Siskiyou County









      Everyone who travels the great highway between Los Angeles and British Columbia knows of the Yreka Inn, which is recognized as the leading public house of entertainment in this part of the state, and, under the able management of L. L. Weaver, is making great strides in popularity.  Mr. Weaver was born in the state of Pennsylvania April 5, 1872, and of that state his parents were also natives.  They both died in Nebraska, April 6, 1929.  L. L. Weaver received his educational training in the grade schools of Nebraska and then engaged in the grocery business at Shelton, that state.  Subsequently he sold that store and began general merchandising, which he carried on until 1905, when he sold out and entered the lumber business at Shelton and Gibbons, Nebraska, later adding other yards as the business progressed.  During these years he had as his partner his brother W. J., who is a native of Nebraska, but now lives in Hollywood, California, and does not take an active part in directing of the business. In 1921 Mr. Weaver moved to Long Beach, California, where he lived until 1923, when he went to Albany, Oregon, and took over the Albany Hotel.  In 1924 he and his brother sold that property and in that year came to Yreka and built what is now known as the Yreka Inn, containing one hundred and two rooms, an imposing structure of concrete, around which are lawns, shrubbery and driveways.  The prices at the Yreka Inn are reasonable and the rooms are well filled throughout the year by tourist and commercial travelers.  The Inn is headquarters for the meetings of various Rotary clubs of this section of the state, as well as banquets and meetings of other organizations, and is admirably adapted to these functions, the hotel service being complete in every respect, while every courtesy is afforded visitors.

      On February 17, 1896, Mr. Weaver was united in marriage to Miss Lulu M. Guffey, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. Guffey.  The father was originally from Missouri, but eventually became a stockman in Nebraska, in which state his death occurred.  Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are the parents of two children, Lawrence M., who married Miss Althea Howard, and is a clerk in his father’s hotel, and Pauline, the wife of M. H. Lee, a livestock rancher in Nebraska.  Mr. Weaver gives his support to the republican party, but has never been an office seeker.  He is a member of the Ancient and Free Accepted Masons at Kenesaw, Nebraska, the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite at Hastings, Nebraska, and the nobles of the Mystic Shrine at Sacramento, California.  He is very fond of travel and has visited many parts of the country.  Of genial manner, he possesses the faculty of making people feel at home in the Inn, and is exceedingly popular with the traveling public, while among his personal associates he is very highly esteemed.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 198-199. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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