San Mateo Directory


Arthur F. Woodmansee, Manager







Acct…. Accountant-elev….adv….. Advertisement-eng…. Engineer-prop…. proprietor
agt…. agent-est….estate-pub…. Publisher
apts…. Apartments-exp….archt…. Architect-expmn….assn…. Association-frt….av…. Avenue-fur rms….furnished rooms-s…. South
bet…. Between-furn….bkbndr…. Bookbinder-furngs…. Furnishings-sec….bkpr…. Bookkeeper-gds….bldg…. Building-gen….blk…. Block-h…. Residence or house-spec…. Special
blksmith…. The blacksmith-hdw…. Hardware-sta….boul…. Boulevard-ins….brklyr…. Bricklayer-inspr….Stenographer
brkmn…. Brakeman-Lab….carp…. Carpenter-lithogr…. Lithographer-supt…. Superintendent
cashr…. Cashier-lndy….cbtmkr…. Cabinetmaker-mach…. Machinist-tchr….civ eng…. Civil engineer-mcht… merchant-tel…. Telephone
clk…. Clerk-mdse….Telegraph
clnr…. Cleaner-mfr….Teamster
colr…. Collector-mkr….comn…. Commissioner-mi….cond…. Conductor-mkt….conf…. Confectioner-n….constr…. Contractor-nr….Upholsterer
cor…. Corner-opp….ct…. court-opr…. Operator-v pres….ctr… Cutter-orchdst…. Orchardist-vydst…. Vineyardist
dep.… deputy-pass…. Passenger-vulc…. Vulcanizer
dept…. Department-pharm….div…. Division-photgr….photographer-whsmn…. Warehouseman
dom…. Domestic-phys….e…. East-pkr…. Packer-wks…. Works
elec…. Electrician-pres….

(Hillsborough residence receiving their mail at Burlingame P O are listed here.)


Abbott Archie (Dorothy) carp h 11 So E
Abbott Mrs Martha h 719 No C
Abbott Pansy J tchr Central Sch h 14 Ellsworth
Abe K (Burl Suit Cleaning Co) sec Japanese Assn of San Mateo h 506 2d
Abe Lincoln Stores J A Sanders mgr 255 B
Abney John N (Martha) h 54 No F
Abrahamson Hugo (Bertha I) h 55 W St Ines
Ach Henry (Mabel) atty h Severn Lane
Acme Machine Shop (F Kaufman T E Darcy) 103 So C
Adams Harold (Nellie) painter h 718 4th
Adams Mrs Ida r 825 Crescent
Adams Mrs Mary F r 403 A
Adolphson Gus (Nellie) cementwkr h 706 No C
Aguiar Adrian rt bx 49b
Ahlgren Henning L (Elizabeth) gardener h 21 12th
Aillet Barthelemy (Jessie) h 424 Turner
Aldrich Wm (Bernice) salsn h 842 Highland
Aldwell Edw C (Edith) bank dir h 250 Elm
Alevato Jos (Maria) lab h 232 No D
Alexander Ida rt 1 bx 49
Alexander Saml J gardener rt Date av Homestead
Alexander Will rt bx 46b
Alexandrow Alex chef Byron Grill r 309 A
Aliamus Jos A clk P G & E Co r 65 No D
Aliamus Ray bkpr Loewe & Zwierlein r 65 No D
Aliamus Rema A (Bridget M) mech h 65 No D
ALLEC JOS A (Jefferson Court Apts) h 138 B
Allen Alex S (Elizabeth) acct h 133 Barriolhet
Allen Chas rt 1 Bx 34a
Allen Dorothy student r 412 A
Allen Mrs Fannie r 411 Tilton
Allen F E salsn Lambert & Walter h 51 W Bellevue
Allen Hugh W (Decima) clk rt 1 bx 21b
Allen Mrs Jennie delicatessen 130 B
Allen J (Eva) h 245 No C
Allen Roy rt bx 1b
Allen Russell J (Mamie P) salsn h 423 Highland
Allen Victor L (Lena M) lathing contr h 218 E St Ines
Allen Wm E (Anna) plumber Jos Grimes h 246 Elm
Alletson Geo J (Lillian R) supt Howard Est H 332 Highland
Allman Richd tchr Junior Coll r Alt Apts
Alloway Wm lab h rear 416 So D
Almy John H (Catherine) ins h 130 11th
Aloise Antone clk r 737 2d
Aloise Frank G (Mary) grocer 737 2d and 215 S Railroad h 737 2d
Aloise Frank G Jr clk r 737 2d
Aloise John clk r 737 2d
Aloise Lucy clk r 737 2d
Alt Apts (Mrs Isabella Alt) 234 7th
Alt Frank M (Dorothea C) chauf Wisnom Lbr Co 234 The Crescent
Alt Geo H (Mary F) carp h 1015 Creek
Alt Mrs Isabella (Alt Apts) h 234 7th
Alt Wm C r 234 The Crescent
Altieri Jas H (Victoria) fruits h 229 So E
Altieri Leonardo (Rosa) h 229 So E
Alves Jos W (FLorence) carp h 144 No C
Alvord Luke E printer News Leader r 163 2d
Alzane Thos barber r 18 Ellsworth
Amaya Mrs Genevieve h 848 Prospect
Amaya Manuel shoemkr r 848 Prospect
American Legion 335 E Bellevue
Ames Albion C (Annie) gasftr rt 1 bx 9
Ames Frank H mcht h Roblar rd
Ames Wm (Tillie) chauf h 75 Ellsworth
Ammerman Geo A (Victoria) plstr h 63 Griffith
Ammerman Mrs Pearl mgr Golden Gate Hotel h 163 2d
Amoral Joaquin (Mariama) lab h 160 No C
Amphlet Helen A student r 70 Sycamore
AMPHLETT HORACE W (Eleanor) Editor and Publisher San Mateo Times h 127 Elm
Amphlett Janet E adv writer r 70 Sycamore
Amphlett Kathleen M tchr Peninsular Sch h 70 Sycamore
Amphlett Richd M office mgr h 70 Sycamore
Amweg Fredk J (Blanche E) consult eng h 214 Elm
Anderson Aldon (Marie) carp h rear 134 No G
Anderson Alice bkpr h 224 The Crescent
Anderson Carl W student r 337 Ellsworth
Anderson Chas E potter h 228 Ellsworth
Anderson Elmer W (E Marguerite) tchr h 507 Bayview
Anderson Floyd plstr r 19 Ellsworth
Anderson Mrs Gertrude r 140 No C
Anderson Gilbert C potter r 228 Ellsworth
Anderson Grover S (Ruth W) h 119 12th
Anderson Henry E (Alma) potter h 228 Ellsworth
Anderson Leonard R (Grace) salsn h 189 Barriolhet
Anderson Niels (Margt) rt 1 bx 14b 2d av
Anderson Otto (Marie) carp h 227 A
Anderson Peter M (Nettie) plasterer h 215 So D
Anderson Rolf (Anna E) clk S M P Mill Co h 220 The Crescent
Anderson Walter (Cecile) mgr San Mateo Planing Mill Co h 220 5th
Anderson Werner E salsn r 337 Ellsworth
Anderson Zelma I clk H E Marshall r 228 Ellsworth
Anderton John (Margt) banker h 223 W St Ines
Andrasen Julius C (Anna) fcty supt h 852 Highland
Andrews C A h 449 Hillcrest
Andrews Irene nurse Mills Hosp r 8 2d
Andrews Norman salsn r 625 No D
Andrews Zula libr High Sch r 234 Elm
Angeli John (Louise) gardener h 318 So G
Anhorn John G (Margt) metalwkr J A Gaffigan r 329 Grand
Anthony Mrs Amelia C r 839 Highland
Anthony Earle C autos h Hillsboro Boul
Anthony Gerald (Edwina) h 432 Hillcrest
Antoyniazzi Angelo h 116 No E
Anzini D I elec eng h 430 Highland
Aoyagi Tobii (Fujii) lab h 110 No F
Aragone David Edith) lab h 8 No G
Arata Louis scavenger r 209 No E
Arata Mrs Rachel r 209 No E
Arata Valentine (Nettie) scavenger h 209 No E
Archer Elizabeth nurse r 507 Dorchester
Arkush Ellis J (Doretta) h Brewer Dr
Arkush Frank E (Phoebe) h 1322 Palm
Arms Anthony (Emiline) eng h 423 No C
Arms Jos L lab r 423 No C
Arms Myrtle I clk r 423 No C
Armstrong Newton (Sophie) pur agt h 804 5th
Arnautou Cyrill J (Henrietta) (Perichon House) h 123 2d
Arnold Aug B (Frances) P O Box 508 3d av
Arnold Henry (Mary) farmer r Homestead
Arnold Mary E r 108 Peninsular
Arthur Geo H (Jane G) bldg contr h 409 Occidental
Arzino Fred (Madeline) inspr S P Co h 719 Highland
Ashburner Bettie r 159 Warren
Ashburner Ralph H (Annette) auditor h 159 Warren
Ashe Richd C (Nellie) h 72 Griffith
Ascher Henry D (Ada M) grocer 501 San Mateo h 229 Grand
Ashworth John R (Leona) carp h 723 Highland
Asturias Rachel r 929 Cypress
Asturias Ray clk E B Lorton r 929 Cypress
Atherton Belle tchr Mrs D H Shinn r 433 Griffith
Atkinson Mrs Nellie bkpr r 6 No H
ATLAS ELECTRIC CO Seth Cohn Mgr 312 3d
Attinger Mrs Salome r 725 Hurlingham
Aubert Lucien J (Anna L) banker h 220 Clark
Augustus Wm H (Eunice) bkpr Bank of Italy h 828 N El Camino
Austin John (Marie) carp h 35 B
Aveling Mrs Johanna r 122 No C
Averill Mrs Mary r 1201 5th
Ayers Mrs Anna r 509 Crescent
Ayers Vina nurse Mills Hosp r 8 2d
Azevedo Geo (Gertrude) cementwkr h 521 No C
Azevedo Jos P (Amelia) gardener r 33 No C
Azevedo Jos P Jr gardener r 333 No C
Azevedo Manuel B (Mary) chauf Wisnom Lbr Co 240 No D
Bacco Edw (Mary) (Cosmopolitan Grocery) h 1124 4th
Baden John H (Trina) h 41 W Poplar
Bader Albt W (Katherine) plumber h 304 Ellsworth
Bader Lowell F (Jean) chauf Pen Crmy h 608 Woodside
Bader Mervyn (Lillian) salsn h 310 Ellsworth
Bader Velma F clk Levy Bros r 304 Ellsworth
Badger Chas carp r 163 2d
Baehr Walter H (Lula) h 307 Griffith
Baer Ernest F (Matilda) ctr Penn Furn Shops h 75 No H
Baggarly Gradie nurse Mills Hosp r 8 2d
Bagley L rt 1 bx 52r
Bailey Edw r 340 No D
Bailey Robt S brklyr r 7 B
Bain Alex (May) h 627 So D
Bain Frank W (Margt A) carp h 35 9th
Bain Wm E (Catherine A) stovemkr h 35 9th
Baird Chalmers S (Alice) mfr h 51 W Bellevue
Baker Mrs Anna R h 35 9th
Baker Clifton S (Ethel) carp h 324 Griffith
Baker Forrest M (Fannie) lab h 1006 4th
Baker, Michl (Margt) driver rt 1 bx 1c 1st av
Baker Oscar (Antonia) h 68 Ellsworth
Baker Wood C (Leona E) phys 273 B h 235 7th
Baker W C (Grace) rt 1 bx 4
Baker Zebina F (Elizabeth) lab h 336 Elm
Baldassar Peter J (Margt) (Cosmopolitan Grocery) h 547 So E
Baldwin Harry W chauf J B Peckham Co h 92 No G
Bale Aug G foremn Levy Bors r 199 State
Bale Frank chauf H E Casey CO
Bale Glen N (Catherine C) auto repr h 407 A
Bale Jas (Lenora E) contr h 199 State
Balhorn Mrs Kate h 353 No C
Ballantyne Hessie R clk P T & T Co r 342 Highland
Ballantyne Tilden chauf Pen Crmy r 342 Highland
Ballantyne Wm (Jennie) h 342 Highland
Ballantyne Wm Jr mech r 342 Highland
Ballauf Jos (Victoria) cbtmkr h 421 So E
Baloun Victor (Cynthia) elec P G & E Co 201 E Bellevue
Balovich Bldg 235 3d
Balovich Geo (Filomena) restaurant 262 B h 216 8th
Balzer Gus O (Elsie) mach rt 1 bx 42a
Bank Mrs Bella h 49 B
Bank Cafe Geo Batenich mgr 317 3d
Bank Fred G (Louise A) glasswkr h 247 Griffith
BANK OF ITALY L H Castle Mgr 277 B
Bank Jos A (Kate) glass 137 B h 241 Griffith
Bank Walter B (Annette) clk h 182 Warren
Banner Mrs Hannah r 135 13th
Barber Jas A (Edna) expmn h 206 So H
Barber Mrs Mary r 137 No D
Baretta Leo (Marguerite) lab h 310 Minnie
Barinque Alexis C (Marguerite) h 1108 Cypress
Barkley Thos and Wm mchts h Roehampton rd
Barnes J O acct r 215 2d
Barnes Myron P (Minnie) benchmn S M P Mill Co h 114 14th
Barneson John rt 1 bx 28a
Barnett R Gerard mgr McLaughlin Sheet Metal Wks r Redwood
Barrett J Frank (Elsie C) contr h 114 Clark
Barriero Manuel (Mary) gardener h 338 The Crescent
Barrington Wm (Teresa) gardener h 423 E Bellevue
Barron A S rt 1 bx 34
Barron Mrs Eva R h 110 Baywood
Barron Evelyn r 110 Baywood
Barrow Elsie bkpr r 712 2d
Barrow Fred (Christine) h 712 2d
Barth Gustave R (Angela) broker h 404 Midway
Barthold Bernice steno r 318 Grand
Barthold Emil M (Amalia) salsn h 318 Grand
Bartle Kathleen M asst Pub Library r 137 Elm
Bartlett Geo (Mary E) h 327 A
Bartlett Harry D (Mildred) mach h 334 Ellsworth
Bartlett May E r 327 A
Bartlett U Grant (Isabel) dentist h 199 W Poplar
Bartolotti Angelo (Josephine) lab h 303 So G
Barton Larry P banker h 19 Crystal Spgs
Baskett Mont A (America) carp h 151 Ellsworth
Basso Antonio (Mary) h 202 No D
Basso Peter (Antoinette) driver h 159 No D
Bast John lab r 354 No C
Batenich Geo mgr Bank Cafe r 402 So D
Batista Tony quarymn H E Casey Co
Battaglia Vito (mary) kiln placer h 1025 4th
Bauer Edw M (Katherine) salsn h 857 S El Camino
Baum Rudolph E (Viola) salsn h 308 Clark
Baylis Leonard R linemn P G & E Co r Union Hotel
Bayol Frank O (Katherine) plumber h 28 13th
Bazzani Peter chauf Pen Crmy
Beach Theo A (Ruth E) carp h 11 E Poplar
Beal Carl H (Helen) real est h 45 Chester
Beals Clarence G (Hazel M) plstr h 22 Grand
Beals Edw C (Bertha E) estimator S M P Mill Co h 121 11th
Beals Geo E (Susan R) h 10 No D
Beals Idell tchr Howard Sch h 10 No D
Beariault John S (Eliz) lather h 803 4th
Beatty Henry Y (Genevieve) mech h 12 Maple
Beck Conrad A (Bertha) artist h 141 W Bellevue
Becker Archibald L (Vena) consult eng h 425 Hillcrest
Becker Casper A (Mary) grocer 1321 S El Camino
Becker Isabelle tchr r 425 Hillcrest
Beecher Earl R (Leona) chauf Am Ry Exp h 907 5th
BEER FREDK E (Olga) (Beer & Ross) h 631 Costa Rica
BEER & ROSS (F E Beer R L Ross) Lincoln Ford and Fordson 401 B
Beerli John J gardener r El Cerrito av
Beimer John C (Louise T) draftsman h 56 Peniusular Ct
Belcher Winner C farmer r 324 Minnie
Belchor Robt lab Pen Crmy r 128 So C
Belfrage Aug (Julie) h 628 Costa Rica
Bell Alex (Ella G) eng h 820 Prospect
Bell David (Helen M) P O Box 159 Tulip av
Bell Millie maid r 433 Turner
Bell O T serv mgr Motor Sales Co r 138 B
Bella Giovanni (Louise) grocer h 317 So H
Bellisle Augustus P ins agt h 522 San Mateo
Bellisle Mrs Pauline r 522 San Mateo
Bellows Harold A (Vivian) h 215 Griffith
Bender Frank W (Grechen) mcht h 242 Elm
Benepe Weimer W (Lena) off mgr C A Buck h 20 E Bellevue
Benevento Antonio (Anna) gardener h 17 No G
Benevento Michl gardener r 17 No G
B P O Elks S H Dado sec 330 B
Benford Harry (Mary) plastr h 49 B
Benner E Alan (Katherine) phys 27 Griffith r Hayne rd Hillsboro
Bennett Chas rt bx 52v
Bennett Wilson H (Mary L) mcht h 725 Occidental
Benoit Arthur A (Ora) optician A E Benoit h 338 Highland
BENOIT ARTHUR E Jeweler and Optician 224 B h 144 Griffith
Benoit Geo R (Lillie) jeweler A E Benoit h 338 Highland
Benoit Lillian clk A E Benoit r 144 Griffith
Bentley John mech h 415 No C
Bentley Robt J appr J A Foster r 415 No C
Berbert Aug (Anna) mfr h 143 Clark
Berbert Florence steno r 143 Clark
Berbert Geo (Helena) mfg h 129 Clark
Beresford Garage rt bx 39
Beretta Caesar L (Lila) optician h 122 Sycamore
Berg Paul (Lula) driver A Oil h 644 N El Camino
Bernadasci Wm (Mamie) clk h 600 No C
Bernadasci Wm Jr printer r 600 No C
Bernard Edwin M salsn h 408 Clark
Berndt Mrs Ernestine r 220 E Poplar
Bernard J Alvin (Edith B) magnesite h 932 Laurel
Berry David M elec eng h 1 Alt Apts
Berry Geo P (Juliette) ins h 518 Hurlingham
Berry Harvey R (Ruth B) eng h 220 E St Ines
Bertagna Olivio (Maria) (Daba & Co) h 123 No F
Bertoda Mrs Rose r 38 No C
Bertola John rt 1 bx 53a
Bertsch Emil (Laure) salsn Levy Bros h 116 10th
Best Helen G student r 128 Clark
Best Wm Jr (Maria R) agt h 128 Clark
Bettelheim Elvira E music tchr h 122 N El Camino
Bettelheim Hugo J (Maude) dept mgr Levy Bros h 122 N El Camino
Bettencourt Anthony H (Sarah) chauf Wisnom Lbr Co h 122 12th
Bettencourt Chas E (Irene) (Quality Fruit Mkt) h 409 E Bellevue
Bettencourt Clarence C (Laura) driver P R T Co h 137 No D
Bettencourt Geo W (Wilhelmina) clk Quality Fruit Mkt h 323 Highland
Bettencourt Manuel M (Katherine) clk h 515 So F
Bettencourt Manuel M (Mary) gardener h 327 No E
Bettencourt Milton P driver S M F & F Co r 232 Ellsworth
Beveridge Geo (Elizabeth A) mech W C Davis h 726 Prospect
Bevis Cecil W salsn h 1601 S El Camino
Bevis Joe (Margt) excavator h 1601 S El Camino
Beylard E Dupleses h 84 N El Camino
Bianchina Giuseppe (Angelina) gardener h 88 No G
Bianchina Herman (Mary) h 69 No G
Bianchini Jas (Lucy) gardener h 42 No G
Biancotto Nick lab h 402 So C
Biasotti Benj (Victoria) h 72 No H
Biasotti David A (Palma) h 74 No H
Bibbero Sydney S (Cornelia) importer h 416 Turner
Bickel John A (Mary) plstr h 632 Dorchester
Bickford Jas r 325 So D
Bickford Mrs Theresa r 325 So D
Bielenberg Peter H (Agnes) carp h 39 13th
Billson Marcus K (Thelma) salsn Motor Sales Co h 752 Occidental
Bincoletto Alesandro lab r 211 So G
Binns Harry (Luella) harnessmkr 207 So D h 6 No H
Bird Geo R chauf r 105 Baywood
Birlem Fred W (Edna K) h 1401 Palm
Birlem John F r 1401 Palm
Birolo John (Margt) chauf Pen Crmy h 122 No D
Birolo Louis (Poppy Baky) r 122 No D
Biscar Jos C (Elizth) steward r 38 B
Bishop Mrs Effie M r 427 Grand
Bishop Jos stoves 229 3d r 18 Ellsworth
Bisig Herman care Parrott Est
Bittner Mrs Jessie nurse r 722 Hurlingham
Biven Mrs Georgia (Biven's Hotel) h 39 Griffith
Black Mrs Barbara S h 315 Minnie
Black Fredk W (Ethel F) credit mgr h 832 N El Camino
Black John S (Mabel) carp h 118 No E
Black Reuben B E ship bldr r 315 Minnie
Blackford Clyde R (Katherine) elec h 326 Villa
Blackman Marcus elec h 721 5th
Blackwood Henry T (Phebe) h 50 Severn Lane
Blaich Adolph S (Mabel) mcht h 124 W Bellevue
Blaich Fredk H (Florence) mcht h 132 W Bellevue
Blaich Mrs Johanna mcht h 120 W Bellevue
Blaich Robt W (Johanna) cutlery h 238 State
Blair Harry E govt agt h 1 16th
Blair Helen M tel opr r 1 16th
Blair Jas (Edith) r 138 B
Blair L La Verne r 1 16th
Blair Mrs Nellie E r 70 W Poplar
Blair Pauline V stngr r 1 16th
Blake Jas clk r 123 2d
Blakeslee Warren F (Margt) vender h 706 4th
Blamey Jas H mech r 343 Ellsworth
Blanton John S (Josephine W) salsn h 606 San Mateo
Blattner Mrs Margt r 232 Villa
Blayne Harry W (Dorothy) painter h 30 No C
Bleil Alice A tchr Lawrence Sch r 312 The Crescent
Bleil Bert student r 312 The Crescent
Bleil Chas G artist r 312 The Crescent
Bleil Mrs Elizabeth C h 312 The Crescent
Blessing Jas H (Violet G) wire chf P T & T Co h 859 Jefferson
Bliss Mark F r 19 B
Blomquist Edw clk Levy Bros r rt 1 bx 52k
Bloomfield Lillian M tchr Mrs D H Shinn r 433 Griffith
Bloxham Geo J (Jessie) dept mgr h 808 Prospect
Bloxham Mrs Georgie B r 808 Prospect
Blue Albt R (Maud) elec P G & E Co h 124 13th
BLUE BIRD DRUG CO J R Rosenthal Pres 200 B
Blume Jos lab h 811 Tilton
Blyth Chas R banker r 124 Medway
Blythe Loraine steno r 517 E Bellevue
Bob Anton (Hattie) steelmn h 816 4th
Bob Chas J (Margt) uphlstr h 411 Barriolhet
Bob Thos clk r 411 Barriolhet
Bocqueraz Roger (Gertrude) mfr h 144 Roblar
Boden Mrs Edith mgr Carolyne Schenk h 12 10th
Boden Geo A (Edith) h 12 10th
Boepple Michl (Dora) uphlstr Penn Furn Shops h 719 Cypress
Boettcher Carl W (Allene) salsn h 38 No C
Bogart Mrs Fannie h 606 Dorchester
Bogart Sewell B (S M Creamery) r 606 Dorchester
Bogue Benj A pur agt h 210 Grand
Bogue Benj J (Honora) chauf F Thomas Co h 201 Grand
Boland Danl (Helen) h 136 N Railroad
Boland John r 611 No C
Boland Lorin coremkr r 136 N Railroad
Boland Morris F (Celia) Constable h 611 No C
Boldeman Adolph C (Irene) h 94 W Poplar
Boldeman Oscar (Flora h 423 Hurlingham
Bond Mrs Ruby h 100 N El Camino
Bond Wm E importer r 100 N El Camino
Bonetti Tillie h 831 Prospect
Bongera Angeline clk Blue Bird Drug Co r 547 So E
Bongera Mrs Domenica h 547 So E
Bonner Robt (Gertrude) h 110 Hayward
Bookis Gus (Frances) uphlstr h 54 No F
Booth Alice r 310 B
Booth Mrs Margt h 611 No D
Booth Mrs Margt A (Hotel Royal) h 310 B
Borchers Arthur appr Times r Maple av Homestead
Borchers Fred r Maple av Homestead
Borchers John (Mary) gardener h 1512 S El Camino
Borchers Lloyd foremn Times r Maple av Homestead
Borchers Louis H (Minnie) h Maple av Homestead
Borches Dietrich gardener h 376 No D
Borel Guadalupe socialwkr P O Box 508 Homestead
Borg Edw W (Mabel) clk h 341 No C
Borges Frank A (Mary) butcher h 1406 B
Boring Frank H (Cora) contr h 661 Crescent
Born Bldg Co S A Born pres 929 Rosewood
Born S A (Mary) pres Born Bldg Co h 218 5th
Bosshard Julius millwright h 635 So D
Bottini John (Virginia) lab h 22 No F
Boucher Kenneth F (Arda S) copy writer h 307 Highland
Boudry Mrs Catherine h 54 Ellsworth
Bourgois Rene L (Jean) carrier Burl P O h 212 Ellsworth
Bourret Geo R (Florence G) h 213 Villa
Boutte Baldwin P (Mary) lab h 819 Mt Diablo
Bovee Clarence F (Frances) traffic mgr h 739 Highland
Bovee Mrs Margaret S r 739 Highland
Bowman John S (Lulu) barber 110 B h 124 Griffith
Bowman Mrs Margt h 715 3d
Bownass Mrs Fannie C h 314 N El Camino
Bownass Geo clk Levy Bros r 314 N El Camino
Bownass Thos elec r 314 N El Camino
Boyce Jas D (Nettie L) carp h 73 No G
Boyle Eugene (Opal) chauf H E Casey Co r Yorke Apts
Boyle Martin P driver S M F & F Co r 319 2d
Bracken V h 900 Palm
Bradbury John A (Ida V) painter h220 8th
Bradford Clarkson B (Anna) bonds h 28 W St Ines
Bradford Clyde elec r 330 Villa
Bradley John J (Anna L) tmstr h 141 No E
Bradshaw C E salsn A Oil Co
Bradshaw Percy (Alice) foremn Wisnom Lbr Co h 151 15th
Brady Edw (Mary) repr Montgomery & Son h 221 The Crescent
Brady Jas H (Lucy) printer h 617 Dorchester
Brady Thos J (Mary A) meats 229 B h 706 Laurel
Bragato Giovachino (Santa) h 361 No E
Bragg Chas W ins adjuster h 227d Griffith
Bramstedt Mrs Dorothea rt 1 bx 3 1st av
Bramstedt Rudolph (Margt) chauf rt 1 bx 5a 1st av
Brandolini Luigo lab r 153 No D
Brandt B Ulmer (Marietta) ins h 140 Clark
Brandt Walter B (Rebecca) ins h 647 Edgewood
Brannan Robt E (Adalaide) mining h 221 No D
Braouard Aug (Leontine) butler h 18 Hilltop
Braun Jas A (Elizabeth) mcht h 427 Warren
Braunstein Simon (Augusta) mach h 507 Mt Diablo
Bready J E (Jennie) carp h 915 5th
Breckenridge Mrs Josephine h 204 W Poplar
Breen Thos (Mary) lab h 49 No D
Breeze Thos H (Frances) atty h Roehampton rd
Bresee Fred Jr (Frances C) salsn h 11 9th
Bresnahan Wm repr Montgomery & Son r 22 B
Breuer Martin (Emma V) salsn h 1014 Rosewood
Brewster Adele nurse r 301 W St Ines
Bridgman Margt nurse r 218 Ellsworth
Briggs Jas A foremn P G & E Co r 19 Ellsworth
Brimmer Arthur L (Maude Q) broker h 219 8th
Brinkhurst Geo (Elsie G) carp h 703 Prospect
Bristow Elliott L (Cornelia)ins h 532 W Poplar
Britt Jos P and Thos rt 1 bx 23 El Camino
Broderick Robt E (Katherine) contr h 413 E Poplar
Brokenel John painter h 906 4th
BROMFIELD JOHN D (Lorine) Mgr Levy Bros Burlingame h 420 Dorchester
Bromley Geo waiter Noah's Ark r 817 Mt Diablo
Brook J T mgr Third Ave Groc r Redwood City
Broska Chas M (Margt) cementwkr h 1016 3d
Brostrom Fredk (Anna) mach h 325 Tilton
Brown Anna E asst Pub Library r 107 E St Ines
Brown Asher D molder r 624 1st
Brown Chas D (Hazel) cigars 236 B h 353 Ellsworth
Brown Chas J (Emma) clk A Oil Co h rear 218 Minnie
Brown Clements W dentist 307 B r 234 Elm
Brown Dennis C blksmth 402 3d r 39 No D
Brown Fred A (Fay) mech h 225 6th
Brown Gordon mech h 415 So D
Brown Harry J (Elizabeth L) traffic mgr h 154 16th
Brown John P studt r 31 No D
Brown J D Jr salsn A Oil Co r Fire House
Brown J H sec Wisnom Lbr Co r 115 Baldwin
Brown Mrs Lillian nurse h 1320 B
Brown Mrs Margt D h 107 E St Ines
Brown Marion tchr Homestead Sch r 115 Baldwin
Brown Mrs Mary L h 624 1st
Brown Monroe F asst G W Sneider & Co r 15 Ellsworth
Brown Max M (Cliffe) mcht h Roblar av Hillsboro
Brown Mrs Rosalie M h 31 No D
Brown Mrs Ruth rt 1 bx 39
Brown Mrs Sarah h 605 W Poplar
Brown Stanley A carp r 1320 B
Brown Theo (Celestine F) restaurant h 144 13th
BROWN THOS J (Elizabeth) (Homestead Garage) h 1305 Palm
Brown Mrs Vera r 19 No F
Brown Walter J salsn r 31 No D
Brown Warren E clk r 31 No D
Brown Wilfred N studt r 31 No D
Brown Wm elec h 115 Baldwin
Brown Wm H eng r 31 No D
Brown W M rt 1 bx 36a
Brownlee Richd B (Alice) lab h 236 Ellsworth
Bruce David salsn r 61 No E
Bruno G rt 1 bx 33a
Bruns Geo A (Ada A) driver S M F& F Co h 337 Ellsworth
Bryant Hugh J (Jessie) draftsmn h 407 Barriolhet
Bryggman Emil W (Wally) pipeftr P G & E Co h 550 No C
Bryggman Uno (Hjordis) pipeftr P G & E Co h 616 No C
Buckius Geo G r 23 12th
Buckley Edw gardener r 15 Barriolhet
Buckley Michl G (Catherine A) h 241 Grand
Buckman Thos tmstr Wisnom Lbr Co h 148 No F
Buda Nasto (Marie) cementwkr h 210 So H
Buell Roy N clk h 158 11th
Bugbee Mrs Mary r 605 W Poplar
Building Trades Council W H Dingwell bus agt 711 B
Buja Andrew (Inez R) broker h 43 No F
Bull Chas H (Sylvia) h 620 Costa Rica
Bull Mrs Salina r 620 Costa Rica
Bull Wm H (Ella M) designer h 217 Mt Diablo
Burch Clyde (Lucile) salsn h 9 11th
Burd Wm L (Louise) carp h 136 No E
Burgard John C (Jennie) stationer h 231 El Cerrito av
Burgess R N h 1316 Palm
Burke Buol J  r 241 Warren
Burke Danl (Helen) chauf h 512 So D
Burke Elmer (Irene) clk h 237 No E
Burke Everette studt r 334 Griffith
Burke Mrs E E rt 1bx 46
Burke Michl J (Jeanette P) buyer h 21 10th
Burke Thos E (Elvina M) ctr T J Brady h 237 No E
BURKE THOS F (Mary) Chief of Police h 503 Mt Diablo
Burke Wm J (Marie M) lumbermn h 241 Warren
Burke Wm W studt r 503 Mt Diablo
Burke Winifred M tchr Central Sch h 334 Griffith
Burnell E W lather h 521 So E
Burnette Fred (Daisy H) agt h 24 Hayward
Burnham Edw (Amelia) plumber h 411 Midway
Burnham Mrs Maia G r 39 Griffith
Burnham Melvin P h 152 W Poplar
Burnham Mrs Susan r 2 Clark
Burns Mrs Edith A h 720 Prospect
Burns F D h 711 Woodside
Burns Herbt H (Ruth A) contr h 133 No C
Burns John J h 424 Hurlingham
Burns Robt Jr (Florence) dentist h 126 Clark
Burrows Jas rt 1 bx 49
Burson John E (Emily) mech h 226 No D
Burson Robt millmn Wisnom Lbr Co r 226 No D
Burszan John (Reby) baker 106 B h 226 1st
Burton Aaron E (Theodora) ins agt h30 E St Ines
Burwell Cornelius S (Bessie) carp S A Wisnom h 823 Highland
Burwell Cornelius S Jr studt r 823 Highland
Burwell Irving M watchmkr r 823 Highland
Bush Jos (Ellen) cbtmkr Penn Furn Shops h 415 So D
Bush Wm J (Alice) salsn H I Lauder rt 1 bx 5 1st av
Buss Chas painter r 526 So F
Butler Geo R (Sadie) photgr h 232 Villa
Butler Mrs Olive solr r 19B
Butte E lab h 210 No H
Buttrick Conant S (Mignon) bkpr h 701 Woodside
Butzbach Edw F (Gladys) metalwkr h 647 No D
Byer Orlando J L (Lisette) salsn h 210 State
Bymbold Henry (Myra) carp h 152 13th
Byrne Chas E lab r 709 2d
Byrne Hannah W nurse h 123 Baldwin
Byrne Mrs Mary r 123 Baldwin
Byrne Thos (Mary) lab h 421 So D
Byrnes Annie M r 808 Laurel
Byrnes Thos E h 808 Laurel
Byron Grill (S and O Makris) 148 B
Cabell Walter lab r340No D
Cabona David (Jessie) gatemn S P Co h 118 No G
Cady Mrs Loretta tel opr r 134 No C
Cafferata Aug J (Alice) dentist h 135 13th
Cafferatta Mrs Jessie h 91 No F
Cahalan Harry A (Ethel) mgr Cahalan Co h 231 Villa
Cahill Thos F (Matilda) elec Davis & Goodhue h 127 11th
Cairns Agnes T r 520 San Mateo
Cairns Catherine S r 520 San Mateo
Cairns John T h 520 San Mateo
Cairns Robt rt 1 bx 33f
Caitsu Spiridon steward bx 249 Hillsboro
Caldwell Cecile carp r 318 Tilton
Caldwell Edw C carp r 237 No D
Caldwell Henry J mach W C Davis r 87 No E
Caldwell Jas (Jane) h 87 No E
Caldwell John G carp r 152 Ellsworth
Caldwell Robt (Amy L) bldg contr h 152 Ellsworth
Caldwell Robt B (Florence) carp h 71 Ellsworth
Caldwell Walter W plasterer r 237 No D
Caldwell Wm C lab h 318 Tilton
Calif State Auto Assn H L Willey mgr 100 S El Camino
Callaghan Boyd designer r 512 Warren
Callaghan Mrs Edna B h 512 Warren
CALLAGHAN REV TIMOTHY (St Matthew's Catholic Ch) h 224 A
Callesen Fred P supt Wisnom Lbr Co r 1406 B
Callway Wiley (Pearl) butcher h 340 No D
CAMBRIDGE REV WALTER H (Episcopal Church of St Matthew) h 15 2d
Camerotto Mario (Angela) lab h 729 Tilton
Camozzi Eugene J (Alma) gasftr P G & E Co h 602 San Mateo
Camp Robt B carp R W Hurst r 625 No D
Camp Robt E clk S M P M Co r 625 No D
Campbell Chas H (Elizabeth) glue mcht h 400 Hurlingham
Campbell Geo L salsn r 119 E Bellevue
Campbell John gardener r W St Ines Hillsboro
Campbell J C carp r 163 2d
Campbell Richd (Maude M) clk Levy Bros h 119 E Bellevue
Campbell Wm J baker P O Box 31 Homestead
Canepa Ida stngr r 221 Griffith
Canepa Pasquale (Mary) florist 45 B h 221 Griffith
Cannon Hannah r 1010 Laurel
Canzin Peter (Mary) contr h 211 So G
Carli John (Mary) gardener h 519 E Poplar
Carlos Manuel V (Mary E) chauf h 115 15th
Carlson Adolph carp r 61 Ellsworth
Carlson Andw E (Kath) mgr Abe Lincoln Stores h 325 Clark
Carlson Arnold (Helen) clk h rear 322 Griffith
Carlson A Earl rt 1 bx 31
Carlson Mrs Charlotta r 39 Griffith
Carlson Con (Grace) blksmth D C Brown h 343 No D
Carlson E cbtmkr r 446 B
Calson John E (Marie) (Home Supply Grocery) h 610 Dorchester
Carlson John L student r 610 Dorchester
Carlson John W (Pauline) saltmkr h 134 16th
Carmichael Robt (Annie) clk  h 427 Villa
Carpentier Mrs Alice h 719 W Poplar
Carrigan Andrew (Carolia) mfg agt h 246 W St Ines
Carrigan Anna V h 252 W St Ines
Carroll Patk h 148 No F
Carroll Patk lab Wisnom Lbr Co h 128 So C
Carter Agnes steno Wisnom Hdw Co r 21 No H
Carter Edwin T (Della) archt S M P M Co h 21 No H
Carter Norman B (Nettie M) h 401 W Poplar
Carter R Brace (Aileen) bonds h 210 W Bellevue
Carthew Frank (Guenllian) clk h 109 Baldwin
Carty Mrs Mary r 643 No D
Casazza Barta rt 1 bx 54b
Cascinai Jos clk r 302 No E
Cascinai Marion (Carrie) mgr City Fruit Mkt h 230 No D
Casden Henrietta opr Harper Method Shop
Casetta Jos clk City Fruit Mkt r 123 No F
Casey Mrs Annie h 306 So D
Casey Edw (Mary) rt 1 bx 17a 2d av
Casey Florence steno Kirkbride & Gordon 236 Elm
CASEY H E COMPANY (H E and J E Casey G W Stollery) Building Material Main Office 307 B
Casey Irene G r 23 Ellsworth
CASEY JOHN E (Annie J) (H E Casey Co) h 23 Ellsworth
Casey John J (Louise T) watchmn h 236 Elm
Casey Mae L asst N D Morrison r 236 Elm
Casey Margaret L stngr 320 Ellsworth
Casey Wm W (Louise) real est h 320 Ellsworth
Casserly Mrs Cecelia h 34 Edgehill
Catto John (Elvira) marble contr h 218 State
Catto Raymond C (Ausgusta B) acct h 224 State
Catuch Jos (Angelina) cementwkr h 611 3d
Causson Bernard lndywkr r 20 N Railroad
Causson Mrs Leontine laundry h 20 N Railroad
Cavaleri Frank ydmn S M P M Co r 407 So D
Cavanaugh Earl C (Cavanaugh & Cavanaugh) r 142 Warren
Cavanaugh Frank M (Anna D) bldg contr h 315 Highland
Cavanaugh Mrs Jennie h 142 Warren
Cavanaugh Oscar L (Mabel) bldg contr h 432 Occidental
Cavanaugh Percy C (Florence) (Cavanaugh & Cavanaugh) h 247 E Bellevue
Cavanaugh Thos A (Grace M) bldg contr h 215 Griffith
Cavanaugh & Cavanaugh (E C and P C) ins 213 Balovich Bldg
Cazerza Batista gardener r 500 No D
Celotti Jos (Palmira) lab h 8 o F
Centeno Modesto (Clara) lab h 925 Cypress
Central School 1st and Baldwin
Chadwick Archie H J (Marie S) h 112 7th
Chalmers Ella T h 1101 Palm
Chalmers J Morse clk r 1101 Palm
Chalmers Wm A (Coll & Chalmers) r 1101 Palm
Chamberlin Cecil (Arletta) r 726 5th
Chambers Mrs Rosslyn nurse r 215 2d
Chanteloup Jacques (Marie) laundry 165 No C h 159 No C
Chapman Frank F (Katie) plumber rt 1 bx 27 3d av
Chapman Saml E (Della) phys r 803 Prospect
Chaput Eugene V (Martha) jeweler h 469 Midway
Chard Wesley B (Louisa) upholstr h 241 No C
Charette Adolphus (M Cherie) salsn h 525 N El Camino
Charette Louise musician h 10 E Bellevue
Chase Mrs Marian E r 134 Warren
Cheek W Floyd (Rubie) lab h 117 No D
Cheetham Albt (Florence) h 526 E St Ines
Cheetham Jas carp r 321 Villa
Cheney Chas K (Emma) mach h 719 5th
Cherry Benj F carrier P O r 110 St Matthews
Cherry Isaac D (Evaline) janitor h 30 No E
Chesnick Stanley (Albina) saltwkr h 806 9th
Chess T Louis trav agt h 240 Villa
Chichizola Irene r 134 Elm
Chichizola Mrs Josephine E h 232 Grand
Chidester Walter C (Elsa) phys 23 2d r San Mateo av and Poett Rd
Chief of Police T F Burke 215 B
Chiesa Mrs Angela h 16 No F
Chiesa Emma clk r 16 No F
Chilcott Mrs E r 215 2d
Childers Wm L (Estell M) plstr h 319 Ellsworth
Chiossi Geo H (May) broker h 256 State
Chiossi Jack mech r 240 Villa
Christian Science Reading Room Loewe & Zwierlein bldg
Christianson Antone J nurserymn Homestead
Christiansen Mrs Ruth bacteriologist Mills Hosp
Christie Geo L (Martha) clk h 633 Highland
Christie Melville H bkpr Nat Bk of S M r 633 Highland
Christile Louis gardener h rear 112 No E
Christman Henry S (Birdie M) plumber h 6 Mateo Grounds
Chunn Chas J (Margt) atty h 425 Wisnom
Cipperly Ellsworth E (Cora M) cbtmkr S M P M Co h 1105 B
Cipperly Ellsworth M (Esther) salsn h 327 Eagle
City Fruit Mkt M Cascinai mgr 21 B and 1316 S El Camino
City Market (C Kopp M Schick) meats 21 B
City Attorney J E McCurdy 307 B
City Bldg Inspector M J Powers 215 B
City Clerk-Assessor E W Foster 215 B
City Councilmen F J Smith pres F E Beer A J Watson T J Brady J J Sharon 215 B
CITY DIRECTORY Coast Directory Co Pubs P O Box 445 Burlingame
City Engineer O F Weissgerber 215 B
City Hall 215 B
City Health Officer W C McLean 215 B
City Judge G A Kertell 215 B
City Manager O F Weissgerber 215 B
City Purchasing Agt O F Weissberber 215 B
City Supt Streets O F Weissberger 215 B
City Tax Colr E W Foster 215 B
City Treasurer C A Ginnever Balovich Bldg
Clagstone Paul (Cora) h 123 Baywood
Clagstone H Pauline r 123 Baywood
Clagstone Kirk studt r 123 Baywood
Clancy Owen H h 418 So D
Clanton Jos C h 340 No D
Clark Alfd F (Gertrude) h 865 Jefferson
Clark Alvin G (Marie) printer News Leader r 3 Nut st
Clark Chas W (Cecelia) mining h 900 S El Camino
Clark Edna F teller Bank of Burl r 511 Highland
Clark Edw H Jr (Margt) banker h 19 Chester
Clark Fred L (Virginia) mfr rt 1 bx 48
Clark Fred W (Anna H) blksmth h 511 Highland
Clark Henry A (Carrie) stationer 243 B h 232 Elm
Clark Neil Gardener r 128 SoC
Clark Pamelia D r 232 Elm
Clark Robt lab h 603 Woodside
Clark R K (Irene) bootblk 143 B r 403 Cypress Ct
Clark Wm (Bertha) h 634 No C
Clarke Alma nurse Mills Hosp r 8 2d
Clarke John A (Annie) h 222 Ellsworth
Clary Hugh L (Huldah) h 716 Crescent
Claudius Henry h 12 N El Camino
Claus Wm J (Julia) notary h 816 N El Camino
Clausen Arthur W (Helen G) eng h 157 Barriolhet
Clausen Walter (Lillian) foremn Wisnom Lbr Co h 1129 5th
Clay Herbt H h 307 S Railroad
Clayton Arthur restaurant 250 B
Clayton Mrs Mary r 310 B
Cleary Clarence P h 426 Grand
Clements E F (Ethel) salsn h 1008 5th
Cleveland Mrs Ada r 215 No D
Clifford John H (Della) carp h rear 21 No H
Close G S h 421 Occidental
Close Wm L (Edna) h 1609 B
Clot Emile J (Louise C) mech h 229 8th
Clot Geo L mech r 229 8th
Cloud Mrs Lillie B h 1018 5th
Coakley Andrew (Nora) lab rt 1 bx 21j Middle av
COAST DIRECTORY CO Arthur F Woodmansee Mgr Publishers San Mateo-BurlingameCity Directory P O Box 445 Burlingame
Coats John W (Blanche) bkpr S M P Mill Co h 723 San Mateo
Coats Lloyd clk r 528 So H
Coats R C salsn A Oil Co r 528 So H
Cocconi Danl (Eudemia) (Daba & Co) h 133 No F
Cocconi Virgilio (Angelina) cementwkr h 226 So H
Cochran Francis J h 146 Ellsworth
Cochrun Clarence carp h 159 No E
COCKRELL BEVERLY R (Elizabeth G) Chiropractor 19 B Phone S M 713-J h 70 Ellsworth Phone S M 713-M
Cockcroft Dorothea nurse r 232 State
Cockcroft Grace M musician r 232 State
Cockcroft Mrs Isadora F h 232 State
Cockcroft John B mgr Motor Sales Co r 232 State
Cockcroft Arthur (Helen) eng h 216 W Bellevue
Coffey Ellen M h 212 Griffith
Coffin Bertram H (Lillian) lumbermn h 614 Dorchester
Coffman Herbt (Sara) sales mgrh 824 Crescent
Cohen Miriam nurse r 458 Turner
Cohn Seth (Elizabeth) mgr Atlas Elec Co h 237 Grand
Colagiovanni Michl (Angelina) janitor h 28 No F
Cole Emma L r 501 Edgewood
Cole Jas F civ eng h 5 Mateo Grounds
Cole Jas S (Ruby S) salsn h 849 Jefferson
Cole Thos S (Elizabeth) eng h 717 W Poplar
Colegrove Chas E (Stella) mech h 211 Mt Diablo
Colegrove Harold C clk r 211 Mt Diablo
Coleman Building 307 B
Colman Clarence (Edith) real est h 58 Peninsular Ct
Coleman John H (Clara) h 400 Westmoreland
Coleman S Waldo (Lucille) h 168 W Bellevue
Coleman Wm E steward S M Polo Club
COLEMAN WM L V-Pres San Mateo Feed & Fuel Co r S F
Coll Jos F (Dorothy T) (Coll & Chalmers) h 150 11th
Colleta John gardener r 6 10th
Collins Arthur J (Anna L) heater h 925 5th
Collins Frank lab h 416 So D
Collins Collins Jas (Emma) valet h 326 Mt Diablo
Collins Mrs Laura bkpr Burl Advance h 612 Prospect
Colombo Louis (Banbina) gardener h 55 No H
Colonello Antonio (Louise) lab h 205 So G
Colver Edw H (May L) watchmn S P Co h 704 Prospect
Comings Amy L steno r 320 Elm
Comings Edith T steno r 320 Elm
Comings Jane A v-prin High Sch r 320 Elm
Comings Orrington L (Lillian) ins h 320 Elm
Comstock Geo K salsn Conway Raybould & Johnson r 525 N El Camino
Conca C lab P G & E Co h 920 4th
Condos Tom lab Byron Grill
Condy H Richd jeweler 220 Balovich Bldg r 71 Ellsworth
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (Rev C L Kloss) Tilton nr Griffith
Conlong Effie E r 555 Occidental
Conlong Jas (Julia) h 555 Occidental
Connell Robt (Dora) marble mcht h 220 W Bellevue
Conner A F (Frances) acct h 221a No C
Conners Kathryn nurse Mills Hosp r 8 2d
Connolly Mrs Caroline h 222 o C
Connolley Edw lumbermn h 54 W Bellevue
Conolley Mrs Harriet r 54 W Bellevue
Conolley Lulu r 54 W Bellevue
Conolly Mrs Mary h 170 Warren
Conrad Elizabeth steno Ferrell & Watkins r 319 2d
Conroy John H (Alma) dentist h 51 Hayward
Continolo Mrs Gaetano r 616 So E
Continolo Victor N (Mary) cbtmkr Penn Furn Shops h 616 So E
Contreas Manuel lab h rear 215 So D
Conway Myles J (Catherine) (Conway Raybould & Johnson) h 212 Villa
CONWAY RAYBOULD & JOHNSON (M J Conway D A Raybould F M Johnson) Real Est B cor 2d
Cook Benj F (Annie M) h 25 Hilltop
Cook Byron L draftsmn r 25 Hilltop
Cook Joshua L (Anne) mgr Ind Finance Co h 249 Elm
Cook Mary E clk r 25 Hilltop
Cook Roy E (Mildred) bonds h 228 Warren
Cooke Arthur clk Sunshine Stores r 601 N El Camino
Cooke Mrs Harriet h 601 N El Camino
Cooke Helen steno r 601 N El Camino
Cooke Maye R bkpr r 601 N El Camino
Cooks Edw E decorator r 212 Grand
Cooks Louis (Carrie) h 212 Grand
Cooks Oswald T (Elizabeth C) painter h 627 Highland
Cooks Walter C (Charlotte) mgr Cooks Wall Paper & Paint Co h 212 Grand
Cooley Frank S (Mary E) contr h 36 Garnd
Cooley Gerald M contr r 36 Grand
Cooley Harold S salsn r 36 Grand
Cooley Wm L contr r 36 Grand
Coombes Thos W watchmn S M P M Co h 624 So D
Coonan Wm H (Elizabeth) sea capt h 326 Elm
Cooper Arval (Caroline W) lab h 64 No F
Cooper Chas P lab h 215 No E
Cooper Loretta clk r 404 So D
Corbett Mrs Emma h 25 So D
Corbin Wash C (Dora) h 534 So F
Corcoran Edw M (Marie) sign writer 217 4th h 4 11th
Corcoran Murt W (Mary) h 9 Bayview
Cordoza Florence r 60 Clark
Corey Albt R carp r 309 A
Cornwell Danl W (Ruby) lab h 107 No E
Correia Frank H clk r 316 So F
Correia Manuel (Clara) cook h 316 So F
Correia Manuel Jr (Josie) bottler 207 So C h 716 3d
Corrigan Arthur A (Gertrude) (A A Corrigan & Co) h 315 Tilton
CORRIGAN A A & CO (A A Corrigan W J Dougherty H Kirschenbauer) Painters 218 1st
Cosgriff E H (Marion) h 95 W Poplar
Cosmopolitan Grocery (E Bacco P J Baldassar) 42 B
Costa Amelia r 140 N Railroad
Costa Carlo C (Agnes C) gardner h 330 The Crescent
Costa Frank lab r 140 N Railroad
Costa Mrs Jennie h 140 N Railroad
Costa Jesse mech r 140 N Railroad
Costa Jos (Mary) gardener h 360 No D
Costello Wm (Della) messr h 47 No H
Cottier E C plumber 37 B h 522 So E
Cotton Aylet R atty P O Box 452 3d av Homestead
County Alms House P O Box 189
Courter Chas R writer News Leader r 519 Laurel
Courtin Jeanne steno r 319 No C
Courtin Lucien J chauf Levy Bros r 319 No C
Courtin Oscar L (Margt) bkpr Pen Ice Co h 319 No C
Courtney Eugene lab r 128 So C
Cousineau Jos (Josephine) billiards 158 No E
Cowles Paul (Charlotte) telg supt h 625 Dorchester
Cox Raymond C (Alice G) salsn h 854 Jefferson
Cox Mrs Sarah E r 240 No C
Coy Wm S (Nellie) taxi Main st h 129 3d
Coyle Charlotte M mgr Western Union Telegraph Co r 215 Griffith
COYLE JAS L (Anna E) (Burlingame Realty Co) h 301 Griffith
Coyle Kathleen student r 301 Griffith
Crader Leslie (Laure) vulc J R Gibson h 433 No C
Crafts Albert H (Anna) sales mgr h El Cerrito av
Craig Agnes E student r 157 Ellsworth
Craig Clarence H (Margt) salsn h 126 No C
Craig Frank M (Besie) salsn h 430 Hurlingham
Craig Mrs Georgina h 157 Ellsworth
Craig Hazel I clk r 157 Ellsworth
Craig J Gordon clk Mt View Fruit Co r 157 Ellsworth
Craig Wm F (Frances) plumber 9th nr B h 31 So C
Craigmile Robt clk Loewe & Zwierlein h 111 Mt Diablo
Cramer Paul r 130 Baywood
Crane Richd L (Mary A) tchr h 454 Wisnom
Cranford Frank H (Stella A) bldg contr h 605 Dorchester
Crawford Mrs Abbie M r 202 Ellsworth
Crawford Mrs Inez J h 216 Mt Diablo
CRAWFORD INEZ M Libr San Mateo Public Library r 216 Mt Diablo
Creaven Mrs Ellen h 123 No E
Creaven Margaret bkpr Wisnom Hdw Co r 123 No E
Creaven Martin gatemn S P Co r 45 No D
Creaven Robt M carp r 123 No E
Creighton Esther A studt r 433 E Bellevue
Creighton John T (Minnie L) carp h 433 E Bellevue
Creighton Leo servicmn J R Gibson r 433 E Bellevue
Cribb Geo H (Juanita A) plumber h 7 12th
Crichton Jas D (Frances) bldg contr h 630 Prospect
Crichton J Douglas carp r 630 Prospect
Crist Mrs Margt r 128 E St Ines
Critchfield Jas N (Neel) mach h 514 E St Ines
Crocker Chas T (Helene) Baywood rd Box 249 Hillsboro
Cronin Frank T gardener rt 1 Box 21a
Cronk Frank S (Bertha) plasterer h rear 127 No G
Crooks A B h 69 Ellsworth
Croop Edwin L (Olga L) carp S A Wisnom h 207 Villa
Croop Walter H chauf Pen Meat Co r 207 Villa
Croop Wm T (Pearl) carp rt 1 bx 9c
Crosby Mrs Mabel C r 1116 B
Crosby Wm (Cora) cashr Levy Bros h 904 5th
Cross Wm H (Hazel) linemn h 16 So D
Crow Wm R (Emma H) ry agt h 112 Griffith
Crowder Reuben lab r 128 So C
Crowe Sedgwick (Leota) adv agt r 39 Griffith
Crowell W A embalmer Mrs N C McCarthy r 121 Baldwin
Crowley David W coachmn r Box 249 Hillsboro
Crowley Kate H tchr r 70 Sycamore
Crowley Thos J (Vera L) phys h 310 Clark
Crown Jacob P (Sarah E) elec h 52 No F
Crull Frank chauf J B Peckham Co h 323 So C
Crumpton J R h 222 Villa
Cruz Benj L R glazier J C Rosewarne r 715 4th
Cucagna Rudolph (S M Ravioli Fcty) r 201 So D
Cullen Annie maid r 128 So C
Cummings Alex rt 1 bx 31a
Cummings Frank r 215 2d
Cummings Helen S tchr High Sch r 256 Griffith
Cummings M Marguerite tchr r 256 Griffith
Cummings Roy L (Ella) eng S M F & F Co h 50 No D
Cummings Thos A (Mary G) h 256 Griffith
Cummings Thos S salsn r 256 Griffith
Cummings Wm (Edith) lab h 329 So G
Cuneo Regina r 134 Elm
Cunba John A (Eleanor) chauf H E Casey Co h 210 No D
Cunba John T (Rosa) quarrymn H E Casey Co h 201 No D
Cunningham Archibald H (Catherine) clk h 420 W Poplar
Cunningham Rose r 168 W Bellevue
Curley Jos T (Mary B) atty r 123 2nd
Curran Margaret h 53 Griffith
Currence Harlan D (Josephine M) sales mgr h 30 10th
Currie Mrs Nell h 411 So C
Currie Robt clk Atlas Elec Co r 411 So C
Currier Bert O (Ella) carp h 227 No C
Currier Chas M (Anna B) salsn h 319 The Crescent
Currier Mrs Jennie r 319 The Crescent
Curry Jas (Jane) carp S A Wisnom h 130 16th
Curtaz Mrs Agatha r 103 W St Ines
Curtice Mrs Nellie restaurant 258 Main h 264 Main
Cuthbert Edw F (Hannah) h 118 E St Ines
Cuthbert Violet bkpr r 118 E St Ines
Daba Marco (Josephine) (Daba & Co) h 112 No E
Daba & Co (M Daba D Cocconi O Bertagna) grocers 131 B
Da Dalto John lab r 159 No D
Dado Marjorie E steno Coll & Chalmers r 19 13th
Dado Sylvster H (Mamie) sec B P O E (San Mateo) h 19 13th
Dahlgren A J carp r 242 B
DAILY NEWS LEADER Ed S Riggins Publisher 139 3d
Dair Clarence (Elizabeth) h 35 B
Daley Allie clk r 39 Griffith
Dall Chas A (Gladys) (Dall & Shelton) h 6 E Bellevue
Dallace Gino lab r 603 Mt Diablo
Dallace Jos cementwkr h 603 Mt Diablo
Dalton Alfd (Edith) gardener h 128 No F
Dalton Alfred Jr agt P G & E Co r Belmont
Dalton Wm H (Gladys) agt Met Life h 304 N El Camino
Dalve Henry C clk r 521 No F
Dalve Mrs Susanna M h 521 So F
Daly John D (Ella) clk h 216 So C
Daly Mrs Margaret h 538 So G
Daly Philip chauf Pen Parcel Del r 538 So G
Dalziel Jas (Leota) traffic owner h 600 9th
Dana Harry S (Hilda S) jeweler h 540 Edgewood
Daniel Antone driver S M F & F Co
Daniels John lab S M F & F Co r 919 Cypress
Daniel Kathleen r 719 4th
Daniel Manuel C (Agnes) driver S M F & F Co h 719 4th
Daniels Leonard B (Jean) h 1310 Palm
Daniels Tony C (Louise) lab h 810 3d
Danielson Harold E studt r 323 Elm
Dannenbaum Arthur J (Alice H) atty h 227 Elm
Darby Cornelius (Mary) well borer h 317 Bellevue
Darby Fredk W (Bertha M) carp h 815 Highland
Darcy Alice steno r 18 No E
Darcy Bess bkpr r 18 No E
DARCY JAS H Bicycles and Sport Goods 317 Baldwin r 18 No E
Darcy John J carp r 18 No E
DARCY JOS B (Birdie) Bicycles and Sport Goods 317 Baldwin h 615 Prospect
Darcy Madeline studt r 18 No E
Darcy Thos (Bridget)h 18 No E
Darcy Thos E (Acme Mach Shop) r 18 No E
Dario Frank (Arzetta) lab r 147 No F
Darrough Leo T (Rose) elec S P Co h 614 Woodside
Dasse Eugene painter h 95 No G
Data Jos (Catherine) gardener h 124 No F
Davenport Geo N (S Mayo) h 325 Ellsworth
Davidson Georgia nurse Mills Hosp r 8 2d
Davidson Hugh carp r Union Hotel
Davies Cecilia r 537 Hurlingham
Davies Henry C (Frances) seedsmn h 231 The Crescent
Davies Margt r 537 Hurlingham
Davies R Festyn musician h 537 Hurlingham
Davies Wm H masseur h 222 8th
Davis Arthur labr 147 No F
Davis Aug (Eliz) farmer h 116 13th
Davis Earl A cashr r 116 13th
Davis Edgar carp r 123 2d
Davis Fred (Ruth E) elec h 151 Ellsworth
Davis Leo H (Gertrude) chauf h 317 Elm
Davis Orley C (Cora) mech h 108 Griffith
Dacis Richd B (Mary I) carp h 412 A
Davis Vernard O (Fannie) mgr Davis & Goodhue h 138 W Bellevue
Davis Walter H (Orpah) civ eng h 6 No E
Davis Wm A (Florence) const eng h 211 No D
Davis Willis C (Esther (S M Garage) h 323 Elm
Davis & Goodhue V O Davis mgr Auto elec 149 3d
Davison C metal wkr r 163 2d
Davison W P painter 245 S Railroad r 318 B
Davy Beatrice nurse r 418 No C
Day Eldon (Anna) chauf A Oil Co h 1126 5th
Day John N (Clara) janitor City Schs h 359 No D
Day Norman (Clara) janitor h 407 So D
Day Vance H h 109 W Bellevue
Deane Alfd J (Alice) elec h 46 16th
Deasy Frank carp h 604 9th
Deasy Mrs Margt r 604 9th
Deasy Wm J clk r 604 9th
Death Chas H clk r 264 Main
Debenedetti John L (Rose) h 134 Elm
DeCazzotte Mrs Mary h 252 W St Ines
Decker Mrs W rt bx 22
DeCosta Manuel (Maria) gardener h 215 Ellsworth
DeGarmo Roy (Harriet) rt 1 box 40b
De Groot Hugo writer News Leader r 222 So H
DeGuigne C r Crystal Spgs rd
Deiker Mrs Bertha h 611 San Mateo
Deiker Juanita tchr Lawrence Sch r 611 San Mateo
DeLaveaga G V (Gertrude) atty h 450 Griffith
Delborn Antone lab r 38 B
Del Castillo A mech r 38 B
Deleissigues Richd linemn r Union Hotel
De Lorme Clifford (Lea) salsn h 756 Occidental
De Martini Costante lab h rear 309 So H
De Martini Frank chauf r 715 So E
Dement F (Josephine H) h 222 Clark
Dempey Thos (Mary L) auditor r 811 Laurel
De Nardi N h 610 So F
Dennison Elizabeth lndywkr h 517 E Bellevue
Dennison Jos J (Bertha) colr P T & T Co h 846 Highland
Denny Dorothy tchr Lawrence Sch h 215 2d
Denny Geo mfr r 726 Hurlingham
Denson Wm J (Fannie C) bkpr F Smith Furn Co h 240 No C
Denton Fredk J (Mabel) cond h 522 E St Ines
Denton R lab h 242 Griffith
De Paul John r 728 3d
Derham Terence J (Elizabeth) draymn h 215 Clark
Derning Earl W (Jennie) h 125 E Bellevue
Derruau Eli (Mary) h 219 So D
Desmond John J (Susan) janitor h 507 Laurel
De St Cyr Jean Box 489 El Cerrito av
De Surville Emil (Helen) real est h 210 W Bellevue
De Veer J M rt 1 bx 52j
De Velschow Chris (Adeline) mech W C Davis r Homstead
Devereaux Wm G (Ruth) eng rt 1 bx 14a 2d av
Devincenzi Angelo J (Angelina) mech Beer & Ross h 89 No H
Devincenzi Domingo (Mary) lab h 43 No G
De Vine Mrs Kate E rt 1 bx 17d
De Voe Adele r 210 W Bellevue
De Voe Fred chauf r 210 W Bellevue
De Vries Mrs Mildred rt 1 bx 32d El Camino
De Witt John H (Lyxia) foremn Dessin Bros h 15 So C
De Wood Francis J clk P O r 322 A
Dezendorf Ida h 705 Prospect
Diaz Ray A (Pac Auto Repair) r 720 Prospect
Dickey Wm D (Erma) h 525 Crescent
Dickie Anna B h 117 Griffith
Dickie Dorothy r 205 Elm
Dickie Geo W (Ella) draftsman h 205 Elm
Dickie Marjorie r 205 Elm
Dickie Mrs M Louise r 117 Griffith
Dickinson Ernest A (M Ruth) driver Club Taxi h 312 Griffith
Dickson Saml B (Helen) diamond mcht h 9 Ranlagh
Dietrich Howard (Georgia) h Brewer Dr
Dietrich Monica tchr High Sch r 111 Mt Diablo
Dill Wm A r 14 Ellsworth
Dingwell Wm H (Mary E) driver h 103 No E
Dioguardi Leonard (Mary) gen contr h 30 W Poplar
Dittnock Margaret h 57 No D
Doane Mrs Ella M h 234 Elm
Doane Frank H (Irma) mcht h 640 Occidental
Dodson Henry (Elizabeth) lab h 403 Cypress Ct
Dodson Wesley (Norma) car wshr R B Vail h 403 Cypress Ct
Dohrman John A (Clara A) h 417 Clark
Donham Albt G machy h 319 Clark
Donohoe Margt nurse r 17 Ranelagh
Donohue John gardener h 909 4th
Donovan Cornelius lab r rear 7 No G
Dopp Dessolina lndywkr r 28 No D
Dore Mrs Elizabeth h 100 N El Camino
Dougherty Wm J (Eva) (A A Corrigan & Co) h 326 Tilton
Doughty Albt (Emma) butler h 403 A
Doughty Frank (Jennie) contr eng h 859 Highland
Douglas Jack H clk Burl Groc r 617 Highland
Douglas Julia h 446 B
Douglas Weldon (Florence) cementwkr h 728 1st
Douglass Ralph S (Ethel H) ctr E F Schmidt h 822 Jefferson
Dow Mrs Selma r 775 Edgewood
Dowdy Wm (Vinetta) carp h 919 4th
Downs Frances asst G W Sevenman r 207 So E
Downs Henry M (Amy) (Morse Pharmacy) h 207 So E
Doyle Mrs Arvilla H r 845 Jefferson
Doyle Jas A (Rose) chauf h 742 So E
Doyle Mrs Nellie r 435 Occidental
Doyle Thos B h Edgewood cor Chester
Draper Jerome C (Virginia) elec supp h 32 12th
Dressen Jos P (Katrina) carp h 407 No C
Dressen Margaret L r 407 No C
Drew Danl r 170 Warren
Drew John r 201 State
Drew Josie h 201 State
Drew May r 201 State
Drew Wm F tchr High Schr 715 No C
Drews Mrs H steno Kirkbride & Gordon
Dreyfus Emil B (Florence) mgr Pen Burner & Oil Co h 35 Clark
Driscoll Thos A (Alice) banker Box 362 Hillsboro
Drisko Thos E (Hazel) chemist h 5 So C
Duarte John pasteurizer Pen Crmy r 128 So C
Duchand Herbt B (Anita) acct h 158 16th
Duer Chas (Leona) clk h 509 Mt Diablo
Duffield Thos (Harriet) chauf Phil Reiss h 510 E St Ines
Duffy Benj F bank clk r 39 Griffith
Duffy Geo E (Mary) blksmth 212 5th
Duffy Geo T clk r 212 5th
Duffy Jas eng h 58 No D
Duffy Juanita A steno r 212 5th
Duffy J P (Gertrude M) ( J P Duffy Co) r 39 Griffith
Dugdale Mrs Lena h 233 Griffith
Dugish John (Clara) rt 1 bx 18a 2d av
Duglos Edw clk r 15 No C
Duglos Harry r 15 No C
Duglos Jos M (Barbara) tailor h 15 No C
Dummatzen Gus rt 1 bx 52t
Dumont Frank A decorator h 226 1st
Duncan Aug (May) h 319 So D
Duncan Jas H (Lillian M) clk h 103 Grand
Dunham Mrs A E nurse r 739 Highland
Dunn Edw R (Abbie M) mining eng h 449 HIghland
Dunn Geo H (Esther) whsmn C A Buck h 111 N Railroad
Dunn Jas (Bessie) polo poines h 166 16th
Dunn Randall S (Constance) bkpr h 607 No C
Dunnington Clinton mech Pattisson Garage
Dunton Chas (Ellen A) brklyr h 244 Villa
Durant Dolly bkpr r 23 No I
Durant Henry (Mary E) h 23 No I
Durean Frank jan Blue Bird Drug Co
Durnam Mrs M r 726 5th
Durnam Philip clk Motor Sales Co r 726 5th
Dusenberry Arthur (Ann) bldg contr h 442 Hurlingham
Duthie Chas (Jessie) constr supt h 317 7th
Duthie Ida S r 327 7th
Duthie Margaret L r 317 7th
Dwyer Jas F (Agnes G) lndywkr h 124 N Railroad
Earhart Geo H (Edna) salsn S Oil Co h 33 W Bellevue
Early Elma F steno r 79 Ellsworth
Early Mrs M F h 79 Ellsworth
Easley Wm P (Hazel) (Easley & Hedge) h 120 E St Ines
Easley & Hedge ( W P Easley O L Hedge) oils Baldwin cor Griffith
East Henry (Jean D) archt h 205 State
Eaton Lewis R salsn h 25 W Poplar
Eaton Mrs L W r 25 W Poplar
Ebright Wm G salsn Jas A Lee r 41 No C
ECKHARDT CHAS J (Blanche) Optometrist 239 B h 123 12th
Economy Thos rt 1 bx 46
Eden Mrs Harriet C r 1615 B
Edinger Ignatious (Nettie) salsn h 843 Jefferson
Edson Orson E butler h 333 Grand
Edwards Mrs Annie h 123 Elm
Edwards Elizabeth G tchr High Sch r 117 Baldwin
Edwards Mrs Ford T r 184 W Poplar
Edwards Geo waiter Noah's Ark r 817 Mt Diablo
Edwards Harriet A clk P T & T Co r 123 Elm
Edwards Mary E r 123 Elm
Edwards Milton E (Estelle M) h 123 Elm
Edwards Minnie B tchr Lawrence Sch r 123 Elm
Edwards Thos M archt r 123 Elm
Egan Michl (Bessie) rural carrier P O h 319 No C
Egli John (Marie) foremn S M P M Co h 127 No G
Ehling Jacob (Anna) bldg contr h 1106 3d
Eikerenkotter A Hilton carp r 343 Highland
Eikerenkotter Earl asst Mrs N C McCarthy r 121 Baldwin
Eikerenkotter Laura E bkpr Cahalan Co r 343 Highland
Eikerenkotter Mrs Minnie E h 343 Highland
Eilers Gus H (Ethel M) drugs 156 B h 529 W Poplar
Eisele Chas F (Helen) marblewkr h 738 Occidental
Eitel Edw E (Velma) salsn h 34 10th
Elder John C (Rose) gardener h 111 Mt Diablo
Eldridge Fred A (Nellie) salsn h 1015 Laurel
Elftman Max A (Pearl) gen contr h 239 Villa
Elfving Carl D radio opr r 134 Ellsworth
Elfving Carl W (Jennie) ins 122 A h 134 Ellsworth
Elliott Edw yardmn H E Casey CO
Elliott Jas mech C D Yorke r Yorke Apts
Ellis D carp r 123 2d
Ellis Sherman K (Margt) h 437 Turner
Elms Chas S (Sadie R) lumbermn r 500 Clark
EL SERENO SANATARIUM Kate Lydon Matron 636 Hurlingham
Elston Harry N adv mgr News Leader r Yorke Apts
Elwood Geo C (Emma) printer News Leader h 123 11th
Ely Chas H clk r 71 No H
Ely John H foremn P G & E Co h 71 No H
Ely Stella E writer 71 No H
Emelia Mrs Isabelle r 41 No E
Emmett Walter A Jr (Amy L) macht h 33 14th
Emmons Mrs Lucile T h 438 Midway
Endo K h 112 No F
Engberg Carl G potter h 16 No C
Englehardt Arthur F (Maude) off mgr h 136 Griffith
Engelhardt Fred mach r 136 Griffith
Enquist Edw A (Elva) millmn h 177 Barriolhet
Ensch Adam (Agnes) eng rt 1 bx 5b 1st av
Enz John rt 1 bx52
EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF ST MATTHEW (Rev W H Cambridge) Baldwin cor El Camino
Eranosian Anne clk San Mateo Times r 128 No G
Eranosian Arman M (Zaroohi) barber 243 S Railroad h 128 No G
Eranosian John metal wkr r 128 No G
Erickson Alice nurse r 1208 Palm
Erickson Earl millmn Wisnom Lbr Co r 446 B
Ericksson Gus A foremn P G & E Co h 451 Villa
Eskilson Chris eng h 713 2d
Eskilson Estelle C clk Burl P O r 713 2d
Estep Geo clk O'Neil Bros r 58 Ellsworth
Etcheverry John lab h 117 No E
Etcheverry Walter (Margt) cigars 262 Main h 911 5th
Eustice Wm R (Eliz) carp h 210 So F
Eva Wm J (Johanna) mcht h 110 Warren
Eveleth Harlan A (Lynne) radio mgr h 114 Peninsular
Eveleth Harlan F r 114 Peninsular
Evelsizer Harry (Lillie) lather h 201 1st
Faber Andw W granite ctr h 253 E Bellevue
Faber Louise r 253 E Bellevue
Faber Peter ironwkr r 253 E Bellevue
Fahnestock Mrs Mary K h 91 Crystal Spgs
Fahrig Frank tile contr r Yorke Apts
Fairbanks John R (Gladys) supt Leslie Salt Wks h 19 11th
Fairfax Fredk H tchr h 377 No E
Fall F Bert (Mary I) painter h 4 Mateo Grounds
Faletti Antonio (Marie) butler Bx 249 Hillsboro
Falvey Chas F creditmn r 818 B
Falvey Dolorita tchr Lawrence Sch r 818 B
Falvey Elenor L dep Co Clk r 818 B
Falvey Mrs Mary L h 818 B
Falvey Norbert L r 818 B
Farley Karah P (Alta) plumber J F McGowan h 512 So G
Farnham Dorris M actress r 148 15th
Farnham Gardner L (Martha A) lumbermn h 148 15th
Farnham Harris C r 148 15th
Farren John lab r 410 So D
Fash Lon L salsn r 21 Baywood
Fasolis Michl (Esther) driver h 55 No H
Faulkner Robt N (Helen) v-prin High Sch h 412 Hurlingham
Faulkner Russell W salsn r 145 Griffith
Favolessa John (Mary) gardener h 110 So C
Favre A Jos (Deana) timbermn h 527 No D
Favre Geo rt 1 bx 45
Feasey Albt J (Geneva) carp h 1411 B
Fedor Wm Potter r 215 2d
Feierman Max r 315 So G
Feldheym Herman (Tessie) banker h 149 W Poplar
Fendler Fred J (Lena) cigars 145 B h 141 B
Fendler Harry T elec r 611 Laurel
Fendler Theo (Annie) h 611 Laurel
Fergon Paul (Margt) rt 1 bx 9g Nut St
Ferguson Barlow (Marion J) atty h 134 Warren
Fernandez Frank (Lila) lab h 141 No D
Fernandez Tomasco (Rozalia) lab h 11 No G
Fernandez Tony lab r 11 No G
Ferrea Frank (Anna) carp h 712 5th
Ferrea Paul (Alice) elec Atlas Elec Co h 39 13th
Ferrero Abel cementwkr r 140 N Railroad
Ferrington Alfd L (Christina) clk Loewe & Zwierlein h 65 No C
Ferrington Gladys E studt r 65 No C
Ferris Geo bkpr S M F & F Co r 175 2d
Field Adeline G tchr Central Sch r 222 8th
Fielding Jos asst Studio of Phys Culture r 217 Baldwin
Figneya L gardener h 405 E Bellevue
Figone L rt 1 bx 58
Filtean Geo E linemn r Union Hotel
Fine Mrs Ethel clk M Jolin r 205 No C
Finger Mrs Bertha r 320 Ellsworth
Finghe Edw cbtmkr r 706 No C
Finney Martin painter r 309 A
Finnigan Kathleen and Aileen h 108 Medway
FIRE DEPT T F Burke Chf Eng 215 B
First Church of Christ (Scientist) Mt Diablo cor El Camino
Fischer Richd (Bernice) ins agt h 601 Laurel
Fisher Alma tchr Turnbull Sch r 73 No F
FISHER CARL W (Elizabeth M) Veterinarian 420 A Tel S M 370
Fisher Mrs Elizabeth F h 73 No F
Fisher Floyd H (Lillian) salsn S M Tobacco Co h 73 No F
Fisher Frank O (Lucille) shipftr rt 1 bx 2 1st av
Fisher Geo E real est 332 3d h 330a Villa
Fisher Lee plumber r 207 2d
Fisher Mrs Lucille needlecraft 233 3d h rt 1 bx 2
Fisher Sarah M tchr High Sch r 123 2d
Fisk Bert (Rosa) tmstr h 358 No E
Fitzgerald Alfd elec r 314 So C
Fitzgerald Edw lab r 56 No C
Fitzgerald Gladys bkpr r 56 No C
Fitzgerald John decorator r 56 No C
Fitzgerald Justin H (Ruth) carp h 1207 Palm
Fitzgerald Mrs Sarah h 56 No C
Fitzgerald Mrs Teressa C h 314 So C
Flaherty Dennis (Helen) stablemn h 306 So C
Flaherty Michael lab r 306 So C
Flannery Michael lab h 410 So D
Fletcher Chas Jr (Helen B) ins h 23 12th
Flether Helen J studt r 23 12th
Fletcher Lloyd B ins r 23 12th
Florio Jos rt 1 bx 33c
Flynn Helen F clk Levy Bros r 616 Prospect
Flynn John H h 616 Prospect
Flynn Margt nurse r 41 No C
Fogli John (Assuntina) h 302 No E
Folas Gus waiter r 309 A
Foley Jas P (Kathrine) h 725 Costa Rica
Foley Wm (Rose) foremn Wisnom Lbr Co h 140 No D
Folsom Ernest B (Florence) mcht h 665 Edgewood
Folsom Myron A (Maud) mining Hillsboro
Folsom Rolfe A (Doris H) metal mfr h 135 12th
Fontes Anthony W (Eleanor) mech Beer & Ross h 37 E Poplar
Foorman Isaac S (Sadie) real est h 10 San Mateo av
Foppiano Frank L (Madge) h 509 No D
Foppiano Leslie (Ida) floormn W C Davis h 639 No D
Foppiano Russell r 509 No D
Forbes Eleanor M artist r 420 S El Camino
Forbes Geo (Jessie) supt Parrott Est r 420 S El Camino
Forbes Jeannie tchr r 420 S El Camino
Forcelline Thos (Ethel) Potter h rear 128 No G
FORD AND FORDSON (Beer & Ross) 401 B
Ford Bernard W (Marion) broker h 108 Sycamore
Ford Clarence comp San Mateo Times r 325 Highland
Ford Lancie S (Nellie B) lab h 714 Mt Diablo
Ford Lloyd B (Estrid) clk S P Co h 353 No C
Forman Harry (Clara) dry gds 116 B h 117 E St. Ines
Forrest Katherine H clk Loewe & Zivierlein h 61 No C
Forsyth Geo H (Alida V) h 140 Medway
Fortes E rt 1 bx 37
Foss Werner C (Mary) foremn h 1021 5th
Foster Arnold E r Roehampton rd
FOSTER EDWIN W (Minnie A) City Clk-Assessor h 149 2d
Foster Guy L (Alice) carp h 26 So C
Foster Herbt (Lucy) surveyor h 435 Highland
Foster Jas A elec 152 B h 331 Tilton
Foster John W (Emma) clk Levy Bros h 435 Highland
Foster Paul J solr News Leader r 19 B
Foster Perry P (Dorothy) foremn H E Casey Co h 211 No D
Foster P P telg opr h 510 So G
Fowell Alfd (Emily) potter h 302 The Crescent
Fowler John S (Anita S) metallurgist h 428 Wisnom
Foye Henry Catherine) h 102 No E
Frahm Henry S (Charlotte S) driver h 315 The Crescent
Frame Leland A (Mary) chauf S M F & F Co h 313 So F
Francis Saml A M (Katherine) tchr Junior Coll h 464 Midway
Franke Mrs E h 172 2d
Franklin Geo (Louise) molder h 612 Mt Diablo
Frary Allen L (Tillie) mgr Liiberty Cleaners h 236 Main
Fraser Chas D (Lilly) bldg contr h 215 Griffith
Frazier Mrs Caroline R Hillsboro
Freear Geo H h 433 Crescent
Freeland Chas E (Mary A) steel supt h 229 E Bellevue
Freeland Harvey M plumber r 900 4th
Freeman F N (Nellie) h 25 W Bellevue
Freeman Leland P (Gladys) clk h 635 So E
Freeman Robt F banker r 42 W Poplar
Freitas Manuel (Sarah) driver S M F & F Co h rear 146 No F
French Maud I clk Loewe & Zwierlein r 511 No C
Freriches Harry J (Fanny M) salsn h 617 Highland
Freschi Bruno clk City Fruit Mkt r 302 No E
Frey Fred cbtmkr r 215 2d
Frey Ray (Florence) (Sunshine Serv Co) h 523 Edgewood
Freyer Harry lab h 830 So D
Fricke Herman G (Anna) mech G V DeLaveaga h 396 E Bellevue
Friedlander S Wm (Jessie) mcht h El Cerrito av
Friend Mrs Minnie h 46 So C
Fries Mrs Rose H h 16 Hilltop
Froebel Hall 120 Ellsworth
Frucht Mike (Sue) h 531 W Poplar
Fuchsius H C h 107 No D
Fuernstahl Mrs Elsie C r 233 Elm
Fuernstahl Frank O butcher h 233 Elm
Furey Peter lab r 123 Baldwin
Fugazi Jas F (Helen H) mariner h 1010 Laurel
Fujishima S presser Burl Suit Clng Co r 506 2d
Fujiwara S (Tami) lab h 113 No E
Fuller Geo H h 217 Villa
Fuller Wm P Jr h 143 El Cerrito
Furrer Paul E (Lina) mcht h 111 Grand
Fyfe Dorothy r 165 W Poplar
Fyfe Jas C (Mary R) draymn h 165 W Poplar




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