San Joaquin County









            An experienced contractor well known to Stockton and vicinity as an expert builder of bungalows, who made Stanislaus County the scene of his operations for a period of two years, but who returned to Lodi in the summer of 1921, is Wesley A. Morris.  He was born near Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, on February 14, 1855, the son of John Morrow Morris, a Kentuckian who hailed from Greenville and came into Missouri in early days.  He farmed there, and also worked as a mechanic capable of building all kinds of wagons.  He married Miss Lucinda Maze, and she died when our subject was four and one-half years old.  Grandfather Jesse Morrow Morris and his wife, who was Polly Ann Johnson, were reared at Louisville, Kentucky but came to Missouri in the early days.  An uncle of Wesley Morris, William Maze, left Missouri and came to California some years before the Civil War.  During the Civil War John M. Morris moved his family to Leavenworth County, Kansas, and in 1861 purchased a farm about seven miles to the southeast of Leavenworth; and shortly after that, he died there.  He had married a second time and his wife, who survives him, makes her home at Independence, Missouri.

            Wesley was sent to the rural district school near Independence, and when only fourteen years of age, he started to earn his own living, and left the home of his sister, Mary, the wife of John G. Smiley, a sergeant in the Civil War.  He worked for wages on various farms until he was seventeen years old, and then he studied the mechanism of the Singer sewing machine, and became one of the company’s adjusters at Kansas City, remaining there until in 1877, when he went to Independence and was in the employ of G. M. Nichol & Bro., until 1880, when he came out to California.

            He intended to continue in the employ of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, but after thirty days with the Stockton agency, he took up carpentering and building with D. M. Chapell, and did so well in the new field that he was very active in Stockton as a carpenter until 1897.  Then he went back to the vicinity of his birthplace, and after spending a year in the middle west, in 1898 he returned to Stockton, but soon went to Lodi, and there worked as a contractor until 1909, when he went to Florida.  At Orlando and Jacksonville he again followed building, but in 1919 returned to California.  He stayed a short time at Lodi, and then, in June, 1919, moved to Modesto, where he once more took up contracting and building.

            Mr. Morris has been twice married.  At Kansas City on April 22, 1877, he was united to Miss Josephine E. Pierce, a native of Jackson County, Missouri, and the daughter of John and Mary A. Pierce.  Her parents came from Knoxville, Tennessee, and were early settlers and farmers in Missouri.  Again, at Orlando, Florida, on March 13, 1911, Mr. Morris chose a wife, the lady being Mrs. Mary (Temperence) Houston, a daughter of an Alabama planter.  She died on January 30, 1916, near Orlando, Florida.  Of Mr. Morris’ three children, two are still living.  Orie Bliss was well known at Lodi up to 1918 as a poultryman, but he is at present engaged in real estate transactions in Los Angeles.  He married Miss Irene Genevieve Woods and they have four children.  Mary Effie, the second child born, has become Mrs. Harry Lansing Boswell of Los Angeles; Mabel Gertrude died at the age of eleven months.  Mr. Morris’s grandchildren are Gladys Genevieve, Eunice Erma, Nadine Naomi, and Raymond Russell, the offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Orie Bliss Morris; and Harry Lansing, Jr., the child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansing Boswell.  A great-grandchild is Erma Stella Pearson, the daughter of Roosevelt R. and Gladys Genevieve (Morris) Pearson.  Mr. Morris is a member of the Seventh Day Adventists, having been a member of that congregation since 1897.  In politics he is strictly non-partisan, voting for the best men and measures regardless of party affiliation.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Tinkham, George H., History of San Joaquin County, California , Page 987.  Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.



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