San Joaquin County








MILO WILLIAMS, deceased, was born in Pennsylvania, September 26, 1801. His parents left Pennsylvania, when he was thirteen years of age, settling on a farm in Ohio, where he remained with them until he was married, in 1835, when he engaged in the mercantile business at Mansfield, Ohio, in company with his brother. He moved from Ohio to Illinois, where he remained a year, thence to Arkansas. He engaged in the furniture business and farming, remaining there fourteen years, until 1853, when he started, with his wife and six children, for California. They made the trip overland with a large train and arrived in San Joaquin valley after a journey of six months. They camped six and one-half miles from Stockton on the place where Septimus Williams and his brother had located in 1849, making quite a city of tents. Mr. S. Williams was one of the first to settle in this part of the country and has been a very prominent man: is now a resident of San Francisco, known as Captain S. Williams, having been a steamboat captain. Milo Williams, the subject of this sketch, made his home here continuously until the time of his death, which occurred November 26, 1870, at the age of sixty-nine years. He was married, in 1835, to Miss Martha J. Reed, a native of Ohio. They had a family of eleven children, seven of whom are now living, four boys and three girls. Mrs. Williams still lives on the home place at the age of seventy-two years.

      E. G. Williams, the eldest living son of the subject of this sketch was born in Mansfield, Ohio, and came to California with his parents. He has been engaged in farming from boyhood up and still runs the home place. He was married, in 1863, to Miss Mary A. Landerum, a native of Georgia. They have five children, three boys and two girls. Mr. E. G. Williams also owns 320 acres on which he carries on general farming. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., No. 55, Truth Lodge, of Stockton. Mrs. Williams is a member of the Rebekah Lodge.




Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

An Illustrated History of San Joaquin County, California, Pages 517-518.  Lewis Pub. Co. Chicago, Illinois 1890.

© 2009 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.



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