San Joaquin County








            Many years have passed since the family to which John Lester Hemphill belongs became identified with the agricultural interests of San Joaquin County.  Its members have been active in its progress and development, and our subject, too, since old enough to hold a plow, has done his share toward the development of this section of the state.  He was born on the old Hemphill ranch, located about five miles west of Lodi on the Sargent Road, May 11, 1888, the youngest of two sons of Edward H. and Lena (Walkmesiter) Hemphill, the former a native of Linn County, Iowa, and the latter of Canton Berne, Switzerland.  The Hemphill family originally came from Ireland and settled in Ohio, but when Grandfather John Hemphill was twenty-one years old he removed to Linn County, Iowa, and was living there when the Civil War broke out.  He served under Sherman and was in the celebrated March to the
Sea, at which time he lost his health.  At the close of the War he was mustered out of service and returned to his home in Iowa.  In 1866 he came to California for his health, and finding this climate a congenial one, in 1867 he brought his family here and located in San Joaquin County, where he bought a ranch of 160 acres, now the home place of our subject.  He married Miss Elizabeth Thompson, a native of Pennsylvania, and they were the parents of four children, of whom the father of our subject was the eldest.  Grandfather Hemphill owned a section of land at the time of his death in 1885, and became a very successful farmer.  Of the old Hemphill ranch, the father still owns 160 acres, and twenty-five more adjoining of which fifty-two acres is in vineyard; and our subject leases the place from his father and resides there.  The father is still living and resides in Lodi, but the mother passed away in January, 1911.

            John Lester Hemphill received a grammar school education in the schools of Lodi.  On July 27, 1911, at Sacramento, California, he was married to Miss Adele Jones, born west of Woodbridge on the old Jones ranch.  Her father, Thomas Jones, a native of Wales, was a pioneer of California; and her mother, Amelia (Bishofberger) Jones, was a daughter of a very early pioneer of California, who came from Switzerland.  Both parents are deceased.  Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill are the parents of five sons:  Maurice, Elwin, Delbert, Donald and Wesley.  In 1911 Mr. Hemphill began work as a helper in old Lodi Garage, and learned automobile repairing.  In1913 he went to Woodland, where he was a mechanic in Allen’s Garage and later Meier’s Garage.  In 1915 he removed to Sacramento, where he started business as a member of the firm of R. A. Meier Reo Company, located at 1308 K Street, handling Reo cars.  In 1917 he sold out and entered the employ of the State Highway Company, where he had charge, as foreman of maintenance of the Ford cars at 34th and R Streets.  He continued there until 1921, when he resigned to return home and engage in ranching.  In politics he is a Republican.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Tinkham, George H., History of San Joaquin County, California , Page 1549.  Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.



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