San Joaquin County







            Identified with San Joaquin County for more than thirty-five years, Joseph P. Gilbeau has done much toward the building up of Lodi, where he is a leader in business circles, being proprietor of a furniture and hardware store and owner of the Gilbeau block, a fine addition to the business district.  A Canadian by birth, Mr. Gilbeau was born at Montreal, Canada, January 8, 1878, the son of Joe and Eliza (Leland) Gilbeau, both natives of Canada.  The family came to Stockton in 1886, and here the father opened a blacksmith shop at Park and Aurora streets, later having a shop on Center near Lafayette, and he carried on this business for many years.  Wisely investing his money in Stockton real estate, he has built a number of houses, and for some time he has been retired from active work in his line, giving his time to looking after his property interests.  With his wife he resides on South San Joaquin Street, Stockton, now numbered among the early residents there, and some time ago they celebrated their golden wedding with all their children in attendance on this happy occasion.

            Five girls and five boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbeau; all of them are living, Joseph P. being the eldest of their sons.  He was educated in St. Mary’s College, Stockton, and when his school days were over he was employed by L. U. Shippee, the well-known horseman, to care for his trotting horses on his stock farm near Stockton, and later he had charge of the horses for the State Bakery.  Coming to Lodi in 1910, Mr. Gilbeau bought the Rinfret Livery Stable, which he conducted successfully for five years, at that time reselling it to the original owner, and in 1915 he opened his furniture and hardware store at 108 North Sacramento Street.  Thrifty and provident, Mr. Gilbeau began in his early days to save his money, investing it in ranch property.  His first purchase was a ranch of twenty acres near Victor, planted to a vineyard, which he sold in order to buy a place of forty acres at Manteca.  Disposing of this, he invested in another forty-acre Tokay vineyard near the Ray school, which he later traded for a business lot 90 x 125 feet at the corner of Sacramento and Elm Streets, Lodi.  Here he erected a modern two-story brick business block, 90 x 60 feet in 1920, which adds much to the appearance of the business district of Lodi, the block being so planned that a third story can be added at any time.  He later bought a business corner at the corner of School and Elm; this he sold to invest in a valuable site on the opposite corner.

            Mr. Gilbeau’s marriage, which occurred at Lodi in 1912, united him with Miss Amelia Kirby, a native of North Dakota.  Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbeau:  Clarence, Francis, Gladys and Joseph J.  For some time a member of the Lodi Eagles, Mr. Gilbeau is also prominent in the Knights of Columbus.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Tinkham, George H., History of San Joaquin County, California , Page 1176.  Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.



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