Sierra County








      Ed G. White, of Loyalton, one of the leading automobile dealers and service men in the Genesee Valley, is the authorized Ford dealer and has built up a business which would do credit to a city many times the size of this.  He was born in Sierraville, California, October 13, 1901, and is a son of D. G. and Cora (Dolley) White, the former born in New Brunswick and the latter in Sierraville, California, though the Dolley’s were originally from the state of Maine.  D. G. White was a lumberman at Sierraville to the time of his death in 1913.  The maternal grandfather, L. Dolley, who died in 1913, was for many years a dealer in general merchandise at Sierraville, and his old store is now owned and conducted by his son Fred.  Mrs. Cora White, who is fifty-five years of age, resides in Auburn.  To D. G. and Cora White were born three children:  Ed G.; George, who lives in Loyalton and is employed as a locomotive engineer on the Clover Valley logging road; and Dolly, the wife of R. R. Proctor, a lumberman in San Bernardino county, this state.

      Ed G. White received his educational training in the public schools of Sierraville and of Auburn, California, to which place he had moved with his widowed mother in 1914.  Soon afterward he entered the automobile business, going to work in the Alpha garage at Nevada City.  Later he was similarly employed at Auburn and accepted a position in the automobile department of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, where he had charge of thirty cars.  In 1922 he came to Loyalton and engaged in the automobile business for himself, taking the local agency for the Ford cars.  His predecessor in this agency had failed, but from the beginning Mr. White kept the business on a solid foundation and it was not long until definite success was his.  He employs three efficient workmen, and his place, whether in shop or service station, is marked by an air of business activity which speaks well for the sort of service that one receives here.  His shop is supplied with modern machinery and tools, and in every department of his business the thought of satisfactory service is uppermost, the result being that during the nine years in which he has conducted this agency Mr. White has won a host of warm and appreciative friends, who are boosters for him.  He carries not only a complete line of Ford parts, but also a large supply of Goodyear tires, the prices of which are right.  He is actually one hundred per cent Ford, one hundred per cent Goodyear and one hundred per cent Standard, and on these three dependable lines he has built his success, being recognized as one of the leading automobile men in northeastern California.

            On September 10, 1924, in Auburn, California, Mr. White was united in marriage to Miss Auburn Rechenmacher, of that place, and they are the parents of two children, Roy and Lynn.  Mr. White is a member of Loyalton Lodge, No. 395, F. & A. M.; Granite Chapter, No. 94, R. A. M.; Lassen Commandery, No. 13, K. T., at Susanville; and Ben Ali Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., at Sacramento.  He takes a keen interest in the work of the various Masonic bodies.  Because of his high character, business ability and loyal citizenship he is greatly esteemed by everyone who knows him.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 193-194. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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