwkr rt 1 bx 19
Johnson Mrs Laura r 39 S Railroad
Johnson Louis (Lina) bldg contr h 729 Occidental
Johnson L E rt 1 bx 46a
Johnson Otto housemn 450 Griffith
Johnson Ralph H (Edna) foremn P G & E Co h 515 4th
Johnson Robt H millmn r 316 No C
Johnson Mrs Sarah R h 63 Griffith
Johnson Sven J (Annie) chauf F Smith Furn Co h 244 No C
Johnson Thos rt 1 bx 38a
Johnson Thos W (Mabel) jeweler h 709 Hurlingham
Johnson Walter J (Archie) butler h 712 Woodside
Johnson David P (Susan) iron wks h 824 N El Camino
Johnston Geo S (Edna) optician h 422 Roblar
Johnston Ira T (Marie N) h 871 Jefferson
Johnston Jas lab Burl St Dept r 519 E St Ines
Johnston Thos H h 519 E St Ines
Johnstone Carl M (Dorothy) supt P G & E Co h 227b Griffith
Johnstone Jas (Mary D) lab h 223 E St Ines
Johnstone Walter L (Ella S) h 208 Griffith
Joki Emil (Vera) h 182 Warren
Jolin Mendel 2d hd gds 238 Main r S F
Jones Mrs Elizabeth r 149 2d
Jones Ernest E (Eva) waiter A Clayton h 257 No C
Jones Geo r 149 2d
Jones Harper clk O'Neil Bros r 58 Ellsworth
Jones Henry N (Agnes) civ eng h 610 So E
Jones Mrs Mayme houskpr Hotel Royal
Jones Russell linemn h H st cor Peninsular
Jones Thos J (Adelaide) mining eng Poett av Hillsboro
Jones Walter W (Rose) h 527 So F
Jones Wm P presser F Thomas Co r 149 2d
Jopp Mrs Barbara h 925 4th
Jorgensen Martin (Karen) carp h 236 The Crescent
Joyce Stephen h 811 Prospect
Ju Hom jan Levy Bros r 28 N Railroad
Juckert Ethel clk Levy Bros r 42 So C
Juckert Francis W r 42 So C
Juckert John B (Maude) potter h 42 So C
Judge J Wm salsn h 700 Costa Rica
Junior College Laurel cor 5th


Kagoshima Riso gardener h 100 St Matthews
Kahl Leroy salsn A Oil Co r 335 Griffith
Kamaru K lndywkr h 616 4th
Kamio G rt 1 bx 53
Kamp P O (Irma) refr eng h 1029 5th
Kantogonian Billy lab h 1215 3d
Kariya U Y barber h 206 So D
Karountzos Louis (Theodora) h 48 No F
Karstensen Berthe-Louise r 16 10th
Karstensen Jakob (Anna N) h 16 10th
Karucz John rt 1 bx 32a
Kashiwagi Shiro tailor h 94 No F
Kask Alex carp h 436 Grand
KAST PHIL R CO Phil R Kast Mgr Real Est Ins Loans 1431 Burlingame Av Phone Burl 196
Kato Frank lab h 240 So H
Kato J lndywkr h 512 2d
Kauffman Eugene (Florence) stationery h 56 W St Ines
Kauffman Joel W (Mildred) h 160 W Poplar
Kaufman Frank (Rosie) (Acme Mach Shop) h 109 So C
Kaye Fred M (Lucy) grocer h 45 W Poplar
Kearney John J (Margt) driver h 123 14th
Keary Marguerite r 142 10th
Keary Patk (Delia) plasterer h 142 10th
Keating Archie mech Wisnom Co
Keating Mrs Kate cigars 26 B h 373 No C
Keating Thos W r 337 Tilton
Keck Geo E painter F Owen r 337 Tilton
Keefer Chauncey T (Marian M) eng h 743 Costa Rica
Keegan Jas (Myra) bldg contr h 21 No E
Keegan Mrs Mary r 21 No E
Keister Mattie rt 1 bx 52h
Keith Mrs J Adelaide conf h 69 Ellsworth
Keller Lawrence elec r 325 No C
Kelley Harry A carp r 838 Highland
Kelley Jas E (Ida) clk h 435 Grand
KELLEY JOHN H (Jessie) (San Mateo County Realty Co) h 434 Wisnom
Kelley Lolita M tchr r 434 Wisnom
Kelley L (May) r 138 B
Kelly Michl J (Nora) lab h 136 11th
Kelso Martin (Johanna) painter h 322 Ellsworth
Kemper Clarence C (Bessie M) potter h 431 Highland
Kemper Leo L r 431 Highland
Kendrick Mrs Minnie (Hotel St Matthew) h 215 2d
Keneally Mrs Catherine r 417 Highland
Kennedy Bruce C farmer h 622 N El Camino
Kennedy Jas (Dora) carp h 328 Grand
Kenner Mrs Marguerite r 117 No E
Kenner Paul clk r 117 No E
Kenney Wm (Eliza) bldg contr h 337 Grand
Kent Mrs Frances h 640 So E
Kent Platt (Genevieve) atty h 224 W Poplar
Kentwell Wm h 327 Griffith
Keogh Austin M (Susan) h 475 N El Camino
Keplinger L B (Martha) mfr Hillsboro bx 114
Kern Louis F gardener P O Bx 74 Hillsboro
Kern Mrs Louise h 724 So E
Kern Reuben W (Grace B) autos h 1040 Laurel
Kerr Dora clk Puss'n Boots
Kerr Jas D (Mary B) h 323 Griffith
Kerr L h 10 Clerk
Kerr Wm J (Dorothy) phys h 180 W Poplar
Kerrigan Harry (Gertrude) clk C D Brown h 327 Mt Diablo
Kerscher Carl (Sophie) mech h 621 So F
Kertell Geo A City Judge h 332 Elm
Kertell Geo W tchr Hi Sch r 332 Elm
Kertell Lillie tchr Turnbull Sch r 332 Elm
Keyston Gartan (Bernice) atty h 120 Roblar
Keyston Geo A r Bromfield rd and Chester
Keyston Mrs Hazel E r Bromfield rd Hillsboro
Keyston Saml O (Lenore) mcht h 141 W Poplar
Killelea Geo C (Kathryn) painter h 140 Warren
Killelea Marguerite steno r 506 Highlan
Killelea Mrs Minnie h 506 Highland
KIME HARRY (Nettie) Contractor and Builder 55 No C Tel S M 689-W
King Frank L (Margaret E) eng h 318 Highland
King Mrs Hannah H r 701 Occidental
King Lyman potter r 431 Highland
King Michl J (Barbara) plstr h 444 Hillcrest
King Robt lab Wisnom Lbr Co r 223 So E
King Wm P (Anna) hod carrier h 242 B
Kinnell Louis F (Rose) salsn h 518 No C
Kinsley Guy R (Elsie) h 615 Hurlingham
Kint Wm lab r 402 SoD
Kipps Leslie J carp r 61 Hayward
Kipps Sarah steno Wisnom Lbr Co r 61 Hayward
Kipps Walter R (Rosina P) plasterer h 61 Hayward
Kirchner Albt mech r 415 So D
Kirchner Henry W N r 25 So D
Kirk David (Jennie) saltwkr h 7 B
Kirkbride Chas N (Mabel) (Kirkbride & Gordon) h 360 Elm
Kirkbride Mrs Louise H h 328 Griffith
KIRKBRIDE & GORDON (C N Kirkbride J B Gordon) Attys-at-Law 318 B
Kirkland C L (Leoda) painter h 611 Prospect
Kirkland Erma L steno r 442 Highland
Kirkland Harry P (Lillie B) steelwkr h 442 Highland
Kirschner Andw F (Lillian) mfg h 117 Clark
Kistler Carl M (Helen A) floorlyh h 2 Mateo Grounds
Kitchin Mrs Angelic r 222 W Bellevue
Kitchin Boris (Florence) h 222 W Bellevue
Kitchin Irma r 222 W Bellevue
Klaar Max h 841 Prospect
Klein Ernest (Freda) h 224 E St Ines
Kleiser Geo W (Maude) adv h 105 Baywood
Klima Edw E (Margt) police h 321 Grand
Klima Marie T nurse r 321 Grnad [sic]
Klingmann A A rt 1 bx 47
Klocksen Mrs Mary r 320 So D
Kloeckner Carl F gardener r 10 San Mateo av
Klose Chas G rt 1 bx 32f
KLOSS REV CHAS L (Congregational Ch) h 702 Laurel
Knapp Chas H (Jessie) driller rt 1 bx 46d
Knapp Mrs Helen r 706 Laurel
Knapp Laura A r 185 Barriolhet
Knapp Philip (Helen) lab h 50 No C
Knapp Stephen H (Florence) auditor h 185 Barriolhet
Knaup Paul J (Cleo) carp h 61 No C
Kneafsey Andw clk Levy Bros r 419 Midway
Kneass Geo W (Edith) boat bldr h 150 13th
Knechtli Paul (Emily) eng S M F & F Co h 17 N Railroad
Knight Chas W (Bertha) decorator h 220 E Poplar
Knight Frank eng r 25 N Railroad
Knight Jennie clk Abe Lincoln Stores r 25 N Railroad
KNIGHT VICTOR C (Anna) (Three Cities Glass Co) h 324 The Crescent
Knight Wm H (Frances) foremn h 25 N Railroad
Knight Wilson H (Dorothy S) patent atty h 69 9th
K of C Hall 217 Baldwin
Knoop M J painter h 411 Bayview
Knopp Frank A P (Mabel) pub acct h 438 Grand
Knott Edw linemn r 163 2d
Knowles Ward W (Vera A) cntr h 216 Tilton
Knuckles T S (Margt) lab h 1002 4th
Knudston Arthur S (Lucille A) h 508 San Mateo
Kocher Louis (Ellis C) clk h 622 San Mateo
Koenig Carl W (Lyla V) draftsmn h 54 Peninsular Ct
Koepf Fred A (Faith) bkpr h 720 Mt Diablo
Koepf John (Eliza) carp h 738 Mt Diablo
Koller Robt (Annie) painter h 820 3d
Kopp Christian (Ida) (City Mkt) h 137 Griffith
Koppell John h 3 So E
Koshland Danl E r Brewer Hillsboro
Kotler Cecelia clk r 555 No D
Kotler Morris (Refka) peddler h 555 No D
Kouns Mrs Ella h 32 No I
Krantz Louise nurse r 215 2d
Kranz Clarence A (Emma C) clk h 327 Bellevue
Krebs Theo H (Dorothy) estimator h 331 Tilton
Kreiss Geo A (Katherine) mcht h 35 W Poplar
Kretschmer Miss N H nurse h 20 So E
Kroger Chas R (Ethel) clk h 619 Woodside
Kroger Herman A (Pauline) salsn h 194 E Bellevue
Kronquest Wm (Matilda) carp h 819 5th
Kruse John H (Cora) mcht El Cerrito Hillsboro
Kruse Henry (Ida) h 710 Highland
Kuch Herman gardener r 22 B
Kuegeman Semour J (Florence) agt Prud Ins Co h 335 Highland
Kuentzel Curt (Elizabeth) mgr Seibel Air Spring Co h 25 16th
Kuhn Katherine H r 116 Elm
Kuhn Marian S r 116 Elm
Kuhn Rudolph (Reita) salsn h 431 Costa Rica
Kuhn Wm S (Katherine H) h 116 Elm
Kuhn Wm S Jr bank teller r 116 Elm
Kummer Henry L (Charlotte G) furn 1600 S El Camino
Kunz Arnold barber r 611 Prospect
Kurtz Rev Albt R (Albine) (Grace Lutheran Ch) h 443 Wisnom
Kurtz Mrs Leona A nurse h 145 Griffith
Kurutz John rt 1 bx 33c
Kutner Mrs Elizabeth F r 91 Crystal Spgs
Kutzer Almira r 903 5th
Kutzer Edna nurse r 903 5th
Kutzer Karl chauf r 903 5th
Kutzer Otto (Marie) mech h 903 5th
Kyburg Bertha rt 1 bx 13a 1st av


Lacay Louis restaurant 213 2d r 138 B
Ladeau Edgar J (Mary A) clk h 453 Highland
Ladouceur John plasterer r 30 No C
Lafond Jos cook r 250 B
Lagan Mary C houskpr 224 A
Lage Don ctr Turner & O'Rourke r 419 No C
Lage Dorothy M clk r 419 No C
Lage Harry J (Lillian) ctr Pen Meat Co h 419 No C
Lage John J switchmn r 419 No C
Lahaderene Cyrylle (Theresa) waiter h 307 Engle
Lais John butcher Homestead
Lake Russell (Adeline M) brkmn h 320 The Crescent
Lamaire Eugene (Marie) gardener h 230 Grand
Lamaire Marie clk r 230 Grand
Lamb Geo (Rose) clk rt 1 bx 9f Nut st
Lamb Mrs Josephine M Justice of the Peace 273 B r Belmont
Lamb Lizzie A r 33 W Bellevue
Lambe Mary nurse Mills Hosp r 8 2d
Lami Jos (Palace Fruit Mkt) r So S F
Lancaster Loyal E (Alice) cashr S P Co h 331 Mt Diablo
Landstrom Alfd A (Mary) millmn r 404 So D
Lane Lucia M phys h 236 Griffith
Languay Justice lndywkr r 159 No C
Languetin Emile E (Jeanette) mfr h 421 Barriolhet
Lansdale Mary G r 148 Roblar
Lansdale Philip r Brewer Hillsboro
Lantis Ralph L real est 1116 S El Camino h Burlingame
Lanza Frank (Catherine) mcht h 123 Clark
Lanza Grace r 123 Clark
Lanza Jas clk r 123 Clark
Lanza Tony r 123 Clark
Larner Mark J (Amy) mgr Prud Ins Co h 27 13th
Larson Mrs Agda r 325 So D
Larson Axel carp r 123 Baldwin
Larson Bastian L (Mary) carp h 620 San Mateo
Larson Evelyn M steno r 620 San Mateo
Larsen Geo F (Ragna) (Chris Larsen & Son) h 502 E St Ines
Larson John H tailor G Mortenson r 407 A
Lasar Frank J (Terry) h 600 W Poplar
Lataillade Prosper (Pauline) chauf h 117 10th
Lathan Alex S (Althea) auto supp h 721 Costa Rica
Lathan Julius E (Margt) auto supp h 414 Crescent
Latta Roy R (Dorothy) foremn Mitchell Jackson & Co h 223 E Bellevue
Lauersen Marius (Yvonne) bldr h 15 No C
Lauinger Geo P (Mary A) h 630 Prospect
Lavilla Mrs Mary A r 908 3d
Lawrence Mrs Charlotte h 855 Jefferson
Lawrence Grove studt r 855 Jefferson
Lawrence Helen h 629 Crescent
Lawrence Jas (Minnie) pres Peninsula Bank h 629 Crescent
Lawrence School E cor 3d
Lawrence Wm H studt r 855 Jefferson
Lawson Carl E (Mary J) shipper h 1 Mateo Grounds
Lea Wm J (Rose) patrolmn P G & E Co h 26 10th
Leadley Apts 124 Griffith
Leadley Edw H (Alice M) lab h 218 Ellsworth
Leadley Wm S (Nellie) (Leadley & Wiseman) h 210 Mt Diablo
Leadley & Wiseman (W S Leadley T T Wiseman) bldg contrs 207 2d
Leahy Chas H (Araminta) mgr S M Tobacco Co h 812 Jefferson
Leale Manuel O (Clara) driver S M F & F Co h 430 Grand
Leanor Richd (Louise A) painter h 151 Ellsworth
Leathurby Geo H (Flora) mcht h 415 Costa Rica
Leavy Ella tchr Homestead Sch r rt 1 bx 30
Leavy John J (Margt) janitor h 45 No D
Leavy Thos F plumber rt 1 bx 30 El Camino
Lechleiter Frank G (Mary L) salsn h 309 N El Camino
Lee A Frank (Allie) mech h 166 Warren
Lee Bo h 406 1st
Lee Mrs Ethel clk r 738 Mt Diablo
Lee Eugene F carrier P O r 101 So D
Lee Harry (Arzalia) flormn Motor Sales Co h 418 Highland
Lee Jas A (Irene) Real Est and Ins 140 B h 1412 B
Lee Jesse J carp r 101 So D
Lee John F (Julia) bldg contr h 101 So D
Lee Ling Laundry 410 1st
Lee Martha E steno r 101 So D
Lee P J lab h 224 So I
Lee Ralph C (Violet) jeweler h 131 Sycamore
Lee Robt E (Bertha) potter h 255 Griffith
Lee Thos A (Mary) h 718 Occidental
Lees Alex clk r 141 Elm
Lees Margt stngr r 141 Elm
Lees Robt (Anne) watchmn h 141 Elm
LeFevre Jas (Helen) painter rt 1 bx 1 1st av
Legh-Jones G r Hillsboro rd
Leibbrandt Vernon D (Erna) salsn h 24 12th
Leith Geo (Mary) plstr h 221 Ellsworth
Leith Geo Jr plstr r 221 Ellsworth
Leith Jas (Margt) plstr h 428 Hillcrest
Lemon Benj paper hanger r 242 B
Lenardon Gerald (Marie) cement contr h 89 No H
Lengfeld Louis (Helen) mcht h 145 N El Camino
Lennon Alice F steno P T & T Co r 216 So D
Lennon John (Nora) h 216 So D
Lenzen Carl J (Pearl F) salsn h 437 Highland
Leonard Mrs E E r 107 Clark
Leplat Serge jeweler r 123 2d
Lerup Carl nurserymn r 123 2d
Leslie Salt Works J R Fairbanks supt S P Ry and Tulip
Lester Nathan L (Sylvia) real est h 143 W Poplar
LETHAM'S (Mrs Ella Letham) Candy Ice Cream Lunches 214 B Phone S M 254
LETHAM MRS ELLA (Letham's) h 115 Mt Diablo
LETHAM WM C A Mgr Letham's r 115 Mt Diablo
Levings Wm H (Frances P) real est h 654 El Camino
LEVY BROS E B Levy Sec Dept Store 2d cor A
Levy Edmond B (Elizabeth) sec Levy Bros r Hillsboro Dr
Levy Fernand (Josephine) pres Levy Bros h 724 Laurel
Levy Germaine r 1 Baldwin
Levy Jos H (Hannah) v-pres Levy Bros r 123 2d
Levy Leon G (May) mcht h Hillsboro Boul
Levy Mrs Nathalie h 1 Baldwin
Levy Yvonne r 1 Baldwin
Lewis Abraham L (Emma) barber S Santaluce h 18 Ellsworth
Lewis Adeline smstrs F Smith Furn Co h 908 3d
Lewis Albt barber r 18 Ellsworth
Lewis Mrs Alvah h 464 Midway
Lewis Clarence E (Josie) plumber h 900 4th
Lewis Mrs Elizabeth h 508 Tilton
Lewis John M (Lizzie) mgr Thos Day Co h 439 Grand
Lewis John M (Sophie) atty P O Bx 452 3d av Homestead
Lewis Manuel (Mary) lab h 58 No G
Liberty Cleaners A L Frary mgr 236 Main
Liebmann Maurice (Dora) mcht P O Bx 436 Hillsboro
Lilienthal Jesse (Dorothy) capitalist h 40 Baywood
Lilenthal Theo M (Frances) banker h 469 Edgewood
Limpert Thos H lawyer 273 B r Burlingame
LINCOLN MOTOR CARS (Beer & Ross) 401 B
Lindecker Chas (May) lithogr h 844 Prospect
Lindecker Walter salsn r 844 Prospect
Linden F A r Hillsboro Boul
Linder Chas E (Anna) clk h 427 No C
Linder Jas F elec r 427 No C
Linder Mrs Jennie r 427 No C
Lindgren Chas J (Anna C) El Cerrito Hillsboro Bx 146
Linskey Jos A (Eveline) elec h 320 So F
Linsor Ella r 1 Baldwin
Lipp Anthony J (Mildred L) foremn h 333 Minnie
Littlepage L Claude (Freida) salsn h 304 Elm
Livingston Edw (Rose) mcht h 57 Edgehill
Lloyd John A (Rae) gen agt Erie Ry h 330 Minnie
Locke Mrs Stella h 243 Villa
Lockerby Ellsworth E (Randella) clk h 144 15th
Lodato Saml rt 1 bx 33b
LOEWE FREDK W (Hulda) (Loewe & Zwierlein) h 31 9th
LOEWE & ZWIERLEIN (F W Loewe Emil Zwierlein) Dept Store 317 B
Loffy Nicholas linemn r Union Hotel
Loftus Leona steno San Mateo Times r 39 Griffith
Logan Elma emp Noah's Ark r 115 No F
Logue Wm J (Sarah) lab Wisnom Lbr Co h 61 No E
Logue Wm J Jr (Tillie) plumber h 1500 B
Lomax Mrs Ollie h 151 Ellsworth
Long Emil J (Helen) mfr h 507 Costa Rica
Long Hilda r 507 Costa Rica
Longwill John (Eva) ins h 509 Crescent
Looney Jas (Jane) lab h 133 No E
Lopez Jos (Ruth) servicemn Noah's Ark h 84 No F
Lord Jas carp r820 4th
Lorton Mrs Annie h 501 1st
Lorton Chas H (Mary) chauf h 320 So D
Lorton Chas R r 501 1st
Lorton Eugene B (Katherine) grocer 247 Ellsworth h 328 Highland
Lorton Gene clk r 328 Highland
Lorton Wm chauf Club Taxi r 328Highland
Louarn Allen rt 1 bx 42
Louis Bldg 273 B
Loveland Estelle G r 216 Grand
Loveland Howard C mech r 216 Grand
Loveland Walter G (Annie E) ins h 216 Grand
Lovera Felix (Marguerite) baker h 139 14th
Low Bock G butler h 232 So H
Lowe G Clarke salsn Cal State Auto Assn r 215 2d
Lowe Irvy (Belle) plasterer h 326 So D
Lowrey Adam (Katherine) gardener h 626 No C
Lowrey Thos gardener r 626 No C
Lozetich Thos lab r 709 2d
Lucas Alvin (Alice) lab h 147 No F
Lucas Antone S (Sarafina) driver Cahalan Co h 337 No E
Luchesi Louis (Hermina) ydmn S M P M Co 917 Cypress
Lucia John r 419 Tilton
Lucia Jos lab h 620 So G
Lucia Peter P (Jeana) (Palace Fruit Mkt) h 419 Tilton
Ludemann A Fred (Lillie D) h 311 No C
Ludemann Flora L steno r 311 No C
Ludemann Fred J metalwkr r 311 No C
Lunceford Henry W (Ada) supt h 195 E Bellevue
Lund Arthur W (Katherine) farmer h 127 Ellsworth
Lundberg Edw R (Anita) inv h 420 Midway
Lundheim Lauritz W r 19 B
Lundy Jas plstr r 319 2d
Lusardi John (Genolfa) gardener h 215 So G
Lusardi Rocco (Susie) lab h 1017 3d
Lust Paul (Bertha) h 514 Indian
Luthy Jos mech C D Yorke r Yorke Apts
Luttgens Fred (Emma) chauf P O Box 75 Homestead
Lydon Kate matron El Sereno Sanitarium h 636 Hurlingham
Lydon Lee clk r 636 Hurlingham
Lydon Lily G nurse r 636 Hurlingham
Lydon Mrs Margt nurs r 636 Hurlingham
Lymbery Chas H (Elizabeth W) dahlias h 126 N El Camino
Lynch Eloise stngr r 611 B
Lynch Frank B clk r 611 B
Lynch Harry L (Maude) linemn P G & E Co h 207 No D
Lynch Jas T (Nellie) printer h 406 Grand
Lynch P John (Helen) carp h 611 B
Lynch Thos (Mabel) lab h 709 2d
Lyons Jos M meats 503 San Mateo r 22 B
Lyons Martin J (Katherine) painter h 436 No C
Lyons May clk r 19 No F
Lyons Michl (Eva) lab Wisnom Lbr Co h 19 No F


M & F Auto Repair (A M Falkenstein Einar Mork) (S F) 885 San Mateo
Mac see also Mc
Maccoun Wm E (Mabel) h 458 Turner
Machado Jos E (Mary) motormn h 411 E Poplar
Machado M I h 635 1st
Macintyre Arthur D (Lou B) h 312 So G
MacIntyre W pharm Blue Bird Drug Co.
Mack John W (Frances) foremn P G & E Co h 243 Ellsworth
Mack Kelly (Lillie) waiter Noah's Ark h 41 S Railroad
Mack Sumner cook Noah's Ark r 41 S Railroad
Mackler Benj F dept mgr Levy Bros r 123 2d
MacLean Eugene (Caroline) publisher h 53 Crystal Spgs
MacLean Thos carp r 123 2d
MacLeod Roderick (Katherine) acct h 812 Highland
MacMahon Chas N (Florence) h 321 Crescent
MacMeekin Geo H (Adele) piano tuner h 28 No E
MacRorie Mrs Florence h 1418 Palm
MacRORIE-McLAREN CO Nurserymen Route 1 Box 35 El Camino Real nr Beresford
Maes Geo P (Josephine) gardener h 919 5th
Maes Wm J (Betty) ry foremn h 620 So D
Magee Harry T (Elsie M) elec Atlas Elec Co h 250 State
Maggi Fredk r 30 No G
Maggi Geo R (Mabel) clk Beer & Ross h 30 No G
Maggi Mrs Mabel milliner 174 2d h 30 No G
Maggi Mrs Rosie h 728 3d
Magginey John (Alice) carp h 406 Cypress Ct
Maghinasso Anselmo gardener r 228 No C
Maghinasso Paul (Mary) gardener h 228 No C
Maglio C h 733 Tilton
Maguire Aug B (Aileen) chauf Dairy Del Co h 329 Minnie
Maguire Mrs Margt h 19 Ellsworth
Maguire Marjorie F opr W U Teleg Co r 19 Ellsworth
Maher John (Mary) chauf h 115 So D
Mahon Norton J (Leola) agt Am Ry Exp h 118 14th
Mahone Mary dry gds 157 2d
Mahoney Denis Mary B) h 808 Laurel
Maier Andw A (Emma) carp h 710 Prospect
Maier Andw A Jr clk Blue Bird Drug Co r 710 Prospect
Maier Oris E clk Burl Groc h 710 Prospect
Maillard Edwin A (Mary) floorlyr h 213 No C
Maillard G Aug (Kathrine) driver h 213 No C
Maillard Milton chauf Pen Meat Co r 213 No C
Main Loren T (Raphael) meat ctr T J Brady h 227 The Crescent
Makris O (Byron Grill) r 148 B
Makris Stateros (Byron Grill) r 148 B
Malaret Paul rt 1 bx 39b
Maley David lab J B Peckham Co
Maley Jas (Mary) lab h 81 No D
Malim Thos S (Elizabeth) eng h 721 Tilton
Malone Edmund A foremn Burl Advance h 220 So E
Maloney Jas P (Laura) lab h 229 No E
Maloney John (Beatrice) Information Refused h 115 E Bellevue
Maloney Patk F (Mary E) patrolmn h 245 Ellsworth
Maltagliati Hugo clk r 16 Ellsworth
Maltagliati Wm (Angeline) fruits 145 3d h 16Ellsworth
Mancebo Louis tmstr H E Casey Co
Manchester Bessie nurse r 55 W St Ines
Manders John (Henrietta) atty r 39 Griffith
Manley Saml nurse r 722 Hurlingham
Mann Edw C printer News Leader r 215 2d
Mantz Ruth tchr Hi Sch r 69 Ellsworth
Maranta J rt 1 bx 33a
Marchisin Constantino (Maria) poultrymn h 1119 3d
Marcus Austin L (Violet) clk h 219 E Bellevue
Marcus Ernest T advmn F Smith Furn Co r 110 Tilton
Marcus Norman decorator r 110 Tilton
Marcus Walter B (Florence) mgr F Thomas Co h 110 Tilton
Marguerite Anthony (Marie) lab h 112 No D
Marianetti Fredk A (Edith) asst mgr Bank of Italy h 140 Griffith
Mariatos Jerome (Pantages Candy Co) h 8 So D
Marincick Emil (Lena) polisher h 149 No D
Maritzen Mrs Helen h 21 N Railroad
Marizotti Filippo (Palma) lab h 52 No G
Markle John rt 1 bx 51a
Markley Chas eng r 215 2d
Marks Jas S (Helena) eng rt 1 bx 27a 3d av
Marlanverno Louis (Mary) gardener h 718 Tilton
Marley John M cigars 370 B
Marsh F G tchr Hi Sch r 215 2d
Marsh Jos (Mary) eng h 210 So D
Marsh Theron R whsmn S P Co r 319 2d
Marsh Walter F mach r 210 So D
Marshall Harry E (Elsa) baker 253 B h 64 Peninsular Ct
Marshel A Wilson (Ruth) clk h 118 No D
Marshel Mrs Mary r 118 No D
Martell Mrs May h 511 No C
Martens Fred T (Alexander-Hamilton Co) r 39 Griffith
Martin Aug gardener rt 1 bx 9 Maple st
Martin Geo (Dorothy) police h 118 13th
Martin Giuseppe lab r 153 No D
Martina Spirito lab h 401 Bayview
Martinelli Domonie lab h 4 No F
Martinez Jos (Amelia) chauf Pen Crmy h 116 No C
Maskell Arnold L gen contr r 318 Mt Diablo
Maskell Alonzo P gen contr r 318 Mt Diablo
Maskell Chas H (Ione F) gen contr h 318 Diablo
Mason Mrs Alice H grocer 401 No C
Mason C H rt 1 bx 46e
Mason Frank H (Annie) chauf h 320 Highland
Mason Geo W (Effie) clk 819 4th
Mason Mrs Jane S r 501 Edgewood
Mason John D (Nelle) pass agt h 715 Highland
Mason T Ben carp r 723 Highland
Masonic Lodge G H Earhart sec Ellsworth cor Tilton
MASTERSON ALVIN B (Doris) Asst Postmaster h 242 Ellsworth
Masterson Frances tchr r 246 Ellsworth
Masterson Terrence (Nellie) h 300 So D
Masterson Thos (Mary E) h 246 Ellsworth
Matheu Mrs Paula smstrs A H Mertens h 929 Cypress
Mathison Percy (Stella) elec eng h 137 14th
Matius Dante lab r 326 So E
Matson Bernice M r 617 Occidental
Matson E W agt h 771 Edgewood
Matson Ida M r 617 Occidental
Matson Walter J (Frances) h 617 Occidental
Matson Wilfred H (Hosford) ins h 517 Dorchester
Matthaei Henry driver Pen Ice Co h 22 B
Mattis Ira R (Loretta) watchmn h 247 No D
Mattos John S (Amy) gardener h 73 No D
Mattos Jos S gardener r 73 No D
Mattos Qurino (Marie) gardener h 69 No D
Matulich Geo (Nina) (S M Grill) h 811 4th
Matulich John (Lena) (S M Grill) h 509 5th
Matulich Martin (Sophie) bldg contr h 927 5th
Matulich Tony (Maria) (S M Grill) h 908 5th
Maudens Arthur (Edith) chauf h 27 So C
Maurer Oscar E (Emily) mfr h 500 Costa Rica
Mawdsley Howard L phys W C Chidester h 23 3d
Maxwell Hugh V (Edith) carp h 246 Elm
May Patk J (Bridget) taxi 248 Main h 315 So H
Mayes Herbt G (Anna) salsn Albt Meyer Co h 726 Occidental
Maynard Chas F (Edith) painter h 535 So E
Maynard Theo (Sadie) tchr h 123 2d
Mc see also Mac
McAdam Geo P (Margt) gatemn S P Co h 817 Laurel
McAfee Mrs Elizabeth r 39 Griffith
McAllister Elliott (Alice) atty h 224 W St Ines
McAuliffe Geo J painter r 320 Villa
McAuliffe Jane h 320 Villa
McAuliffe Katherine r 320 Villa
McAuliffe Theresa clk r 320 Villa
McBeth Mrs Alice M nurse r 823 Highland
McBrown Wm rt 1 bx 36a
McCain Arthur W (May) mcht h 800 4th
McCain Ida F archt h 701 Occidental
McCamley Patk C (Helen) dairymn h 9 Bayview
McCamley Thos r 9 Bayview
McCann Geo potter r 255 Griffith
McCann Hugh E salsn J F McCann r 316 B
McCann John F shoes 316 B h 726 5th
McCann Mary r 726 5th
McCarthy Andw G (Bessie) h 455 Costa Rica
McCarthy Cecelia h 19 B
McCarthy Mrs Nellie C undertkr 121 Baldwin
McCarthy Timothy D (Agnes) barber 328 3d r 724 3d
McCarty Geo B clk P O r Yorke Apts
McClellan Elizabeth r 15 Crystal Spgrs
McClellan Henry C (Betty J) r 516 Dorchester
McClintock Jas rt 1 bx 10c
McClinton Mrs Florence r Hillsboro
McClure Chas A (Sona B) musician h 33 E St Ines
McClure Henry W (Margt) h 1121 Palm
McClure Jas (Jean) h 433 Villa
McClure John carp r 433 Villa
McColgan J F (Mildred) marine eng h 544 So D
McConvey John F (Katherine) firemn h 806 N El Camino
McConvey Mary J steno r 806 N El Camino
McConville Francis J (Cora) tchr Hi Sch h 764 Edgewood
McCormick Frank C auto parts 885 San Mateo r S F
McCormick John A (Margt) painter h 526 So F
McCracken Chas W salsn r 149 2d
McCracken Mrs Ella M dietitian Mills Hosp
McCrae Chas W (Jean) carp h 526 No C
McCreery Lawrence (Arabella) broker r Poett rd Hillsboro
McCullen Danl potter r 255 Griffith
McCullough Co (D McCullough O A Meitz) sing writers 847 San Mateo
McCullough David (Martha) (McCullough Co) h 103 No D
McCurdy Eula I tchr Peninsular Sch r 217 State
McCurdy Jacob E (Hilda) lawyer 307 B h 524 Hurlingham
McCurdy Mrs Mary h 217 State
McCurdy Wyrtis N tchr Hi Sch r 217 State
McDaniel Adrian T clk r 638 Costa Rica
McDaniel Idelle steno r 638 Costa Rica
McDaniel Jas F (Marian) h 638 Costa Rica
McDermott Chas lab r 22 B
McDonald Mrs Catherine T h 202 Villa
McDonald Jas B (Mary E) chauf Penn Furn Shops h 342 Minnie
McDonald Patk F (Gertrude) pressmn h 1313 B
McDonald P Yorke clk r 202 Villa
McDonald Mrs Rosalie M h 39 No D
McDonald Thos E atty Kirkbride & Gordon r Palo Alto
McDonnell Jos A (Pauline) circ mgr News Leader h 201 1st
McDonnell Michael (Mary) lab P G & E Co h 812 4th
McElwain Albt E photgr r 257 W Poplar
McElwain Alfd J (Ada) h 257 W Poplar
McElwain Geo W (Ethel) h 615 So F
McElwain Guy photgr r 257 W Poplar
McFadden Murius tchr Junior Coll r 153 Griffith
McFarland Geo E (Cornelia)) tel eng h 118 Baywood
McFarland Mary r 18 11th
McGee Geo S (Gertrude) salsn h 627 Occidental
McGee John A atty r 627 Occidental
McGilley J H painter r 128 So C
McGilvray Florence M asst A J Belton r 803 Prospect
McGilvray Harry S (Ida) contr h 803 Prospect
McGinn John L (Elsa S) atty h 100 W Poplar
McGorry John J (Katherine) eng h 525 So E
McGorry Mae F steno r 525 So E
McGoutry Wm J (Mary) mech h 408 A
McGOWAN JOHN F (Clara) (J F McGOWAN & Co) h 15 Hilltop
McGOWAN J F & CO (J F McGowan) Plumbing Heating and Ventilating and Gas Fitting 150 A
McGowan R Emmet r 15 Hilltop
McGowan Viola M r 15 Hilltop
McGrath Carmel nurse r 11 Griffith
McGRATH JOHN J (Mary) (San Mateo County Realty Co) h 11 Griffith
McGrath Laurence watchmn C W Clark
McGuiness Jas F Jr (Rose M) archt h 711 Highland
McGuire Chas H chauf J B Peckham Co r 22 No E
McGuire Clifford J (Ruby) clk h 42 No E
McGuire Eunice P tel opr 22 No E
McGuire Florence tel opr r 22 No E
McGuire Frank A (May) carp h 22 No E
McGuire Frank P plumber 116 So C r 22 No E
McGuire Leo (Ora) autos h Hillsboro Boul
McHenry Murphy asst editor San Mateo Times r 127 Elm
McHenry Wm circ mgr San Mateo Times r 138 B
McHugh Chas T plumber F P McGuire r 212 So C
McHugh John J Ethel) painter rt 1 bx 9
McIllwain Alex (Maude R) painter h 714 Woodside
McIlwain Chas (Emily) chauf h 720 5th
McIntyre Allen (Isabella) contr h 446 Highland
McIntyre John (Barbara) carp h 1122 3d
McKeever Coulter (Janet) adv agt h 45 Clark
McKenney Harry R (Hazel) carp h 321 So D
McKenzie Walter F carp r 330 Villa
McKinney John R (Elizabeth) ins h 632 Occidental
McKinney Wm M (Loretta) atty h 4 Warren
McKinnon Mrs Charlotte h 310 The Crescent
McLAREN DONALD (Helen) (MacRorie-McLaren Co) h 15 Barriolhet
McLaren Edgar (Rachele) bkpr h 15 Westmoreland
McLaughlin Dorsey E (Cath) mfr Hillsboro
McLaughlin Sheet Metal Works R G Barnett mgr 217 4th
McLean Lockey r 62 No D
McLean Wm C City Health Officer h 62 No D
McLeish Archibald L (Helen) comptroller h 175 W Poplar
McLellan Asa D (Louisa E H) h 138 12th
McLellan Leonard atty rt 1 bx 50
McMahon Aug C cook r 264 Main
McMahon Edw T (Tessie) tmstr h 146 No G
McMahon Edw T Jr r 146 No G
McMahon Frank h 445 Highland
McMahon Jas P police Bx 398 Hillsboro
McMahon Walter r 146 No G
McMoyler Anthony W (Josephine) grocer 82 No E
McNally Frank (Margt) police h 542 So E
McNamara Nicholas A clk r 14 Crystal Spgs
McNamara Nicholas J (Anna) h 14 Crystal Spgs
McNamara Riordan G clk r 14 Crystal Spgs
McNamara T Justin ironwkr r 14 Crystal Spgs
McNaught Catherine F stngr r 1520 B
McNaught Jos Y (Katherine) oilmn h 1520 B
McNaught Margt I cashr r 1520 B
McNaught Ruth E stngr r 1520 B
McNulty Mary steno r 217 No D
McPherson Wm C (Sophie) acct h 115 Baywood
McPhillips Geo H chauf J B Peckham Co r 14 No I
McPhillips Jos F (Eva) ctr Scanlan's Mkt h 14 No I
McRoskey Leonard H (Helen R) mattressmkr h 619 San Mateo
Meacham Jeanette steno r 612 Prospect
Meacham Mrs Kate E h 612 Prospect
Mead Mrs Lizzie h 338 Elm
Mead Mrs Maude L r 338 Elm
Meagher Mrs Annie F h 326 A
Mecredy T T emp agt h 222 E St Ines
Medar Eli (Katie) gardener h 44 No G
Medosa Mrs Mary r 72 Griffith
Meehan Bernard (Mary) elec h 208 No D
Meehan John (Myrtle) chauf h 150 14th
Megladdery Jas gatemn S P Co r 354 No C
Meighan Annie clk r 82 No E
Meier Paul cementwkr r 50 No C
Meinke Henry (Frieda) gardener bx 436 Hillsboro
Meiss Edw P (Katherine) watchmn h 131 13th
Mellen Theo W (Mona) dept mgr Levy Bros h 438 Highland
Meller Edwin H (Emma) butcher h 427 Grand
Melrose Anna r 98 W Poplar
Melrose Chas K (Anna D) h 98 W Poplar
Melrose Helen A r 98 W Poplar
Melrose Kenneth (Margt) salsn Cahalan Co h 555 Edgwood
Melrose Adolph salsn Levy Bros 403 A
Merkel Carl (Theresa) cigars 201 B h 29 Ellsworth
Merkel Chas F (E Adele) plumber H R Park h 248 Villa
Merkel Cuno clk Carl Merkel r 29 Ellsworth
Merkel Mrs Lizzie r 19 13th
Merner Garfield D (Delight) h 641 Crescent
Merrill Ralph D (Anna) r Seabury rd Hillsboro
Merritt Wm L (Edith) salsn h 216 Tilton
Mertens Arnold H (Rose) tailor 215 Baldwin h 609 So E
Messner Jos M (Alice B) taxi Main st h 312 Minnie
Messner Trevor J elec r 312 Minnie
Metcalfe Philip (Mary) acct h 419 Midway
Methodist Episcopal Church (Rev Martindale Woods) Ellsworth cor St Ines
Metropolitan Life Ins Co Leon Gurvitz (S F) supt 307 B
Metschulat Elizabeth h 118 10th
Metz Carl A (Gertrude) mcht rt 1 bx 41
Meyada S rt 1 bx 32b
Meyer see also Maier Miers and Myers
Meyer Mrs Alfred r Poett rd Hillsboro
Meyer Bess bkpr Pen Water Co r 9 12th
Meyer Mrs Eleanor J h 31 Grand
Meyer Henry (Katherine) carp h 9 12th
Meyers Frank carp S A Wisnom h 217 Baldwin
Meyners Robt (Alice) mach rt 1 bx 31
Mezzotti Lee (Antonetta) jan rt 1 bx 57b
Michaels Jos F (Mame) carp h 623 1st
Michel R M (Helen) painter h 800 N El Camino
Michelin John (Augusta) saltwkr h 629 So F
Michie Robt (Etta) driver C A Buck h 315 E St Ines
Miehe Wm H (Anna) mech eng h 223 Ellsworth
Miers Geo D (Eliz) gardener h 34 So C
Miers W H bkpr r 39 Griffith
Mighall Jas A (Florence) carp h 227 E StInes
Miguel Antone S gatemn S P Co h 65 No G
Miguel J F gatemn S P Co h 543 So E
Milam L C Barber L Van Boven h 308 So F
Milanovich T rt 1 bx 52w
Miles Wm (Anna) chef Noah's Ark h 147 No F
Millar David J (Isabella) painter h 16 E St Ines
Millar David J M clk r 16 E St Ines
Miller Aug F (Isabelle) salsn h 510 Warren
Miller A M r 141 B
Miller Douglas D (Geneva) broker h Chelmsford rd Hillsboro
Miller Glenn E (Margt R) bonds h 744 Occidental
Miller Helen r 217 No D
Miller Jacob S (Lucy) h 512 No C
Miller Jos W (Anna) elec h 523 No D
Miller Mary P h 217 No D
Miller Ollie plastr r 227 A
Miller Ross F (Lillian D) rubber mcht h 805 Highland
Miller W Leslie (Marion M) broker h 126 10th
Milley Wm T h 516 So F
Million Margt tchr Junior Coll r 124 Mt Diablo
Mills Mrs Flora r 832 Jefferson
Mills John B carp rt 1 1st av Homestead
MILLS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mrs Louise Hammond Sec El Camino cor 2d
Mills S W h 832 Jefferson
Minamoto S r Homestead
Miner Frank L phys r 525 N El Camino
Miner Mrs Jane R r 25 12th
Miner Lucius F (Mabel) carp r 25 12th
Minor John L (Betty N) civ eng h 29 16th
Miranda Frank (Mary) lab S M F & F Co h rear 318 Grand
Miravalle Caesar (Augusta) soft drinks 201 S Railroad h 43 No H
Miravalle Isadora (Louisa) cook r 43 No H
Mirk Lucy h 55 W Poplar
Mission Shoe Co rt 1 bx 31c
Mitchell Jackson & Co (R C Mitchell C W Jackson) archts 2d av Homestead Box 391
Mitchell Jerry (Irene) conf 201 Baldwin h 215 No D
Mitchell Roger C (Mitchell Jackson & Co) r 519 Laurel
Mitchell Saml H salsn R Homestead
Mitvalsky Frances sec Wisnom Co r 211 Ellsworth
Mitvalsky John J (Blanche) farmer h 211 Ellsworth
Miyaoi Geo M (Tora) (Yokohama Laundry) h 308 5th
Miyazaki Z grocer 221 So C
Moffatt Geo H (Hazel M) chirop h 103 No E
Moklofsky Albt (Helen E) painter h 532 San Mateo
Moklofsky Emil J painter r 532 San Mateo
Moldrup Lars W (Eleanor) candies h 135 Griffith
Mondine Frank landywkr r 159 No C
Mongini rt 1 bx 521
Monisteri Philip (Ella) gardener h 146 No F
Monroe Chas B (Sallie F) printer h 807 Prospect
Montague John R (May) painter h 61 No C
Monteagle Kenneth (Estelle) h 27 Edgehill
Montgomery David D (Montgomery & Son) r 329 Clark
Montgomery Jas L (Eliza) (Montgomery & Son) h 329 Clark
Montgomery Lila nurse r 329 Clark
Montgomery Margaret nurse Mills Hosp r 329 Clark
Montgomery & Son (J L and D D) metal wks 845 San Mateo
Montiegel John (Amelia) mech h 528 So H
Moody Corbitt L (Ruth) h 121 Baywood
Moon Ralph G (Hanah W) carp h 156 15th
Mooney J r 138 B
Moore Alfd S (Theresa) clk h 63 No F
Moore Arthur S (Rossalbine) foremn h 1 B
Moore Austin (Kathrina) ins agt h 201 W Poplar
Moore Chas h 65 W St Ines
Moore Claude tchr High Sch r 312 Highland
Moore Geo G coal opr Bx 363 Hillsboro
Moore Jairus A (Mary S) salsn Albt Meyer Co h 760 Edgwood
Moore John G blksmth D C Brown r 420 A
Moore R W h 411 So E
Morahan Eugene lab r 403 A
Morahan Mrs Margt h 34 Edgehill
Morahan Patk J (Ellen) bldg contr h 151 Barriolhet
Moran Mrs Effie r 204 4th
Moran Geo clk r 238 Grand
Moran John B clk r 238 Grand
Moran John J h 238 Grand
Morehead Wm G (Almeta) firemn h 54 No D
Morehouse Mrs Sadie beauty shop 315 1st
Moreland Chas C (Marcia) (Vogue Cleaners) h 305 Baldwin
Moretto Tony (Lobina) cementwkr h 619 So E
Morgan Albt M (Cora) mach r 138 B
Morgan Fred h 515 Occidental
Morgan Mrs Mary A clk r 854 Jefferson
Morgan Rev Victor H (Ruth C) asst Episcopal Ch of St Matthew h 16 2d
Morgenthaler Michl gardener r 20 San Mateo av
Mori Bros rt 1 bx 52f
Mori T (Taki) gardener h 250 No D
Morini Jos (Evelyn) modelmkr h 542 So H
Moroney Carl J (Nell) sugarmn h 249 W Poplar
Morris Chas (Jessie) potter h rear 321 Grand
Morris Edw L (Mary) carp h 22 E St Ines
Morris Frank chauf Pioneer-G Exp r Midle cor Maple [Middle]
Morris Gilbert S (Mabel) salsn Levy Bros h 715 3d
Morris Gladys E bkpr Beer & Ross r 401 B
Morris Mrs Grace r 58 No D
Morris Hugh F driver Fire Dept r Fire House
Morris Leigh B (Ella) steelmn h 353 W Poplar
Morris Manuel nurserymn r 122 So D
Morris Mrs Mary h 503 5th
Morris Mrs M h 1017 5th
MorrisThos (Clara) agt Pioneer-Gibson Exp h Middle cor Maple
Morris Wm L driver r 133 No
Morrison Chas H (Carrie E) elec h 222 Minnie
Morrison John G (Agnes B) plumber h 415 Villa
MORRISON N D (Pearl) Physician and Surgeon Loewe & Zwierlein Bldg h 50 9th
Morrison Thos painter r 128 So C
Morse Mrs Chas M asst sec S M Bldg & Loan Assn h 117 Baldwin
Morse H W rt 1 bx 21 2d av
MORSE PHARMACY (B F Hall H M Downs W J Walker) 100 B
Morse Walter R (Beatrice) plumber E C Cottier h 226 1st
Mortenson Gustave V (Emelia) tailor 245 B h 415 Hillcrest
Morton John A (Myldrid) agt Prud Ins Co h 25 11th
Morton Thos G (Alicia F) title ins h 150 15th
Mosher Norman lab P G & E Co h rear 712 2d
Mosley Jos potter r 123 Baldwin
Motor Sales Co J B Cockcroft mgr autos 145 3d
Moulding Bert A (Elsie) contr rt 1 bx 20 2d av
Moulin Ferdinand V (Nellie E) bkpr h 257 Ellsworth
MtView Fruit Co Angelo Guido mgr 113 B
Mueller Mrs E rt bx 21a
Muhlemann A Fred (Frances) mech Clark Est h 1100 S El Camino
Mulcahy John lab r 128 So C
Mulcahy Wm J (Della) chemist h 1412 Palm
Mulford Wm (May) linemn h 409 So D
Mulkey Cyremius A (Ethel) chauf P T & T Co h 109 So D
Mullen Ruth C clk r 344 No D
Mullen Wm H (Juliette) carp h 344 No D
Muller Mrs Ethel designer r 220 W Belevue
Mulligan Peter lather r 331 No D
Mullin Hugh F (Mary) bank teller h 457 Highland
Mulryan Jas (Maude) rt 1 bx 51b
Munch Emil A (Emma) h 127 Warren
Munro Geo E (Genevieve) clk h 124 Griffith
Munro Wm (Agnes) supt C T Crocker Bx 249 Hillsboro
Murch Louis A (Marian) salsn h 714 Hurlingham
Murch Stanley mach r 714 Hurlingham
Muri Emil (Bertha) sec rt 1 bx 13 1st av
Murnane Danl J (Marie) h 516 Crescent
Murnane Genevieve E r 516 Crescent
Murnane Gertrude D tchr r 516 Crescent
Murnane Grace E r 516 Crescent
Murnane Jas P r 516 Crescent
Murnane Marie r 516 Crescent
Murphy Anne r 538 So G
Murphy Cornelius (Margt) h 664 N El Camino
Murphy Mrs Isabelle r 427 Villa
Murphy John J (Mary) gardener h 431 Wisnom
Murphy Julia r 806 5th
Murphy Nora h 806 5th
Murphy Patk (Mary) janitor h 705 2d
Murphy Quinlan mach r 806 5th
Murphy Timothy (Minnie) gardener h 421 Villa
Murphy Wm H (Matilda) colr r 39 Griffith
Murtzenberg Mrs B rt 1 bx 10a
Muscat Domonic (Olga) (S M Ravioli Fcty) h 201 So D
Musgrave Mrs Frances r 39 Griffith
Musgrace H J (Zetta) watchmkr h 825 Prospect
Musgrace Martha r 825 Prospect
Muslin Chas chauf City Mkt h 500 1st
Myer Andrew carp r 30 No C
Myers Oren G (Maude) h 436 Turner




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