Siskiyou County








      The family of which Jesse Warren Churchill is a worthy representative has for many years been conspicuously active in matters affecting the development and progress of Siskiyou County.  Jesse Warren Churchill, who is one of the owners of a leading commercial enterprise at Yreka, was born at this place, April 3, 1868, and is the son of Jerome and Julia (Patterson) Churchill, the former a native of New York State and the latter of Waukegan, Illinois.  The father came by mule team across the plains in 1849, and located at Placerville, where he remained for two years during which period he devoted his attention to mining.  He then rented a number of mules and engaged in the packing of freight from Sacramento to interior points in the state, and even as far north as Portland, Oregon.  At one time he used as many as sixty mules in that business.  He also established stores at various points, including Scott Bar, Humbug Creek and Yreka, and as he gained a substantial financial condition he and others launched a bank, his associates being E. Wadsworth, H. Wadsworth, Julien Neuschwander and Louis Huseman, who thus established the Siskiyou County Bank.  Mr. Churchill was the owner of several thousand acres of land and to the time of his death, which occurred April 12, 1908, he was one of Siskiyou County’s most prominent and influential men.  To him and his wife were born three children, namely:  Carrie, deceased; Jerome Percy and Jesse Warren.

      Jesse W. Churchill attended the common schools and then entered Bates Gymnasium, a preparatory school for the University of California.  Later, he attended Worcester School of Technology, at Worcester, Massachusetts, and on the completion of his studies there, became identified with the banking business, in Yreka, in which he engaged for five years.  He then turned his attention to ranching and the stock business at Dorris, California, buying, feeding and selling cattle on the hoof, in which business he was associated with his father.

      After he quit ranching Mr. Churchill engaged in the hydro-electric business, organizing the California-Oregon Power Company and serving as its president for many years.  The Churchill family were the leaders in this great project which did so much for the district in the general vicinity of Yreka.  Later, he entered his present hardware business at Yreka under the firm name of Dinkins & Churchill.  In this store, which is the largest of its kind if Siskiyou county, they carry a complete line of shelf and heavy hardware, and auxiliary lines, and enjoy a large patronage from a wide radius of surrounding country.

      Mr. Churchill was united in marriage to Miss May Visa Wheeler, a daughter of Thomas and Visa (Thompson) Wheeler, the former a native of Missouri, and the latter of Virginia.  Her father was a pioneer of California, having crossed the plains in an early day.  He located in the vicinity of Stockton during his early years in this sate and engaged in the sheep business, at one time owning as many as eight thousand head.  Mr. Churchill met his future wife in Oakland, where she graduated from Snell’s Seminary, a private school. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill are the parents of a daughter, Dorothy May, who became the wife of Archie Bruce McDonald of Oakland, California. 

      Mr. Churchill is a Republican in his political belief and has taken a keen interest in public affairs, though he does not seek office.  He is a member of the Masonic order, belonging to the Blue Lodge and Chapter at Yreka, the Commandery at Yreka, and Ben Ali Temple of the Mystic Shrine, at Sacramento.  He has worthily maintained the prestige of the family name so well established by his father, and is regarded as one of Siskiyou County’s leading men of affairs and worthiest citizens.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 410-413. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co.  Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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