Historical Sketch of the San Jose State Teachers College

From 1862 to 1928

With an

Alphabetical List of Matriculates and Record of Graduates by Classes

Compiled by




San Jose, California

San Jose State Teachers College





***Book not in its entirety.

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The early years of the school's history have been quite fully and carefully set forth in the Historical Sketch published in 1889. It is not the intention to repeat in detail the matter there outlined. However, it is desirable, in order to present a complete picture, to review briefly some of the outstanding facts which form the skeleton of the structure we are trying to build. This structure, when completed, should give a fairly enlightening story of the San Jose State Normal School and Teachers College.


A city Normal School had been conducted in San Francisco as early as 1857, and was known as the Minns' Evening Normal School, sessions being held weekly and attendance of the San Francisco teachers being compulsory.


The need for teacher training had been steadily growing in the thought of the state's pioneer educators, and their untiring zeal culminated in an act of the legislature passed May 2, 1862, establishing a State Normal School and providing an appropriation of $3000 for its support for five months. This rather timid but epochal event set in motion forces that have reacted in generous and powerful measure upon the life of this state; and in this connection the names of Andrew J. MOULDER, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, John SWETT and his successor, and other far-seeing educators of the time should be gratefully remembered.


In order to keep ourselves properly humble a quotation from the very excellent report addressed to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by the committee appointed during a meeting of the San Francisco Teachers Institute in 1861, indicates that the same problems confronting educational thought today were present at the time this school was organized. The emphasis was different; the terminology was different; but the big aims and ideals had a fundamental basis, and all are seen, if reviewed in a broad sense, struggling toward the same goal.



"In a Normal School the principles of teaching are considered both as a science and an art. Its subjects are the powers, capacities, and laws of growth of the mind; the order, as to time, in which the different facilities are to be addressed and developed; the best modes of their development; the special adaptation of each school study to the particular necessities and faculties of the juvenile mind; the laws of bodily health as to ventilation, posture, school calisthenics and gymnastics; and the moral natures of children. It also considers the best methods of school organization, classification, programmed of daily exercises, and modes of teaching, as exemplified in the best systems and best schools in the world; and the knowledge so acquired is practically applied in the model or experimental school (a necessary part of a Normal School) in the presence of competent and experienced teachers."





Ahira HOLMES of San Francisco was chosen principal, and on the day of opening, July 18, one man and five women presented themselves as the nucleus of the student body.


Their names were:


Augusta FINK, S.F. (Mrs. T. C. WHITE)

Emily L. HILL, San Francisco

Nellie HART, S. F., (Mrs. RAMSDELL)

Ellen GRANT, Nevada County

Ellen L. BALDWIN, Contra Costa County

Frank G. RANDLE, San Francisco






The Personnel of the faculty at this time consisted of the principal who taught all the common branches, and as the term advanced and the enrollment increased, there was added a special instructor in music, Mr. ELLIOTT, one in drawing, Mr. BURGESS, and a teacher of calisthenics, Madame PAROT, Dr. Henry GIBBONS gave frequent lectures, gratuitously.


The board of trustees, according to legislative enactment, consisted of the State Board of Education (The Governor, Surveyor General and the State Superintendent of Schools), and the school superintendents of San Francisco, Sacramento, and Marysville.


Applicants for admission were required to sign a statement obliging themselves to engage permanently in the work of teaching in the common schools of the state, and those unwilling to bind themselves in this rather drastic alliance were required to pay a tuition of $5.00 per month.


A room on the ground floor of the high school building, then on Powell Street, was offered by the City Board of Education, and here the first State Normal School in California began to function, sans buildings, sans apparatus, sans equipment, sans faculty, sans almost everything save high hopes and dauntless courage; but of these intangible assets there was an abundance, and in a very few years the legislature, feeling that the school had justified its existence, passed an act in March, 1870, naming San Jose as the permanent home. The act can be found in full in the Historical Sketch compiled by Miss Ruth ROYCE in 1889.


It is interesting to note that previous to this act of the legislature, many sites had been discussed and the cities of Oakland, Berkeley, Stockton, San Francisco, Napa, Martinez, Sacramento, and other towns of the state made urgent appeals for consideration. San Jose was chosen because of its healthful climate, its accessibility, its suitable size and boarding accommodations; also the matter of equitable distribution of state institutions entered into the equation.


The personnel of the Board of Trustees was by this act changed and consisted of five appointed members who, together with the Governor and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as ex-officio members, constituted the governing body. This local Board had complete jurisdiction over this and later branch normal schools established in the state until July 30, 1921, when an act of the legislature, changing the name and status of the California Normal Schools to Teachers Colleges, went into effect. The power and duties of the Board of Trustees were specified and set forth by Legislature action under the following sections of the political code: 1489, 1490, 1491, 1492, 1494, 1495, 1497, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1507.


The first building erected by the state for Normal School purposes was built at a cost of $285,000 in the center of Washington Square, San Jose, and the first session was opened June 14, 1871, in the high school building, (now the Horace Mann Grammar School), in a few rooms offered by the City Board of Education, pending the completion of the building under construction. Later the sessions were held in the new Reed Street Grammar School, now known as Lowell School.


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By July, 1872, a few rooms in the new building were completed, and the institution, after a decade of wandering through the wilderness was established in its own home, where for nearly eight years it grew steadily in numbers and in influence until it reached the first critical period of its career, the destruction by fire of the fine new building, in the early morning of February 10, 1880.


The larger part of the library was saved, also some of the furniture, but the valuable museum and herbarium (sic), the result of many years of labor, together with many books of reference and most of the furniture were destroyed, making, together with the original cost of the building, a loss to the state of nearly $304,000. There were also private losses suffered by the curator of the museum, the teacher of Botany and others.


The City Board of Education again came gallantly forward and tendered the use of the high school building, a generous offer and one that entailed considerable sacrifice, as the high school classes had to be accommodated in less desirable quarters. The Normal School Board of Trustees, together with the principal, Charles H. ALLEN, while the fire was still raging, met and completed plans for reopening the school the following day.


A mass meeting of citizens was held on the evening of May 10, which resulted in the appointment of a committee to visit the Legislature, then in session, and urge immediate appropriation to replace the loss. A bill was accordingly introduced providing for an appropriation of $100,000, which together with the $50,000 paid by the insurance company was considered sufficient amount to replace the building. This bill was approved on April 12. Work was immediately begun, and the first of May the following year, the building was ready for use.


It was with pardonable pride and gratification that the trustees were able to report the entire cost of the structure to be considerably less than the appropriations, the total amount expended being $148,936.95, thus leaving $1,063.05 to be refunded to the state. The Board of Trustees to whom this credit is due was composed of the following:


George C. Perkins, Governor

Fred M. Campbell, State Superintendent

Hon. James Denman, San Francisco

T. Ellard Beans, San Jose

Dr. Ben Cory, San Jose

Hon. C. T. Ryland, San Jose

A. S. Evans, San Jose






As Charles H. ALLEN was the nominal compiler of the history published in 1889, heretofore referred to, his special efforts in the process of rebuilding were modestly omitted, and while in no way detracting from the splendid zeal, labor, and wisdom displayed by the trustees, who contributed generously of their time and council, it is only fair and just to state that the rigid economy practiced, the diligent oversight, the intelligent watchfulness of the smallest details, in fact the heavy burden of planning and carrying through to completion the task of erecting the building, fell upon the shoulders of Charles H. ALLEN, who gave unstintedly (sic) of his time and talents to the end.


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In March, 1881, the Legislature established a branch normal school in Los Angeles county, the site to be selected and a building to be constructed by the Trustees of the school at San Jose.


This Legislative enactment further provided that the school should be governed by the same laws and be under the control of the same Board of Trustees as the San Jose School.


The site selected was Beaudry Terrace, Los Angeles, and the school was opened August 29, 1882. Although the principal of the San Jose Normal School was nominally the head of this branch institution, it was conducted by the vice-principal, C. J. FLATT, and in May 1883, Ira MOORE of the San Jose Normal School was made principal.


In March, 1887, a second branch was provided for, to be located and built the same as the first. Chico was chosen as the site, and the first session opened in September, 1889. By an act of the legislature of the same date a separate Board of Trustees was provided to govern each of these institutions.


Later Normal Schools were provided for in different parts of the state, and the complete list, including dates and locations, stands as follows:

San Jose State Normal School, 1862

Los Angeles State Normal School, 1881.

Chico State Normal School, 1887.

San Diego State Normal School, 1897

San Francisco State Normal School, 1899

Santa Barbara State Normal School, 1909

Fresno State Normal School, 1911

Humboldt State Normal School, 1913.


When the southern branch of the University of California was established in Los Angeles in 1919, the Los Angeles State Normal School became the teacher-training division of the University.


The legislature of 1921 changed the status of all the Normal Schools of the state, and by this legislative enactment they have been made Teachers Colleges.


Section 1492 of the Political Code provides for a joint Board of Normal School trustees, composed of the Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, the presidents of the different Normal Schools, the chairman, and two other members of each Normal School Board.


The powers and duties of this joint board were outlined and served to unify the course of study, and to standardize admission and text book requirements, and through annual meetings with organized discussion, the bond of common aim was strengthened and petty rivalries avoided.


The abolition of the local boards in 1921, automatically abolished the joint Board which was replaced by an annual session of the State Board of Educators together with the president of each Teachers College and one other representative if desired, at which time all matters pertaining to the welfare of the Teachers Colleges were taken up for consideration.


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A second crisis in the life of the school occurred in the early morning of April 18, 1906, when a violent earthquake brought destruction and terror to many cities in the central part of the state. Among the buildings in San Jose which suffered either total or partial destruction, school buildings were noticeably prominent, and the old brick Normal School, while presenting a brave face to the public gaze, standing dignified and unmoved to the outer eye, was nevertheless suffering from internal disorders such as loosened brick, falling plaster, and wrenched rafters. It was at once condemned as unsafe, and no one was allowed to enter its doors.


President DAILEY, with his mother, was at the time in Chicago on his way abroad, but the appalling news of the disaster which was flashed to all parts of the country caused him to cancel his steamer reservations and return as fast as steam could bring him.


In the meantime, Vice-president Lewis B. WILSON took charge and with the advice and support of the local Board of Trustees proceeded to "carry on." Too much praise can not be given Mr. WILSON for his masterly handling of a most difficult and dismaying situation. Students were terrified, panic-stricken; parents were recalling their daughters home in other parts of the state; the building stood menacing and fearsome; and chaos loomed.


The disaster occurred Wednesday morning and by the following Monday classes were resumed in the Grammar School building, facing Seventh Street, at that time the only building besides the main brick structure on the campus. This building - of wood - was only slightly damaged, and when President DAILEY returned he found the entire school comfortably settled in their new quarters, while the training school classes had been placed in the basement, which had been cleared and furnished and polished until it was made quite livable.


The pleasant spring weather made it possible for some of the classes to meet on the grounds, and so history was repeated, and the classic days of Ancient Greece, when Aristotle and his followers wandered in the sacred groves, were recalled as the English classes under Dr. BLAND gathered under the elms and redwoods, no doubt gaining added inspirations from this contact with nature at its loveliest.


Immediately upon his return, Dr. DAILEY set about the task of appealing to the legislature (assembled in special session to meet the demands of this emergency) for an appropriation to cover the cost of a new temporary building.


A bill calling for an emergency appropriation of $29,000 was promptly passed, construction was at once begun, and by September at the time for reopening the school the building was ready for occupancy. Thus the second crisis in the history of the school was safely passed.


At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees held October 9, 1906, a detailed report from a committee of experts was received and unanimously accepted. This report signed by John G. HOWARD, Charles DERLETH, Jr., and Henry A. SCHUYLE, strongly advised the complete destruction of the old brick structure, and the Board concurring with this opinion took steps looking toward replacing it with the result that in September, 1910, the beautiful new structure, the main building facing Fourth street, was completed and occupied.


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"First the fire, then the earthquake, then the still, small voice," which on July 5, 1919, called Dr. Morris Elmer Dailey from his work as head of this institution which for nineteen years he had guided successfully through fair weather and foul.


The reorganization of the Normal School, its place in higher education, its increasing prestige, and its future influence upon the educational life of the state had occupied his attention and thought for many years, and his loss at this particular time was felt by his fellow-educators to be almost irreparable.


The vice-president, Mr. Lewis B. WILSON, was immediately named by the Board of Trustees as acting president and continued in that capacity until the selection of Dr. W. W. KEMP in 1920.


The world war into which the United States was drawn in the spring of 1917 had a noticeable effect upon the attendance of the State Normal Schools.


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An act of the Legislature, approved March, 1866, changed the personnel of the State Board of Educators, increasing the number of members. This reorganized Board consisted of the Governor, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Principal of the State Normal School, the Superintendents of the schools of the city and county of San Francisco, of the counties of Sacramento, Santa Clara, and San Joaquin, besides two professional teachers nominated by the State Superintendent and elected by the Board.


By the same act the above named officials, with the omission of the Normal School Principal, constituted the Normal School Board of Trustees.


Boards of Trustees from the foundation of the schools in 1862 until the abolishment of the local board in 1921 - Ex-Officio members.





Leland Stanford

May, 1862 to December, 1863.

Fredrick F. Low

December, 1863 to December, 1867

Henry H. Haight

December, 1867 to December, 1871

Newton Booth

December, 1871 to February, 1875

Romualdo Pacheco

February, 1875 to December, 1875

William Irwin

December 1875 to January 1880

George C. Perkins

January, 1880 to January 1883

George Stoneman

January, 1883 to Jan 1887.

Washington Bartlett

January 1887 to September, 1887.

R. W. Waterman

September 1887 to January 1891.

Henry H. Markham

January 1891 to January 1895

James H. Budd

January 1895 to January 1899

Henry T. Gage

January 1899 to January 1903

George C. Pardee

January 1903 to January 1907

James N. Gillett

January 1907 to January 1911

Hiram W. Johnson

January 1911 to March 1917

William D. Stephens

March 1917 to January 1923.







Andrew J. Moulder

May 1862 to December 1863

John Swett

December 1863 to December 1867

Reverend O. P. Fitzgerald

December 1867 to December 1871

Henry M. Bolander

December 1871 to December 1875

Ezra S. Carr

December 1875 to January 1880

Fred M. Campbell

January 1880 to January 1883

William T. Welcker

January 1883 to January 1887

Ira G. Hoitt

January 1887 to January 1891

J. W. Anderson

January 1891 to January 1895

Samuel T. Black

January 1895 to January 1899

Thomas J. Kirk

January 1899 to January 1907

Edward Hyatt

January 1907 to January 1919

Will C. Wood

January 1919 to January 1927






J. F. Houghton, May 1862 to March 1866.




Mayor Fowler, May 1862 to April 1863.




Dr. Gustavus Taylor, May 1862 to 1864.

Reverend William H. Hill, 1864 to March 1866.




George Tait, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865.

John C. Pelton, 1866 to December 1867.

James Denman, December 1867 to April 1870.


Dr. F. W. Hatch, March 1866 to March 1868.

Dr. Aug. Trafton, March 1868 to April 1870.



Wesley Tonner, March 1866 and part of 1867.

J. R. Brierly, Part of 1867 to March 1868.

John H. Braly, March 1868 to 1869.

N. Furlong, to April 1870.



Melville Cottle, March 1866 to 1870.

W. R. Leadbetter, to April 1870.



Samuel I. C. Swezey, April 1866 to April 1870.

J. M. Sibley, April 1866 to April 1870.








Henry O. Weller

1870 to 1872.

Andrew J. Moulder

1870 to part of 1871.

C. T. Ryland

1870 to 1881.

James Denman

1870 to 1892.

J. H. Braly

1870 to 1873.

B. Bryant, M. D.

Part of 1871 to 1880.

Benjamin Cory, M. D.

1872 to 1882.

T. Ellard Beans

1873 to 1889.

A. S. Evans

1880 to 1884.

O. W. Childs

1881 to 1887.

Ralph Lowe

1882 to 1895.

Lawrence Archer

1884 to 1894.

T. H. Laine

1887 to 1890.

John Swett

1889 to 1892.

Henry French

1890 to 1891

Philo Hersey

1892 to 1895

T. S. Montgomery

1892 to 1895

C. H. Phillips

1892 to 1995 (sic)

Hon. A. L. Rhodes

1892 to 1895

J. W. Pratt

1889 (five months)

Frank Angell

1895 to 1897

Moses Dinkelspiel

1895 to 1897

Henry French

1895 to 1897

R. E. Wilhoit

1895 to 1899

Mrs. Eulalia A. Wilson

1895 to 1899

J. E. Doolittle

1897 to 1899

J. M. Pitman

1897 to 1899

George Sweikert

1900 to 1901

Dr. H. C. Brown

1900 to 1903

George W. Pierce

1900 to 1902

Frank H. Short

1900 to 1903

Frank W. Leavitt

1900 to 1903

F. C. Jacobs

1901 to 1903

Frank H. Babb

1903 to 1907

George H. Mastick

1903 to 1915

Frank W. Marston

1902 to  ___

Thomas Addison

1903 to 1921

Dr. P. K. Dow

1903 to 1906

Frederick W. Hall

1904 to 1921

J. B. Sanford

1906 to 1907

Charles F. Crothers

1907 to 1921

Hiram D. Tuttle

1907 to 1915

Rufus L. Green

1915 to 1921

William F. Blake

1915 to 1921





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1898 Harriet Quilty, Otto J. Mouron

1899 William Donlon, Maude Mariner

1900 Alexander Sheriffs, Charles E. Miller

1901 Elsie Ruhl, Carmel Martin

1902 Pearl Bohnett

1903 Irwin Fox, Robert J. Leonard

1904 Arthur Heche, Johnnie Johnson

1905 Eleanor F. Lowe, Ada De Witt

1906 Ira Payne

1907 Frank Hain, Ottilia Klein

1908 Grace Moore

1909 Floyd Bell, Rachel Crawford

1910 Ardee Parsons, Donald Marshman

1911 Marie Walker

1912 Marguerite Bozarth, Phoebe Mitchell

1913 W. E. Baker, Ruth Everding

1914 Lucille Snyder, Lois Salsman

1915 Irene Dickey, Reuby Barnhart

1916 Mary Olds, Elizabeth V. Case

1917 Orpha McDougall, Vesta Buck

1918 Gladys Sherman, Marian Moffatt

1919 Margaret Bevier, Evelyn Miller

1920 Alice Howell, Ruth Murphy

1921 Ethel King, Alfred Sarzin

1922 Hazel Reynolds, George Carmichael

1923 Louis Marsh, Milton Ward

1924 Gladys Stockton, Helen Howell

1925 Louis Monferino, Paul Thomas

1926 Marjorie Bond, Robert T. Rhodes

1927 Vernon Perrin, William Sweeney

1928 Geraldine Delbon, J. Wilfred Richardson




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It is impossible to list in any complete fashion the outstanding personalities which have made a notable impress upon the life of this state and of other sections of the country where the graduates have gone.


It will readily be seen that such a task must necessarily be more or less imperfect, but an attempt will be made to point out some of the notable figures that have honored their Alma Mater in various lines and to list without comment others whose achievements have been less prominent.


Undoubtedly the most distinguished living graduate is Edwin MARKHAM, internationally famed poet author, literary critic, and lecturer, who, always


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a poet at heart; singing over the California hill sides while he was a teacher, leaped suddenly into fame when his poem, "The Man With the Hoe" published in 1898, touched a responsive chord in the hearts of everyone who had a pitying sense of the injustices and cruelties of the world. His visits to San Jose - his former home - are haled by students and faculty as a notable event, and his perennial bouyancy (sic) and kindly optimism - the optimism of a seer - are keenly enjoyed, not only by his Alma Mater, but by the city which claims him as its own, for it was here in San Jose he had his home, and here he spent many years of his young manhood. His old home at 432 South Eighth street is a permanent literary shrine to the San Jose Normal School's most distinguished graduate.


In the field of education, Dr. Henry SUZZALO stand out preeminently as one of the leading educators of the country. His impress upon education has been far reaching. His published writings have been thoughtfully considered, his public utterances have been eagerly heard; his counsel widely sought, and he is now on a mission abroad where he is endeavoring to interpret to the nations of Europe, American educational concepts. Dr. SUZZALO


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is another product of San Jose, as it is here he was born and here he received his elementary education.


Among the women graduates who have achieved notable success along educational lines, Dr. Margaret Schallenberger McNAUGHT has shone brilliantly as a school administrator and thoughtful writer on educational ideas. When the educational system of the state was reorganized in 1913 and a commissioner of elementary education was needed, Mrs. Mc NAUGHT, then Miss SCHALLENBERGER, was considered most ideally fitted for the new office. Her keen grasp of the rural school problems and her farsighted methods for their solution demonstrated the wisdom of placing her in this responsible position, and her conduct in office, combined with her previous achievements, place her in the ranks of able women educators.


Dr. Robert J. LEONARD is another outstanding figure in the field of education. His connections with the educational department of the U. of C. brought him into prominence, and his later achievements in the line of industrial, vocational research in the East and Middle West, have added to his standing. As a professor of education at Teachers College, Columbia University, he has brought a wide and discriminating wealth of thought.


Among those holding public office, the Honorable Albert CARTER, of Oakland has been a representative in Congress for several terms. Mr. CARTER has always been most loyal to his Alma Mater, and each year in May a class reunion is held at his beautiful country home where he gathers together a group of classmates and faculty for a genuinely good time.


It has been for many decades a notable fact that teaching has been a stepping stone to the legal profession, and so it is not strange that the bench and bar have claimed a large number of graduates of this school. Among them Judge Wm. H. LANGDON, and Judge Milton FARMER are pre-eminent (sic).


Neither, it may be noted, have the men carried off all the legal honors - Miss Laura M. TILDEN, (Mrs. RAY) has made a distinguished record at the bar, as also has Gussie WRIGHT (Mrs. STEVENS.)


In welfare work, Miss Helen SWETT, (Mrs. ARTIEDA), daughter of John Swett, pioneer educator, has been most active and efficient. Miss Lou HENRY (Mrs. Herbert HOOVER), is a worthy companion to her distinguished husband. Her activities in Y.W.C.A. and Girl Reserve movements have shown her to be as capable as she is gracious.


Among physicians there is probably no one who has achieved more notable success then Dr. Mariana BERTOLA. Not only in her profession is she notable, but for her welfare and club work she has achieved equal distinction. She holds a fellowship in the American Medical Association and is Physician Emeritus at Mills College. She has been identified with every important movement for child welfare in California during the past decade and has occupied a score or more of responsible executive positions in different organizations which have had for their goal, physical, moral and spiritual uplift. She is a native of California, and her activities seem to accord with the abundant fruitage (sic) of the state she has honored. Governor YOUNG has recently appointed her to serve as a member of the commission to study juvenile delinquency in California, an appointment which is peculiarly fitting in view of her past achievements and valuable experience.


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The religious field has not been without its representatives. Frank G. TYRELL, minister, lawyer, editor and lecturer when last heard from was a pastor of a Los Angeles church.


The Missionary field has claimed quite a number, some of whom are still laboring in Africa, China, Central America and other foreign territory. Ortha CASTLIO (Mrs. Dana THOMAS) was for many years with her husband in missionary labors in Alaska.


Miss Ruth FINNEY has established a name as one of the foremost women newspaper reporters among the bright and clever group assigned to political preferment in the National Capitol.


Below are listed the names of others who have left the humdrum of the school room and have achieved success in professional and business careers.


It would be, perhaps, not quite accurate to label all in this roster as distinguished, but the initiative and perseverance, the ambition and far-nearsightedness that have characterized all who have left beaten paths entitle them to special mention, and right here it is quite in order to say that there is little doubt that the attorneys and physicians, the business men and women, and all who are included in this list owe a large measure of their success in the professions they have chosen to the training they received within these walls, and the invaluable contacts made while here.




Calvin Bohnett, 1909

Nicholas Bowden, 1895

Arthur Caldwell, 1900

Frank M. Carr, 1902

Thos. H. Christiensen, 1894

George Cosgrove, 1889

Frederick K. Estes, 1904

Milton Farmer, 1903

Lovett K. Fraser, 1902

Frank Hain, 1907

John Hancock, 1896

Charles R. Harris, 1896

Leland Forest Haworth, 1907

Martin Heston, 1902 (Assistant District Attorney, Detroit.)

James G. Hurley, 1907 (Judge)

John G. Jury, 1889 (Attorney, writer, poet.)

William H. Langdon, 1892 (Appellate Judge)

Ernest C. Laughlin, 1905 (Justice)

Alexander Loittit, 1865 (Attorney, Member of Congress.)

Fannie M. McKay, (Mrs. R. L. Waggoner) 1898.

Verne McGeorge, 1890

Harry G. McKannay, 1899

Joseph D. Malloy, 1904

Donald Marshman, 1911

Herbert C. Montgomery, 1902

Caspar A. Prnbaum, 1902

Howell Powell, 1867


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Joseph E. Reardon, 1901

Don Richards, 1914

Charles Rickabaugh, 1901

Arthur Rogers, 1866 (Regent of U.C.)

Alexander Sheriffs, 1901

John W. Sullivan, 1881

Issac Thompson, 1883 (Judge)

Laura M. Tilden, 1890 (Mrs. RAY)

Charles Wauhab, 1917

Harry E. Witherspoon, 1885

Eli Wright, 1894

Gussie Wright, 1903 (Mrs. STEVENS)




Pansy Jewett Abbott, 1901, Supt. of Schools

James E. Addicott, 1890, prominent educator, writer, lecturer.

Walter Bachrodt, 1923, City Supt. of Schools.

Ida May Baker, 1907, Writer of text book.

Estelle M. Bagnell, 1885, Supt. of Schools.

Franklin K. Barthel, 1889, prominent educator.

Elsie Felt, (Mrs. BOZEMAN), 1902 Co. Supt. of Schools.

Lawrence Chenoweth, 1903, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Josephine Browing, 1910, Supt. of Schools, Tulso, Okla.

C. W. Childs, 1867, President of San Jose State Normal School.

L. J. Chipman, 1873, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Thana Hamilton, (Mrs. EPPERSON), 1889, Co. Supt. of Schools, Col.

Henry C. Gesford, 1876, Supt. of Schools, attorney, State Senator.

Catherine Gray, 1908, (Mrs.HOOTON) Co. Supt. of Schools

Mrs. Mary Elvie Hail, 1905, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Joseph Hancock, 1894, Co. Supt. of Schools

Cordelia Hays, 1902, (Mrs. DOLAN), Co. Supt. of Schools.

J. Hobart Heiken, 1897, Co. Supt. of Schools.

James G. Kennedy, 1867, City Superintendent of San Jose.

Wm. A. Kirkwood, 1882, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Robert J. Leonard, 1904, Nationally known educator.

Beatrice McLeod, 1918, Director of special education, Cheyenne, Wyo.

Mary Madden, 1878, (Mrs. FITZGERALD), Educational Executive, S. F.

Louise Mignon, (Mrs. SCHULTZBERG), 1912, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Rose Morgan, 1875, Co. Supt. Schools.

Raymond M. Mosher, 1914, Director of Training School, Writer on Educational Subjects.

Lena K. Nangel, 1892, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Nell O'Brien, Executive position.

Ira D. Payne, 1906, Head of Educ., Tempe, Az., Teachers College.

Maude I. Murchie, 1907, State Supervisor Teacher Training.

Clarence L. Phelps, 1905, Pres. Santa Barbara Teachers College.

Lessie Raney, (Mrs. HANCOCK), Dep. Co. Supt.


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Nellie Rickard (Mrs. CHOPE) 1887, Principal San Jose Evening School.

Margaret Schallenberger, (Mrs. McNaught) 1880, Principal Training Dept., State Com. Elementary Education.

George Schultzberg, 1901, Co. Supt. of Schools.

James Shirley, 1875, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Henry, Suzzalo, 1895, Internationally known educator; Pres. University of Washington.

Claude B. Wakefield, 1879 Co. Supt. of Schools.

Mary W. Williams, 1901, Prof. of History, Goucher College.

L. B. Wilson, 1878, Vice-Pres. S. J. State Normal School.




Caroline Avery, 1887.

Willard C. Bailey, 1894.

Mariana Bertola, 1889.

George Beomer, 1916, (Dentist)

Mary Bird, 1874 (Mrs. BOWERS.)

Sylvia H. Boyce, 1892 (Osteopath)

Samuel A. Brown, 1877.

Emma Buckley, 1875.

Frank Carll, 1897 (Dentist)

Charles Duane Cobb, 1897.

N. B. Coffman, 1878.

Ben Cory, 1883.

Eva Durgin, 1911 (Mrs. MISSNER)

Charles E. Farnham, 1875, Prof. Cooper Med. College

Mattie A. Feeley, 1898.

Lizzie Fishback, 1895 (Osteopath)

Henry D. Fletcher, 1895.

Charles F. Flower, 1913.

M. Adellia Gabler, 1898 (Osteopath)

Cyrus J. Gaddis, 1892, (Osteopath)

Ned Burke Gould, 1902.

Victor Harris, 1909 (Mrs. MORISS) (Chiropractor.)

Lillie L. Koerber, 1898.

Thomas Leland, 1890, (Physician and Coroner, S. F.)

Alice B. Malloy, 1891, (Mrs. Joseph DIAS) (Optometrist)

David J. Mahan, 1897.

George W. Merritt, 1879.

Roy Moore, 1898 (Dentist)

Fred E. Ogden, 1893.

F. H. Ottmer, 1897.

Renowden Painton, 1898.

Henry C. Peterson, 1897.

C. Vlanche Plumb, 1897.

William F. Pratt, 1880

Nicholas H. Prusch, 1904

Ruth T. Rogers, 1913, (Optometrist).


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Gavin J. Telfer, 1900.

Fred H. Tibbe, 1900.

George P. Walton, 1903.

Granville Wood, 1910, also Attorney.



Julia Bodley, 1885, (Mrs. ACTON) Song writer and novelist.

Mira K. D. Abbott, 1891, (Mrs. McCLAY), Stories, newspaper work.

Katharine Chandler, 1883, author and magazine writer.

Ruth Finney, Newspaper correspondent.

Enola Flower, 1911, writer of stories.

Margaret Graham Hood, 1885, (Yost), Author of Discovery on the Pacific Coast.

Mary T. Hart, 1867, (Mrs. Jos. AUSTIN), musical critic of Argonaut.

David Little, 1875, Book of Poems.

Harold Lucas, 1919, Book of Songs, "So This is Hawaii."

Edwin Markham, 1872, Internationally known poet, writer, lecturer.

Myrtle Xemena McGlashan, 1912, (Mrs. Jackson GREGORY), author of San Juan Belle, Butterfly Farmer.

Anna Murphy, 1883, (Mrs. Edwin MARKHAM), Writer, literary critic and lecturer.

Jessie Perkins, 1903, Writer, U. S. Bureau of Plant Life.

Adelaide Pollack, 1888, Author of Excursions About Birdland.

Elva B. Sawyer, 1892, (Mrs. CURETON).

Genevieve Sissons, 1891 (Mrs. David SNEDDEN), Author of "Dorcas"

Helen Stocking, 1896, Dramatic writer.

Estelle Swearingen, 1911, Writer of children's stories.

Mabel Urmy, 1882, (Mrs. SEARES) Editor of California Southland.

Ethel D. Whitmore, 1908, Examiner Staff.




Mytrle (sic) Akin, 1908 Minister, Writer.

Otha Castilio, 1897, (Mrs. Dana THOMAS), Missionary in Alaska, Minister of Friends' Church.

Catherine R. Cooper, 1917, (Mrs. David BLAIR), Missionary in Teheran, Persia.

Harriet Cory, 1886, (Mrs. HUMMEL), Missionary in West Africa.

Florence R. Cunningham, 1901, Social Service, pastoral work.

Mabel Ernst, 1908, C. S. Practitioner.

Birdie Gilgert, 1914, Missionary to Indians.

Herbert Greig, 1913, Industrial Missionary, West Africa.

Edna Jones, 1914, Missionary in China.

Myrtle Hudson, 1878, (Mrs. WAGNER), Missionary work in North China.

Helen Kersey, 1913, Missionary Central America.

Marie Le Torneau, 1916, Missionary to China

J. Louamma McNary, 1924, (Mrs. Thomas J. BROOK), Teacher in Wodstock, India, in leper colony.


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Lottie Matthis, 1884, Salvation Army Officer.

Clare Norton, 1908, Missionary in Singapore.

R. O. Price, 1910, Minister.

Bert A. Reichers, 1915, Missionary in China.

Amy Stockton, 1913, Evangelist.

Leah Thompson, 1921, Missionary in N. M.

Frank G. Tyrrell, 1883, Minister, lawyer, editor, lecturer.

Eleanor Wright, 1917, Girl's School, China.




M. Lydia Adams, 1886, (Mrs. D. E. WILLIAMS) Bureau of Forestry, Wash. D. C., Mem. of Nat. Press Women's Assn.

Amy L. Aldridge, 1910, (Mrs. Harley C. LANER), nurse in overseas base hospital.

Dr. Mariana Bertola, Public welfare.

Anna Carpenter, 1922, Lecturer, writer.

Kittie Chandler, 1882, Manager Deer Park Inn.

Alice B. Connelly, 1899, (Mrs. Gordon A. Harris), on stage 16 yrs.

Mrs. Mabel G. Farnum, 1907, Census Bureau Dept., Washington, D. C.

Anna M. Kikenscher, 1914, (Mrs. Alan J. SAXTON), Secretarial work.

Elma R. Fischer, 1902, Graduate Nurse.

Amy L. Greenlaw, 1893, Conductor of European Travel Parties.

Bryan Hall, 1917, Accountant, Comptroller's office, U. C.

Grace A. Hall, 1895, Actress.

Lou Henry, 1893, (Mrs. Herbert HOOVER), Girl Scouts activities.

Gladys Johns, 1917, Exchange Teller in Bank.

Clare Hodges, (Mrs. SIEVERSON), Forest Ranger.

Virginia M. Kelly, 1894, City Bacteriologist, Richmond.

Marguerite Louden, 1896, (Mrs. R. A. ASHE) Philanthropic and political worker.

Leona McFarland, 1907, Attendance Officer.

Grace Marder, 1905, Wife of Congressman FREE.

Maud S. McIntyre, 1901, proprietor of Lomita Vista.

Xemena McGlashan, 1912, (Mrs. Jackson GREGORY) Butterfly farmer.

Ralph B. Matthews, 1901, Manager Insurance Company.

Hazel Mezger, 1913, Real Estate and Insurance.

Fred Moore, 1891, City Superintendent, Book Company

Joseph Nathonson, 1916 Proprietor of Pharmacy.

Adelaide Pollack, 1888, Writer, Red Cross overseas worker, advisory board Women's Police, member city planning commission.

Mary Tanzen Sloss, 1912, Buyer for Emporium

Emily Dinnen Smith, 1917 Nature Study specialist and guide.

D. S. Snodgrass, 1883, Bank President

Nellie Stephenson, 1916 (Mrs. THOMPSON) Associated with her husband as a health and diet specialist.

Elsie Stoltz, 1910, Art Shop, (Yellow Lantern).



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Helen Swett, 1895, (Mrs. ARTIEDA) Welfare work.

Sayler Van Hagen, 1904, Distinguished work in France with Y.M.C.A.

Harding Kennedy, Brilliant violinist.




Dr. W. C. Bailey, 1894.

James Garfield Bayley, 1905, Member of Parliament, Queensland, Australia.

Thomas L. Borden, 1897, Internal Revenue, P. I.

Albert E. Carter, 1903, Member of Congress.

Sam H. Cohn, 1892, Deputy Director of Education.

W. J. Copren, 1896, Assessor, Sierra County since 1906.

Wm. J. Dougherty, 1891, County Assessor, Member of Legislature.

Henry C. Gesford, 1876, State Senator.

Virginia M. Kelly, 1894, City Bacteriologist.

Alexander Loutitt, 1865, Member of Congress.

Edwin E. Roberts, Congressman for Nevada.

Lucille Reardon, 1913, City Treasurer.

Bunyan Sanford, 1890, Member of Legislature.

Lillian Shirley, 1894, Recorder and Auditor, Nevada.

Frankie Zimmerman, 1906, (Mrs. Jack PERRY) Assistant Postmaster.



In writing finis to this chapter of distinguished graduates the writer would like to take this opportunity of paying a special tribute to the thousands of unnamed heroes and heroines whose unselfish devotion to the needs of childhood has reacted on the growing generations in large and liberal measure. Without thought of reward, devoid of self-seeking, in many cases removed from centers of culture and from opportunities for self-advancement, these loyal souls have labored unremittingly for the youth of this state. Their names are inscribed in the hearts of thousands of men and women scattered throughout California who remember them gratefully for their inspiration and encouragement.


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Frank Argall, Marine Corps, Lane Hospital, San Francisco.

W. E. Baker, Madison Barracks, New York.

George Boyd, Base Hospital 47, San Francisco

Ernest Cook, 158 Hospital Corps, Kearney.

Clinton Crow, 158 Medical Corps, Fifth Infantry, Camp Kearney, Calif.

Arthur Dorr, Q. M. M., East Cantonment, Presidio, San Francisco

Cyril Frost, 144 Field Artillery, Tanforan, Battery E.

William Gardner, Sanitary Detachment, 149th Infantry, Eightieth Brigade, Fortieth Division, Camp Kearney.

Bryan Hall, Camp Lewis, American Lake, Washington.

Lawrence Hawkinson, 158th Field Artillery, Camp Kearney, Calif.

Harold Jewett, 158th Medical Corps, Fifth Infantry, Camp Kearney, Calif.

Gus Lancaster, Co. 9, 168th Depot Brigade, Camp Lewis, American Lake, Washington.

Albert Livingston, Co. C., Fifth Infantry, Linda Vista, Calif.


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Arthur Maloy, 158 Second Field Hospital Corps, Camp Kearney, Calif.

Donald Marshman, Sheridan, Illinois.

George Moore, Adjutant, B St., Hospital Corps, Goat Island, Calif.

Joseph Nathonson, with Co. A, 361 Infantry. Engaged in the Mensi-Argonne, St. Mihiel and Lys-Schceldt offensives. Wounded.

Gans Olinder, 1558 Hospital Corps, 115 Sanitary Detachment, Fortieth Division, Camp Kearney, Calif.

Clarence Pearce, Q. M. D., East Cantonment, Presidio, San Francisco.

Edgar Hoffman Price, 15th Calvary, F. Troop, Camp Fremont.

Earl Shaw, Marine Corps., Lane Hospital, San Francisco.

Lee Slatore, 144 Field Artilley (sic), Tanforan, Calif., Bat. T. Headquarters Co.

John Squires, Presidio, San Francisco, Y. M. C.A.

C. B. Street, Co. D, 316 Engineers, Lewis Branch, Tacoma, Washington.

John J. Taylor, Q. M. D., Fort Mason, San Francisco.

Fred Tonge, Enlisted Spokane, Washington, Dec. 1917, Stationed at Fort Wright, Camp Lewis, Camp Meigs, Overseas, May 1918 to August 1919, Motor Transport Corps, Discharged August, 1919.

Ross Van Gundy, U. S. Radio Station, Point Loma, Calif.

Willard Walker, Co. A, Second Infantry, Schofield Barracks, T. H.

Winfield Woodbury, 144 Field Artillery, Batery (sic) E , Tanforan, Calif.

Horton Blair, (Service record not available)

Grant Luckensmeyer, (Service record not available)

M. Lloyd Morgan, (Service record not available)

Donald Rowland, (Service record not available)

Ralph Wiggins, (Service record not available)

Ernest Williams, Marine Corps, Galveston, Texas.


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In 1918 the world-wide scourge of influenza struck San Jose with the same terrifying force that had accompanied its presence in other parts of the world. The hospitals were crowded. Nurses and physicians worked tirelessly; deaths were frequent and students were called home by apprehensive parents. In this emergency it was decided to close the school temporarily to lessen the danger of contagion. The faculty was directed to be within call and very shortly, under the leadership of Dr. BULLOCK, Miss McFADDEN and Miss TWOMBLY, an emergency hospital was established in the intermediate building, with a diet kitchen in the cafeteria (now a part of the Student Center). In the Home Making department, hospital garments for soldiers were cut out and made, the faculty being detailed into regular shifts and alternating between the sewing rooms and the diet kitchen. The established hospitals in San Jose were relieved and faculty members in white uniforms did valiant service until the tension began to lessen.









Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Greathead, Mrs. Estelle, The Story of an Inspiring Past, Historical Sketch of the San Jose State Teachers College from 1862 to 1928.  Published by San Jose State Teachers College, 1928.

© 2014  Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.


San Jose State Teachers College 1862-1928

Golden Nugget Library's California Statewide Databases

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