Siskiyou County







     One of the foremost figures in educational circles of the Sacramento Valley is Aaron George Grant of Mount Shasta, California, who has been district superintendent of the Siskiyou union high school district for the past ten years and under whose able administration this unique system of seven rural high schools under one board of trustees and one superintendent, has enjoyed unprecedented advancement. Since 1922, independent recognition by the state and independent accreditation by the University of each of these seven high schools accompanied by broaden and modernized courses, more and better teachers, and a new and better equipped buildings, have stimulated a phenomenal growth in enrollment of one hundred per cent in the Yreka high school and of from three hundred per cent to one thousand percent in each of the other six high schools of the district. Nevertheless, the tax rate and unit cost of instruction has been held down even while paying off all outstanding bonded indebtedness, and expending more than a half a million dollars out of money raised by direct tax for new buildings. 


     Mr. Grant was born on a farm is Osage county, Kansas, May 10, 1877, a son of J. B. and Martha (Luther) Grant, both of whom had taught in the public schools. He received his primary and secondary education in the public schools of Kansas and is a graduate of both the State College of Emporia, Kansas, and the State University of Kansas. He later pursued post graduate studies at the University of Chicago and in the Leland Stanford Junior University of California from which latter institution he received the degree of Master of Arts as a major in education. He studied law in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and is now a member of the California state bar.


     Although actively engaged in the practice of law for a short time. He has been continuously devoted to his chosen profession for more than twenty years in California: as teacher in the Palo Alto high school, 1909-1913; principal of the Ferndale high school, 1913-1917; principal of the Roseville high school, 1917-1922; district superintendent of the Siskiyou union high school district, 1922 to date.


     Mr. Grant was married in 1907 to Miss Edith Murphy, a native daughter, born in the San Joaquin valley, and they have one son, Bruce B., an engineering student at Stanford University.




Transcribed by Craig Hahn. 

Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 pgs. 55-56. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2005 Craig Hahn.




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