San Joaquin County









            For over a half century James B. Prentice has resided in San Joaquin County and is one of the best known contracting plumbers of the Lodi section of the county.  He is a native of Australia, being born in Melbourne, on October 12, 1857, a son of Thomas and Christian Prentice, both natives of Scotland.  The father was a steam engineer by trade and removed from his native country to Australia, where he resided until 1861, when he came to California in a sailing vessel with his mother and sisters, Mrs. Christina Eichelberger, and engaged in mining two years.  While working in the mines the father contracted mountain fever from which he never fully recovered and which caused his death at the age of forty-seven years, and the mother survived him about ten years.  James B. and Thomas, Jr., were the only children in the family.

            James B. Prentice received his education in the public schools of Stockton, attending the old Vineyard school and Jefferson school, and at the age of seventeen took up the plumbing trade, serving an apprenticeship under Dixon brothers.  His first work was in the north wing of the state asylum; he then went to San Francisco, where he entered the employ of Dixon Bros., and remained there for four years; then for two years he worked for Mr. Lane and in 1880 returned to Stockton and established a plumbing business of his own, remaining there for sixteen years.  In 1896 he removed to Lodi, where he purchased six and one half acres lying just south of the city limits on South School Street.  On this property he built a house and established his plumbing business, where he has resided ever since.

            The marriage of Mr. Prentice occurred at Stockton on January 25, 1885, and united him with Miss Martha Post, a daughter of William Post.  Her father was a hoisting engineer employed in the mines at Railroad Flat, and here Mrs. Prentice was born, reared and educated; later the family removed to Modesto, and there the father passed away at the age of seventy-five, while the mother preceded him about ten years.  Mr. and Mrs. Prentice are the parents of twelve children, six of whom are living:  Martha, Mrs. Call of Lodi; Grace, Mrs. Biggs of Fresno; James M. is also a subject of this history; Harry; Harriett is a student in high school; and Kenneth.  In politics Mr. Prentice is a Republican, and fraternally he is a member of the W. O. W. of Lodi.  Mr. Prentice was once an active member of the Knights of Pythias and has passed through all the chairs of the order; he was also a charter member of Truth Lodge, I. O. O. F., Stockton.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Tinkham, George H., History of San Joaquin County, California , Page 1251.  Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923.

© 2011  V. Gerald Iaquinta.



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