Sierra County








            Stephen L. Strang is one the best known residents of the Sierra Valley, where he is regarded as an unusually efficient cattleman, a vocation to which he was reared from boyhood, having been almost brought up in the saddle.  He has also had considerable experience in the oil fields and has proved dependable in whatever line of work he is engaged.  He was born on the old Strang ranch, on Strang Creek, near Sattley, in the Sierra Valley, on the 20th of October, 1867, and is the eldest son of Jared and Eleanor (Mickey) Strang.  His father was born on Prince Edward Island, from which he was taken to Massachusetts when five years old.  In that state he was reared to the age of twenty-one years, and then sailed for California.  Here he at once became identified with the livestock industry and was one of the most active spirits in its development in the Sierra Valley, western Nevada, eastern California, and southern Oregon, becoming the most extensive individual cattleman of that region.  Eleanor (Mickey) Strang was born in the middle west and in 1864 came to California in an ox train known as the Mickey Company, of which the leader was her grandfather, Captain Robert Mickey.  Mr. and Mrs. Strang were married in Loyalton, Sierra County, and became the parents of four children, namely:  Ada Elizabeth, who died of scarlet fever, in the Sierra Valley, at the age of six years; Stephen Ludlo, of this review; Gerrard Wilbert, a former employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad, who is unmarried and resides at Sattley; and Ida, the wife of L. A. Bearden, of Oakland, California.  The mother of these children died in 1904, at the age of fifty-four years.  For his second wife Mr. Strang chose Miss Lula Currier and to them were born two children:  Arthur Earl, who has a ranch at Sattley; and Elmer Pearl, who married Miss Grace Nichols, of Sierraville, and had three children.  Elmer P. was accidentally killed while working in a sawmill at Portola.

            Stephen L. Strang was reared on the home farm to the age of seventeen years, when he started out to make his own way in the world.  He had a fair common school education and from boyhood was accustomed to be out on the range, caring for the large herds of cattle belonging to his father and other cattlemen, mainly in the Sierra Valley.  Though well along in years, he still loves to be in the saddle and handling cattle.  He has done much work in the oil fields, particularly in the Elk Hills naval reserve in Kern County, California.  He has four sons who are engaged in oil well drilling in the fields at Kettleman Hills, at Taft, and at Signal Hill, in Los Angeles County.  He has worked on stock ranches in Modoc, Lassen, Plumas and Sierra counties, and as a boy assisted his father in driving droves of cattle from Baker City, Oregon, and Walla Walla County, Washington, on one occasion bringing eight hundred and thirty head into the Sierra Valley.  His father became a partner of George Humphrey and Frank Roland, and was the head of the Sierra Valley round-up when at one time sixty thousand cattle were brought in.

            On August 15, 1892, at Towles Station, Placer County, Mr. Strang was united in marriage to Miss Julia Hussey, of Hussey, Nevada County, California.  Her father, John Hussey, was a pioneer mining man of Nevada County, California, being the owner of the Hussey mine and Chalk Bluff.  Mr. and Mrs. Strang became the parents of six children.  Maud Ellen is the wife of Elmer Blaisdell, an oil well driller in the Santa Fe Springs field, near Long Beach, and they have two children:  Elmer, who is a member of the United States Marines and is now in China; and Ellen, who is in high school at Norwalk.  Evan Ludlo, who is an oil well driller at Taft, this state, married Miss Edna Jamison, of Grass Valley, and they have two children:  Mervin, aged twelve years; and Loren, aged nine years.  Edward Stephen, a former oil well driller, but now a dealer in oil well supplies at Long Beach, this state, is married and has a stepdaughter.  Cecil, who resides in Los Angeles County, is an oil well driller in the Santa Fe field.  He married Miss Lillian Brooks and they have a daughter, Irene.  Allen Martin, who is an oil well driller at Taft, was recently married.  Louise is the wife of Flynn Sturgis, of Redondo Beach.

            Politically, Mr. Strang has always supported the Republican Party, and he is a member of Manitou Parlor, No. 126, N. S. G. W., at Dutch Flat, Placer County, in which he has passed through the chairs, and has also passed through the chairs of the Improved Order of Red Men.  He has a good record of persistent industry, of great skill as a cattleman, which line of business he understands in all of its details, and of stalwart support for those things which relate to the well-being of society.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 409-410. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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