Siskiyou County









      Among Siskiyou county’s native sons who are leaders in their respective communities is numbered W. T. Davidson, who is a successful rancher and stockman near Ft. Jones, and is also a member of the county board of supervisors.  He was born at Ft. Jones on the 28 of August, 1878, and is a son of J. A. and Amanda (Quigley) Davidson.  His father was a native of Indiana and in 1854 his father crossed plains with a caravan of forty wagons, following the Oregon Trail.  The trip was made without trouble from the Indians and on reaching the coast Mr. Davidson located at Ft. Jones, where he spent his remaining years engaged in farming and stock raising.  His first dwelling here was a log cabin, which was later replaced by the comfortable farm home.  He died November, 24, 1916, at the age of seventy-eight years.  His wife was born in Iowa just nine days before her parents started on the long overland journey to California.  Mr. and Mrs. Davidson had eight children, of whom three sons and a daughter are living.

      W. T. Davidson received a grade school education and for many years has devoted his attention closely to the management of the home ranch, in which he has been successful.  He is careful and painstaking in everything he does, is a man of good judgment, progressive in his methods, and is one of the substantial and influential men of his section of the county.  He was elected a member of the board of supervisors from the fourth district, in which office he has two more years to serve.  He is well qualified for the position, the duties of which he performs in addition to his farm responsibilities.

      In 1905 Mr. Davidson was united in marriage to Miss Lucy A. Grider, a daughter of William and Mary (Grider) Grider, the former having been an old pioneer miner and rancher of the Klamath River country.  Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are the parents of a daughter, Mary, who is a graduate of the State Normal School and is now teaching in the grammar school at Yreka.  For some years Mr. Davidson was a trustee of the schools of his district and has always taken a keen interest in educational affairs.  For eight years he was secretary for the irrigation district of Scott River valley.  He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Ft. Jones and Mrs. Davidson belongs to the Daughters of Rebekah.  They have always shown a keen interest in the civic affairs of their locality, and they are popular in the social circles in which they move.  Mr. Davidson makes hunting his favorite sport.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 196-197. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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