Siskiyou County










      Edward Charles Lloyd, who, with the capable assistance of his wife, is conducting the Stewart Mineral Springs in Siskiyou County, is one of the best known citizens of this locality; in fact, he is favorably known far and wide, for all who have stayed at the Springs hold him in high regard for his courteous and accommodating manner and his sterling personal qualities.  He was born in Manchester, England, May 7, 1867, a son of William R. and Betsy Elizabeth (Smith) Lloyd.  The family came to America in 1870, locating in Ontario, Canada, where the father followed the carpenter trade during his remaining active years.  To him and his wife were born five sons and a daughter, namely:  Robert William, deceased; William R.; Mary; Harry; John; and Edward Charles.

      The last named received his educational training in the grade schools of Canada, after which he learned the barber trade, which he followed for forty years.  In 1890 he came to the United States, locating in Chicago, Illinois, where he engaged in barbering until 1903.  He then went to the state of Jalisco, in Mexico, where he devoted his attention to mining for one year.  On the expiration of that period he recrossed the Mexican border and resumed work at his trade in Texas.  After living for a short time in Arizona, where he continued as a proprietor of a barber shop until 1912, when he took up is permanent abode in California.  He located first at Weed, Siskiyou County, where he conducted a barber shop until 1922, when he told out and came to Stewart Springs, where he has resided continuously to the present time.  It was in 1915 that he came into possession and took practical charge of the forty-acre tract comprising the Stewart Mineral Springs property.

      These springs are located in a beautiful canyon, surrounded by a virgin forest of pine, fir and cedar.  A shaded rushing stream of sparkling mountain water runs through the entire length of the grounds, contributing a refreshing prospect of rest and recreation.  An important factor in the location of Stewart Springs is that while it is situated in a secluded canyon of the Mount Shasta National Forest, yet it is only fifteen minutes’ auto ride to the Pacific highway.  The altitude is three thousand nine hundred feet, supplying that pure, exhilarating mountain air which counteracts that weary, tired feeling so common among people living in the hot valley, or working in the close, stuffy atmosphere of store or office.  Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd now have fourteen cabins, the office apartments and living rooms, dining room and eight bathrooms, with much other equipment, and the accommodations are used to capacity most of the time.         Stewart Springs mineral water is especially good for stomach trouble, rheumatism and skin eruptions.  It is a wonderful treatment for the after conditions of the influenza and a thorough cleanser of the system after having the tonsils removed, as the drinking of the water, together with the baths, cause the poisons of disease to be drawn out through the pores of the skin by the medium of perspiration.  This is true also of rheumatic and kidney complaints, and it will be found beneficial for catarrh and many eye afflictions.  As a shampoo it has no equal, thoroughly cleansing and invigorating the scalp, eradicating all dandruff and leaving the hair soft and silky.  The character and action of the Stewart Springs mineral water is efficiently different from that of various other mineral springs.  The chemical analysis of the water is as follows:  volatile and organic matter, 750.00; alkalinity, 647.50; silica, 25.20; iron and aluminum oxide, 2.30; calcium, 3.10; magnesium, trace; sulphuric anhydride, 207.67; chlorine, 1014.28; total solids, 3470.00.  This water gives the impression of being manufactured, but is thrown out from a big natural spring, while on the grounds there are also many fresh water springs.  For those who enjoy hiking and mountain climbing, there are trails leading to the higher reaches, from which can be viewed some of the grandest scenery to be found anywhere.  For those who desire less strenuous diversions, there are many places of natural and historic interest to be reached by automobile.            The kitchen and dining room are in a building used solely for that purpose, thus avoiding the annoyance of cooking odors in the sleeping quarters, which are in detached cottages and tents.  The prices are reasonable, room in cottage, including meals and hot mineral water baths, twenty-five dollars per week, or three dollars and seventy-five cents a day; for campers or transient guests, meals, seventy-five cents, and baths, seventy-five cents.  Persons desiring to take home the mineral water are supplied at twenty-five cents a gallon, not including container.  For those who have their own camping outfit, there are many beautiful places among the pines, firs and cedars, near and along the stream, where they can pitch their tent and maintain their own camp, for which privilege they are charged fifty cents a day, including the use of mineral water, or two dollars and a half per week.  An ample supply of pure, cold spring water (non-mineral) is available for domestic use.  The county constructed the splendid road which now runs from the Pacific highway to the springs.  Mr. Buckner, one of the supervisors, whose son was cured through the use of the water from this spring, felt that the state and county should build a road so that the public might the more readily reach the springs.

      In 1915 Mr. Lloyd was united in marriage to Miss Kathryn Stewart, a daughter of Henry S. and Julia (Newman) Stewart.  Her father, who was a native of Pennsylvania, came to California in 1851, crossing the plains with ox team and covered wagon.  Here he engaged in farming, operated a sawmill and also established the first flour mill in this section of the country, it being operated by water power.  He spent the last years of his life in Siskiyou County, dying at Yreka.  His wife passed away at Sisson, now known as Mount Shasta.  They were both natives of the east, the father having been born at Honesdale, Pennsylvania, July 18, 1829, and the mother at Port Jervis, New York, February 22, 1844.  They were the parents of one child, Kathryn.  Henry S. Stewart first came by pack train across the plains in 1851, by the way of the Salt Lake and Oregon Trail.  Later he returned east and married.  He remained there seven years, and in 1867 he and his wife came to California by the way of Cape Horn.  It was Mr. Stewart who brought the first threshing machine to Siskiyou County.  He prospered here and became the owner of two ranches in the vicinity of the springs which bear his name, filing on Southern Pacific Railroad land.  He conducted the Stewart Mineral Springs until 1915, when the property was purchased by his son-in-law, Mr. Lloyd.  Mr. Stewart served as supervisor of District No. 3, as early as 1867.        In his political views Mr. Lloyd is a republican, while fraternally he is identified with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, being a member of Douglas Lodge, No. 955, at Douglas, Arizona, where he formerly resided.  Mrs. Lloyd belongs to the Order of the Eastern Star at Mount Shasta.  They are kindly and congenial and are exceedingly popular among their acquaintances.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 256-262. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.







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