San Luis Obispo County










            HON. LOUIS McMURTRY.  Born in Kentucky in 1837, at the age of fifteen years Louis McMurtry came to California with his father in 1852, and at once entered the schools in the locality of his parents’ home.  Later taking up the study of law, he finally went to Tennessee and entered the Columbia Law College, where he completed his course and was admitted to the bar in St. Joseph, Mo.  From there he went to Montana, where he practiced for a time and then returned to Missouri.  After his marriage, which occurred in that state, he again went to Montana, carrying on a law practice there for nine years, and for several years served as district attorney and as representative to the legislature.

            As his father had settled permanently in California Mr. McMurtry also determined to take up life in the west.  Settling in San Luis Obispo he resumed the practice of law, and for one term served as district attorney.  While serving his first term as superior judge his death occurred, February 11, 1883, at the age of forty-six years.

            In St. Joseph, Mo., in 1866, Mr. McMurtry married Mary E. Reichard, a native of Maryland.  After the death of her husband she took her children to Oakland to educate them and lived there about twelve years, at the end of which time she removed to the ranch of three hundred and sixty acres which Mr. McMurtry had inherited from his father’s estate, and here she still resides.  The family comprises three sons, all of whom are born in Montana.  Guy is county surveyor of Sutter county; Louis is superintendent of the General Electric Company Warehouse No. 1, of San Francisco; and Ralph is superintending the management of the home property.  All of the sons are active Democrats.




Transcribed by Doralisa Palomares.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California” by J. M. Guinn.  Pages 599. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

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