Siskiyou County









      R. N. Wilson, member of the firm of Fisher & Wilson, and one of Weed’s progressive and enterprising business men, who has met with a very gratifying measure of success, was born in West Virginia, October 29, 1889, and is a son of William Franklyn and America Victoria (Drake) Wilson.  The father, who was engaged in merchandising, died in West Virginia, and is survived by his widow, who resides at Ravenswood, West Virginia.

      R. N. Wilson received his early education in the public and high schools of Parkersburg, West Virginia, after which he took a course in a business college.  He was first regularly employed as a traveling salesman, which line of work he followed in the east for four years.  In 1910 he came to California and for five years resided in Los Angeles, where he engaged in the real estate business, buying and selling properties.  He then went to Casmalia, Santa Barbara County, attracted by the oil boom, and lived there until 1919, when he located in McCloud, Siskiyou County, where he was in business for about a year.  After visiting his people in West Virginia, he came back to California and located in Weed, where he engaged in the sporting goods business, in connection with which he conducts a pool room and soft drink parlor.  He carries a full line of guns, fishing tackle and similar articles, and also is prepared to provide information on hunting and fishing.  The business is conducted under the name of Fisher & Wilson and their establishment has become the popular headquarters for all who are interested in sports of all kinds.  Mr. Wilson has been very successful in business and in 1925 he built the Wilson apartments, the best in Siskiyou County.  These apartments, twelve in number, are built separately in bungalow style, and are located on the main highway in Weed.  They are arranged in the form of a court, with spacious grounds and walks, and are very popular with discriminating renters, there seldom being a vacant apartment.  Several of these are furnished and all contain baths and modern conveniences.  Mr. Wilson is now contemplating the installation of Shellane gas in all of the apartments.

      In October, 1925, Mr. Wilson was united in marriage to Miss Lola V. Kaer and they are the parents of two children, Byron and Joan.  Hunting and fishing are his favorite sports and he rarely returns from such trips without tangible evidences of his skill.  He is an energetic and progressive business man, has shown his faith in Weed by his investments here, and is regarding as one of the community’s representative residents.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 276-277. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.







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