Siskiyou County








      E. B. Cavanaugh, who is the owner of an up-to-date mercantile business in Edgewood, is a descendent of old pioneer stock, his family having been associated with the Shasta valley continuously since 1852, a period of nearly eighty years, and he has in his own life maintained the family reputation for industry, and loyal public spirit.  He was born at Edgewood, on the 20TH of  February, 1862, and is a son of Joseph and Ann (Keeton) Cavanaugh, the former a native of County Galway, Ireland, and the mother of Alabama.  The father who was born May 28, 1828, came to the United States at the age of fourteen years, landing at New York city, whence he drifted to the state of Illinois.  For a time he was a boat carpenter on the Missouri river and in 1852 he came to California, by way of the isthmus of Panama, landing in Yreka.  He mined there for some time, and then went to the Frazier river, British Columbia, where he “went broke.”  On his return to California he entered the employ of King & White, at Yreka, though just prior to that he had spent the winter in the Shasta valley, to which locality flour had to be packed from Scottsburg, Oregon, and Crescent City, California at a cost of twenty-five dollars a sack.  Later he erected a building and started a store at Butteville, the name of which was later (1870) changed to Edgewood.  He also acquired four hundred acres of land, which he cultivated in connection with his general store.  He was for many years the postmaster at Edgewood.  In those days practically every merchant ran a saloon in connection with his store, and Mr. Cavanaugh was no exception to the rule.  He followed merchandising and ranching until his death in 1894.  He was survived by a number of years by his widow, who passed away in 1914.  Mr. Cavanaugh gave his political support to the republican party.  To him and his wife were born four children, namely:  E. B., of this review; Mary L., now deceased, who was the wife of H. H. Patterson, of San Francisco, who was a son of one of the old pioneers of Oregon, who settled there in 1846; R. E., who is a farmer on the old home place at Edgewood, where he has a fine home and runs a dairy; and Frank J., who is a solicitor for an advertising concern of San Francisco, but lives in Berkeley.

      E. B. Cavanaugh received his education in the grade schools of Siskiyou county, and was with his father in the latter’s store and on the ranch until the father’s death.  He was then made administrator of the estate, which consisted of a hotel, a ranch and the store.  In the final settlement E. B. took the store, his brother Richard took the ranch and a sister took the hotel.  Mr. Cavanaugh has carried the mercantile business on to the present time and keeps a large stock of such goods as are demanded by the local trade, his uniform courtesy and accommodation gaining for him the good will of all who deal with him.  He has in various ways shown an unselfish interest in the welfare of his community, among other things having assisted in establishing the present creamery at Edgewood.

      On September 25, 1889, Mr. Cavanaugh was united in marriage to Miss Daisy Woods, a daughter of J. D. and Addie Woods.  Her father was one of the early settlers of this locality, having come to California in the early ‘50s.  He was a stage driver out of Marysville, and later drove in Oregon, in which state he spent most of his life.  Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh are the parents of two children, Ethel, the wife of John L. Dennis, who is in the freight office of the Southern Pacific Railroad at San Jose, and Mildred, who is a teacher in the high school at Lakeport, California.

      Politically Mr. Cavanaugh is a republican and is interested in local public affairs, though he has never sought election to office.  He is a member of Ashland Lodge, No. 944, B. P. O. E., at Ashland, and the Woodmen of the World, at Weed.  He possesses a pleasing personality, is candid and straightforward in all of his personal relations and commands the respect of all who have come in contact with him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 164-166. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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