San Joaquin County








            Among the more important building supply organizations of the West Side section of San Joaquin County is the Tracy Lumber Company, of which Herbert M. Schaur is the general manager; he is also a stockholder in the parent company, known as the Santa Fe Lumber Company with headquarters in San Francisco, owners of the following branches:  Tracy Lumber Company at Tracy, Brentwood Lumber Company, at Brentwood, California, Patterson Lumber Company, at Patterson, California, and the Newman Lumber Company, located at Newman, Stanislaus County, California.  A native of Baltimore, Maryland, Mr. Schaur was born on August 26, 1883, a son of Charles E. and Florence E. (Arminger) Schaur.  His paternal ancestors were of Scotch origin.  In 1895, his father passed away and the responsibility of the support of the family rested on the shoulders of our subject, then a lad of about twelve years.  His first job was as stock clerk for a large dry goods house and within two years he was advanced to the position of clerk in the office; however, the opportunity came to enter an attorney’s office with a chance to study law and he also availed himself of a course in a night school; he then obtained a position as a traveling salesman for a wholesale provision house of Baltimore, covering the territory of Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina, continuing until 1905, with the exception of two years that were spent in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Removing to California, he located in Los Angeles, where he remained three years.  Then he went into the large lumber camps of Mendocino County; gradually working his way up from the bottom he became the superintendent of two mills which he conducted with the utmost success.  Some nine years ago he became associated with the Santa Fe Lumber Company and in 1917 was sent to Tracy to assume the general oversight of their branch yard.

            The Tracy Lumber Company has aided in the growth and upbuilding of Tracy and other towns nearby, and the merchants and business men have found its management ever ready to cooperate with them in achieving results; its officials and employees have all been boosters in aid of irrigation movements, which have shown so forcibly how valuable water is in crop production, and they are strong for the upbuilding of this section of central California.  They are distributors for the famed Simplex silo and the Papec ensilage cutter.

            The marriage of Mr. Schaur occurred on June 4, 1907, and united him with Miss Carrie N. Beattie, a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Beattie of Tracy, prominent in professional and social circles.  They are the parents of two children, Margaret N. and Herbert M., Jr.  Mr. Schaur is past president of the Chamber of Commerce and is now a director and has accomplished much as a member of the executive committee.  In politics he is a Republican and fraternally is a Mason and Odd Fellow, and past patron of the Eastern Star Lodge of Tracy.  He is the owner of desirable real estate in the Rosedale subdivision of Tracy.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Tinkham, George H., History of San Joaquin County, California , Page 1255.  Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923.

© 2011  V. Gerald Iaquinta.



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