Siskiyou County









      Among those who have in a very definite way contributed to the growth and development of Siskiyou County, and the Sacramento Valley mention should be made of Victor E. Warrens and his sister, Miss Bernice M. Warrens, whose activities have been directed along real estate lines, so that they are now owners of some of the leading business properties in various parts of the valley.  They are natives of Missouri, from which state Mr. Warrens came to California in 1899 and his sister in 1913.  On reaching this state Mr. Warrens engaged in the hotel business at Corning, Tehama County, for a short time, and then went to Mount Shasta, where he conducted the El Monte Hotel which stood on the present site of the Park Hotel, and was in partnership with Henry McGinnis, under the firm name of Warrens and McGinnis.  His former partner is now a lawyer and a member of the state legislature from Dunsmuir.  This partnership lasted for four years, and Mr. Warrens then went to Kennett, near Redding when the Mammoth Mine was opened by the Mammoth Copper Company who built large smelters for treating the ore.  This was the largest copper mine in California at the time and a thriving mining camp was there developed, with large pay-rolls.  Mr. Warrens built the hotel and business block known as The Diamond, which he still owns and now leases.  He also erected the building at Hilt known as The Diamond, which was first a club house, but more recently has been utilized for mercantile purposes.  At Yreka also, where he makes his home, Mr. Warrens has erected and still owns the First National Bank building, a fine business block, on the ground floor of which are the bank offices, the post office and eight mercantile stores, while the second story is designed for offices.   Most of the time since coming to this state he has been engaged in building, and still owns and leases most of the buildings which he has erected.  He has, also at time accepted money for deposit, handling some accounts, and in 1915 at the time of the organization of the First National Bank of Yreka, he became a heavy stockholder.  Shortly afterward he was elected president of this institution, in which capacity he served for eleven years or until it was merged with the Bank of Italy in 1928.  At this time, however, he holds no office with the bank.  He acquired a goodly amount of unimproved property in Yreka and has done considerable building here of both business and residential structures, among which is the Montgomery Ward building.  He also erected a building in Redding especially designed for Montgomery Ward, which is leased to them.

      Miss Bernice Warrens erected the present fine Broadway Theater in Yreka, of which she is owner, and she also acts as secretary to her brother.  She takes care of their fine home, which they built in 1921 and have occupied since the following year.  It is a very attractive and comfortable home, surrounded by a spacious lawn, ornamented with shrubbery and flowers and provided with a sprinkler system.  They are generous in their support of all worthy causes, civic or benevolent, and stand for all that is best in the life of their community.  Mr. Warrens was a member of the city council while residing in Kennett and is a member of the Lions Club of Yreka.  Cordial and friendly in manner, but unassuming, he merits and receives the unreserved confidence of the people among whom he lives and is recognized as one of Yreka’s substantial and useful citizens.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 224-225. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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