San Joaquin County








            A native son of California, Thompson Marion Moore has been identified in a practical manner with agricultural pursuits during all his active career, and resides four miles west of Lodi on a portion of his father’s ranch.  He was born near Escalon, San Joaquin County, on his father’s ranch, October 15, 1893, a son of James L. and Ora (Carmichael) Moore, both natives of Georgia, whose forbears were plantation owners in early days.  James L. Moore came to California thirty-two years ago and first settled near Oakdale, where he remained for a year, then came to San Joaquin County and farmed near Escalon for two years.  He then removed to the Lafayette district of San Joaquin County, where he bought a ranch three miles west of Lodi on the Sargent Road, where he still resides.  This ranch was unimproved at the time of purchase and Mr. Moore has developed the entire forty acres to orchard and vineyard, which is now producing abundant crops each season.

            Thompson Marion Moore received his education at the Lafayette grammar school, meanwhile receiving practical lessons in viticulture and horticulture, which has proved of lasting benefit.  He worked on his father’s ranch until he was twenty years old, then started out for himself and worked on different ranches until 1921, when he purchased twenty acres four miles southwest of Lodi on Kettleman Lane, which he has set to Tokay grapes.  He has also installed a pumping plant which furnishes ample water for irrigation.

            On March 18, 1916, Mr. Moore was married in Stockton to Miss Martha Peightal, born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Samuel A. and Minnie (Hunter) Peightal.  In 1910 her family removed to Lodi, and since 1914 her father has been identified with the Henderson Hardware Company of Lodi.  Mr. and Mrs. Moore are the parents of three children:  Marion, Ralph, who died July 5, 1922, aged three years, and Ruth.  Mr. Moore built his residence on a portion of the latter’s ranch, and there the family resides.  Mr. Moore is a Democrat in politics.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Tinkham, George H., History of San Joaquin County, California , Page 1553.  Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.



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