Siskiyou County










      Felix J. Kunz, who is conducting a successful undertaking business at Fort Jones, Siskiyou County, has always lived in this section of the state and has done his share in promoting the welfare of his community.  He was born in Scott Valley, Siskiyou County, on the 18th of June, 1888, and is a son of Felix and Eliza (Holtzhauser) Kunz.  The father, who was born in Switzerland and came to the United States in young manhood, was a wheelwright by trade and did much important work along that line.  In 1872 he came to California, locating in Scott Valley, where he has engaged in the upholstering, furniture and undertaking business, to the present time, though, being eighty-six years of age, he is largely taking things easy and enjoying the golden sunset years of his life in well earned leisure.

      Felix J. Kunz received a good, practical education in the public schools and, having decided to take up the undertaking business, he entered a school of embalming in San Francisco from which he was graduated in 1910.  He now has funeral parlors in Fort Jones and Etna and a half interest in a business at Yreka, which is conducted under the firm name of Bills & Kunz.  During the two decades in which he has followed funeral directing in Siskiyou County he has earned a reputation for the efficient and satisfactory manner in which he discharges his duties, being at all times considerate and thoughtful.  He has just been elected for the third consecutive term as coroner and public administrator for Siskiyou County by an increased majority.

      In 1911 Mr. Kunz was united in marriage to Miss Winona Thompson, of Manitou, El Paso County, Colorado, a woman of good education and splendid personal qualities.  To them have been born two children, Ida and Betty.  Mr. Kunz gives his political support to the Republican Party. He is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Fort Jones, the Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots at Dunsmuir and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks at Modesto.  Traveling is his favorite form of recreation and he has visited many parts of this country.  He is cordial and friendly in manner, enjoys a wide and favorable acquaintance throughout this section of the Sacramento Valley and is regarded as one of the leading business men and enterprising citizens of Fort Jones.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 280-281. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.







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