Siskiyou County








      One of the most valued employees of the Long-Bell Lumber Company at Weed is E. Wallace Crockett, who for a number of years has filled the responsible position of foreman of construction work in a very capable and satisfactory manner.  He was born in Oregon, April 21, 1868, and is a son of Garrett and Euridica (Trimbell) Crockett, of whom the former was born in Indiana and the latter in Iowa.  They came across the plains and located in Oregon, where the father followed the sawmill business, but later turned his attention to ranching.  He is now deceased, and his widow now resides at Grants Pass, Oregon, which is but a comparatively short distance from Weed, so that mother and son visit back and forth at frequent intervals.

      E. Wallace Crockett acquired a public school education and has followed railroad construction work during practically all of his life.  He was for twelve years with the McCloud Lumber Company as construction engineer, later spent one and a half years in construction work with the Hume-Bennett Lumber Company at Fresno, this state, and in 1910 came to Weed, where he has since held the position of general foreman of construction work, including all outside work, such as the building of the logging railroad into the woods for the transportation of logs to the mill.  He also has full charge of truck and teaming work, as to a great extent during the past few years the logs have been hauled by teams.  He has been foreman for the Long-Bell Lumber Company during all of this period, knows every angle of the transportation game, takes pride in keeping up his end of the logging operations and is regarded as a very efficient and competent man.

      Mr. Crockett was united in marriage to Miss Lena Ruster, whose father was of German birth.  Her family came across the plains and located in Shasta County, where she was born.  Mr. and Mrs. Crockett are the parents of a son, Elmer, who is employed in the retail yard of the Long-Bell Company at Weed.  He married Miss Alta Austin and they reside in Weed.  E. Wallace Crockett gives his political support to the Republican Party and is keenly interested in public affairs, particularly in relation to his home community.  He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Grants Pass, Oregon, and Mrs. Crockett belongs to the Daughters of Rebekah.  Mr. Crockett greatly enjoys hunting and fishing and a year seldom passes that he does not shoot a deer or two.  He is a hard worker, is well liked by the men under him and enjoys the confidence of the officers of the company.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 336-337. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co.  Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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