Siskiyou County










      One of the enterprising business men and influential citizens of Siskiyou County was the late Thomas Jones, who established the large general merchandising business now conducted by his widow at Hornbrook.  He was not only a man of initiative and executive ability in business affairs, but was also a leading figure in matters affecting the civic welfare of his community, and he long held a foremost place among the progressive and dependable citizens of his locality.  He was a native of South Carolina, from which state he came at the six of six years, with his mother to Myrtle Creek, Oregon, by way of the isthmus of Panama, in an early day, where he remained but a short time.  The father had preceded them some time.  He had acquired a tract of land there, but gave it to a man in payment for his service in transporting the family to Deadwood, Siskiyou County, California.  Sometime later he formed a partnership with David Horn, under the firm name of Horn and Jones and they engaged in a general mercantile business at Henley, a short distance away from the present town of Hornbrook.  They remained there, doing a very successful business, until the South Pacific Railroad built its line through here and established the town of Hornbrook, which was named after Mr. Horn.  They brought their business to the new town and it is still, after a period of over forty years, one of the most important commercial establishments in this part of the valley.  Since Mr. Jones’ death, which occurred January 13, 1921, Mrs. Jones has entire charge of the business and has proven in every way qualified to carry it on successfully.

      Mrs. Jones was born and reared in Siskiyou County, California, where she became the wife of Thomas Jones, and during all the years of their companionship, proved a helpmate in the truest sense of the word, assisting and encouraging him in all his affairs, and commanding the high esteem of her acquaintances.  She is carrying a stock of goods valued at about sixty thousand dollars, and owns the Hornbook Hotel, which is not leased at present, but will probably soon be again in active operation.  Mrs. Jones is now seventy-four years of age, but retains her physical and mental faculties to a remarkable degree for her years.  While devoting her attention primarily to her business, she takes a keen interest in local civic matters and gives her support and assistance to every worthy cause.

            To Mr. and Mrs. Jones were born eight children, as follows:  William T., Bernard and Gertrude Susie, all of whom died within a brief period during a diphtheria epidemic; Albert H., who is assisting his mother in the store; Raymond, who died at the age of thirteen years; Willard Frederick, who is engaged in the hotel business in Los Angeles; Joseph Roy, who is an eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist in Sacramento; and Helen Margaret, the wife of Myron H. Grover, who is in the lumber business in Oakland, this state.

      Albert H. Jones, son of Thomas and Susan R. (Crooker) Jones, was born in Siskiyou County, California, on the 1st of October, 1883.  He received his education in the public schools and in boyhood began his business career as an assistant in his father’s store.  Later he was employed at various occupations and also worked for a while for the Southern Pacific Railroad.  Eventually, however, he returned to merchandising, which line of activity most appeals to him, and he is now working for the T. Jones Company, of which his mother is the sole owner.  He is steady and dependable in everything he does, is a most valuable assistant to his mother, and throughout the community is well liked for his splendid personal qualities and his straightforward and friendly manner.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 244-245. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.







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