Siskiyou County









      C. C. Nelson, who is one of the most valuable employees of the Long-Bell Lumber Company at Weed, and is held in high esteem throughout the community because of his personal worth, was born in Butte County, California, on the 16th of December, 1895, a son of William Thomas and Tillie (Brown) Nelson, the former born in Iowa, the latter born in Germany.  The father’s family started from Iowa for California when William T. was two years old and on the way stopped in Utah for about a year.  While there the father died and the widowed mother then brought her family to California, coming with a train of one hundred wagons.  During the journey they had considerable trouble with both Indians and Mormons.

      C. C. Nelson was educated in the grade and high schools at Oroville, California, and then located in Marysville, where he worked as a machinist for about two years.  In 1916 he enlisted in Company I, Second Regiment California Infantry, and was sent to the Mexican border, where he remained for about four months.  Returning to Marysville, he resumed his position in the machine shop in which he formerly worked, but three months later was called to the colors again, the United States having entered the World war.  With the same company which he formerly served he went to the Presidio, San Francisco, where he was in training for a while, later being transferred to Camp Kearney.  After eight months there, he was sent overseas, landing at Liverpool, England.  There he was transferred to the Twenty-seventh Division, bound for the front, and was scheduled to go “over the top” on the following Wednesday, but the Armistice was signed on Monday.  Mr. Nelson embarked for home at Brest on February 28, 1919, being mustered out of the Presidio, April 11, 1919, with the rank of sergeant, after approximately three years of military service.

      On returning to civil life Mr. Nelson went to work for the Union Construction Company at Oakland, California, with whom he remained until August, 1919, when he entered the employ of the Great Western Power Company at Lake Alamanor.  Four months later he entered an electrical school, the Hemphill Auto School, at Oakland, attending for eight months.  He then took up ignition work and opened a Willys service station at Roseville, which he operated for three years.  Selling out there, Mr. Nelson went to the state of Washington and from that to the present has followed welding.  He spent a year in Bellingham, Washington, and in 1928, he came to Weed, where he has since been in the employ of the Long-Bell Lumber Company as a welder.  He is kept busy, putting in much extra time, and he is recognized as an expert in his line of work.       Mr. Nelson has proven a good citizen, in the best sense of the term, being a consistent supporter of those things which make for the betterment of his community.  He is fond of outdoor sports, particularly of fishing and hunting, and, being an expert shot, has killed many a deer.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 226-227. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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