Siskiyou County







     Notable among the medical men of northern California is Dr. Charles Pius, of Yreka, California, who has engaged in practice in this city for over twenty years. He has acquired a high reputation as a physician and surgeon, and likewise as a citizen and as a man. His executive ability in matter of medical importance is on a par with his excellent talent as a practitioner, and he now occupies a number of official positions, being a surgeon for the Yreka Railroad, also county physician and surgeon, health officer, and superintendent of the Yreka Hospital.


     Doctor Pius was born in New York state, September 12, 1883. He attended grade and high schools there, also the College of the City of New York. In 1899 he came to California and located at San Francisco, after which he became a student in Stanford University at Palo Alto, and then took up his medical studies at the Cooper Medical College, which is now the medical department of Stanford. He graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1906, and then for two years was interne in St. Luke’s Hospital at San Francisco. He was a steamship surgeon on a run to Panama, and later was in private practice in Santa Barbara county. In 1910, Doctor Pius came to Yreka, where he has since been engaged in professional work. He is a member of the Siskiyou County, California State, and American Medical Associations, and the Association of Railroad Surgeons. Doctor Pius is a Mason, belonging to the Consistory and to Ben Ali Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Sacramento.


     During the World war, Doctor Pius performed meritorious service for his country. In 1917 he enlisted in the medical corps of the United States Army and was commissioned a first lieutenant. He served abroad, most of time in Siberia, and during the remainder of his enlistment was stationed at Fort McArthur, Los Angeles, and at the Presidio, San Francisco. He won promotion to a captaincy.


Transcribed by Craig Hahn.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 pgs. 25-26. The Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2005 Craig Hahn.




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