Siskiyou County








      No citizen of Weed is more highly regarded throughout the community than is D. W. Sullivan, who is a native son of Siskiyou county and has ever stood for progress and prosperity.  His birth occurred June 8, 1860, his parents being Thomas Jefferson and Ruth Sullivan.  The latter died when her son was but five years of age.  The father was born and reared in Tennessee and in 1849 joined the gold rush for California, coming by way of the isthmus of Panama.  Two years later he crossed the plains to the east and on his return to California located at Stockton, where he engaged in mining.  In this he was successful, but lost a large part of his fortune in other ventures.  Quitting mining, he engaged in the livestock business near Yreka, Siskiyou county, and introduced into this part of the country the first Durham cattle, now know as shorthorns.  He died at Mount Shasta then known at Sisson.  To him and his wife were born five children, namely:  Thomas Jefferson, who was a rancher at Mount Shasta where he died in 1914; D. W., of this review; Abram, who died when sixteen years old; H. E., who died in 1910; and Jane, who died young.

      D. W. Sullivan received his education in the grade schools and was reared to farm life, which he has since followed.  In 1911 he came to his present place, of two hundred and thirty-eight acres of land, on which he engages in general farming and dairying, raising hay and such other products as are usual in this locality.  He runs thirty head of Durham milch cows, and raises some hogs and chickens.  He has a nice home and his ranch, which is situated at the foot of Mt. Shasta, is watered by springs which he has developed.  The place is characterized by beautiful scenery, fine air and wonderful climate and is an ideal home site.

      In 1882 Mr. Sullivan was united in marriage to Miss Julia A. Carpenter, a daughter of James A. and Nancy Carpenter.  Her father, who was one of the real pioneers of this section of the state, came across the plains with ox team and covered wagon, in 1852, and made settlement in the Shasta valley, where he followed farming throughout the remainder of his life.  Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan became the parents of ten children, as follows:  Frederick, who died in infancy; Harry H., a farmer of Little Shasta valley; Alice, who died young; Effie, who is the wife of H. H. Hammond, a car inspector for the Southern Pacific Railroad at Sacramento; Claude C., who married Alice Price and lives at home; Thomas Edgar, who died when about thirty yeas of age; Mabel, who married H. H. Ingerham, who is a salesman for a tractor company and is now in Alaska; Horace M., of Mendocino county, who is a tractor driver; Minnie, the wife of W. T. Buscombe, a machinist for the Long-Bell Lumber Company; and James, who married Miss Della Mae See, and is assisting his father on the home ranch.

      Politically, Mr. Sullivan is an independent republican and may always be counted upon to support such measures as are calculated to promote the general welfare.  He is a member of the Knights of Pythias at Weed.  His success has been gained through earnest and well directed effort and his record has gained for him the genuine respect of all who know him.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 396-399. Pioneer Historical Publ. Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Joyce Rugeroni.



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