San Joaquin County









            Among the upbuilders of San Joaquin County who have been most prominent in the promotion of its interests and in its development is numbered Fred W. Ott.  He has for a long period of time been recognized as a forceful and honored factor in agricultural and business circles of this portion of California.  His connection with the public interests of San Joaquin County has been far-reaching and beneficial, and he is now serving his fifth year as deputy county assessor of the Island district.  A native of San Joaquin County, he was born on the Ott homestead seven miles southwest of Stockton on June 23, 1879, the only son of Martin Ott, a native of Germany who came to America with his parents when he was six years old and grew up in New York City.  He worked in a large department store in New York City until 1868, when he came to California.  Here he obtained work in the southern mines, working for a period of nine years.  He accumulated a good fortune in the mines and, on his removal to San Francisco, met C. A. Bachman, who owned a large ranch in this county.  Martin Ott purchased 300 acres of rich bottom land for three dollars per acre in 1869 and the same year took up his residence on the property.  In 1875 he made a visit back home to Germany, where he married Marie Wille, a native of Wurttemberg.  Mr. and Mrs. Ott sailed for America soon after marriage, Mrs. Ott being but seventeen years old.  They settled in San Joaquin County.  Martin Ott passed away February 8, 1897.  The mother resides at her home, 127 W. Willow Street, Stockton.

            Fred W. Ott attended the public schools at French Camp and finished in 1893; then for five years he was employed on his father’s ranch.  He then entered the Western School of Commerce at Stockton, from which he was graduated.  After his father’s death he returned to the ranch.  With the exception of two years spent as proprietor of the Bogue & Ott grocery store at Stockton and fourteen months with the Stockton Railroad Company, Mr. Ott has been occupied with farming pursuits.

            Mr. Ott’s marriage occurred February 15, 1905, which united him with Miss Myrtle Frances Scott, born near Danforth, Maine.  Her father, Frank Scott, was a descendant of an English family who had settled in Maine; while her mother, Julia Ann (Preston) Scott, was the daughter of a prominent Southern family.  Mrs. Ott came to California with her parents when she was two years old and was reared and educated in Mariposa County and attended the Western School of Commerce at Stockton, pursuing the normal course.  For five years before her marriage she taught in the public schools of Mariposa County.  He mother passed away in 1903, her father surviving until 1913.  Mr. and Mrs. Ott are the parents of six children:  Martin F., Thelma M., Anna Julia, Allen F., Barbara M., and Frederick William, Jr.  Mr. Ott cultivates 200 acres to grain.  He has always been active in farm circles and is a member of the Farm Bureau of his locality; he is also serving as school trustee of French Camp district and has proved to be a most capable official.  There has been nothing sensational in his life record, but his entire career has been marked by steady progress that has resulted from diligence and perseverance.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Tinkham, George H., History of San Joaquin County, California , Pages 1490-1491.  Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.



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