San Joaquin County








            Thoroughness, industry and trained business judgment may be said to be distinguishing characteristics of Edward C. Wagner, president of the Wagner Leather Company.  He was born in Stockton, November 24, 1869, the son of the late Charles Wagner.  The success attending his career has not been due to any whim of fortune, but to years of painstaking work and consistent application.  Although he is always a busy man, he is never too busy to recall with a smile the school days of a generation ago, with the pranks of now prominent citizens who were his chums.

            Mr. Wagner’s father was a very practical man.  When Edward had completed his ordinary school course, he was sent to the old business college at the corner of Hunter Street and Miner Avenue.  Then came his practical education as a tanner.  Although his father held out to him the possibility that he might be one day the head of the great business which the Wagner’s had founded, he was put against the heaviest part of the work and passed through all the departments.  He worked with the tan bark, in the engine room, and at pipe and carpenter work, and finally passed on to the more technical parts of the tanner’s trade.  Young Wagner was fortunate in that he was placed among elderly men, who, appreciating his desire to learn, were helpful to him and imparted all the knowledge at their disposal.  It did not matter what the task might be or how long the hours of labor, the young man stuck to it and never passed from one department to another until his knowledge was complete.  Another faculty stood him well in hand.  He recognized that business is progressive and that the man who would succeed must keep abreast of the times and adjust his methods to its demands.  Accordingly, Mr. Wagner has always been alert to adopt every proven improvement.  As a result, the Wagner Leather Company’s plant has been kept modern in every respect, and the business methods have been kept up-to-date.

            Mr. Wagner was married in 1900 to Miss Nellie Hellwig, and they are the parents of two children, Edward H. and Charles C.  The Wagner’s come from a long line of tanners, and it is noteworthy that when Mr. Wagner married, his bride was the daughter of a prominent tanner of San Francisco.  Although a busy man always, Mr. Wagner finds time for a delightful home life and for outside associations that keep him in touch with the social activities of the day.  He is a member of the San Francisco Commercial Club and the Olympic Club of San Francisco, of the Yosemite Club, of the Stockton County and Golf Club, and of the Native Sons of the Golden West, at Stockton.  In politics he is a Republican.

            Mr. Wagner has traveled extensively on both business and pleasure, and is personally familiar with conditions in all business centers.  He has specialized to a large extent in the export business, and it is known that this department of his company is handled in keeping with the best rules known to commerce.  In his personal relations he is a man of agreeable personality, considerate and helpful toward others.  This has found practical expression in his relation with his men.  In the business of which he is the head will be found men who have never had another employer, being devoted to their work and the success of the great tannery.

            As a Stocktonian Mr. Wagner is always in line with the best constructive thought.  While conservative in his attitude, he stands always for progress along proven lines.  His first business is always to attend to his own large responsibilities, but he finds time to give public matters the attention and thought that qualify him as a wise adviser and capable leader.  When looking for Mr. Wagner, look for a man who has the gait and action and vigor of a man in his prime.  He has arrived at great success while the years of young manhood are still with him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Tinkham, George H., History of San Joaquin County, California , Pages 568-571.  Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.



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