Siskiyou County







W. C. McBRIDE, JR., M. D.



      Dr. W. C. McBride, Jr., physician and surgeon, engaged in the practice of his profession at Yreka, is a product of the west, for he was born in Pocatello, Idaho, May 26, 1900.  He is a son of William C. and Clara (Sawyer) McBride, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Iowa.  The father has devoted much of his life to railroad service, acting as general agent for the Denver & Rio Grande, the Santa Fe, the Missouri Pacific, and other lines, and resides in Portland, Oregon, where he has made his headquarters for about twenty-eight years.  He had two sons but Ralph died in 1926.

      After mastering the branches of learning taught in the grammar and high schools of Portland, Dr. McBride took a preparatory course at the State University of Washington and then enrolled as a student in the medical department at the University of Oregon, from which he was graduated as a member of the class of June 10, 1929.  Entering the naval hospital on Mare Island, he continued with that institution for seventeen months and then came to Yreka, where he has been associated with Dr. Pius, dean of the medical profession in Siskiyou County.  They have a well equipped office and take care of patients at the County Hospital.

      On the 19th of June, 1926, Dr. McBride was married to Miss Lucile Evelyn McClung, who was born in Portland, Oregon, and acquired her public school education in that city.  After taking a course in the collegiate department of the University of Washington she matriculated in the University of Oregon, at Eugene, where she majored in sociology, and was graduated in 1924.  At that time she took up work in connection with United States grants and previous to her marriage had charge of the Red Cross organization at Portland.  She has become the mother of one child, Sally, who was born August 20, 1930.

      In his political views Dr. McBride is a Democrat and his wife votes with the Republican Party.  During his school and college days he played tennis, belonging to various teams, but is now a devotee of golf.  He is identified with the Delta Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Kappa Kappa societies, the latter a medical organization, and he also has membership in the American Medical Association.  Endowed with more than average ability, Dr. McBride also has the requisite energy and determination and is destined to go far in his profession.  He is a young man of substantial worth and Yreka accounts him a valuable addition to its citizenship.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 246-247. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.







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