Sierra County









      Among the old and trusted employees of the Clover Valley Lumber Company, none holds a more responsible position than does David K. McCollum, who for the past twenty years has served as master mechanic, the duties of which position are broad in their scope and require the highest degree of efficiency in mechanics and engineering.  Mr. McCollum was born at Broughshane, twenty miles west of Belfast, in the north of Ireland, May 11, 1886, and was reared there and in Scotland, his family being of Scotch origin.  He received a good education and learned the machinist’s trade and mechanical and electrical engineering in various cities of northern Ireland and Scotland.  He was also employed in the great shipbuilding works on the Clyde and became an expert in his special fields of labor.

      In 1905, when eighteen years of age, he came to the United States, arriving at New York City in September.  He made his way direct to California and his first work here was that of foreman in a paper mill, in which he was employed for one and a half years.  He was next locomotive engineer for the Hobart Mills, working on the timber road until 1908, when he went with the Truckee River Power Company, at Reno, Nevada.  In 1910 he entered the employ of the Verdi Lumber Company, at Reno, where he remained until 1920, when he changed to the Clover Valley Lumber Company, as they have interlocking directorates.  Here he has served as master mechanic to the present time.  His supervision extends over sixty-five miles of logging railroad of the Clover Valley Company, the machine and railroad shops, with four locomotives and one hundred and twenty cars, thus covering the entire shop and railroad equipment and machinery.  He has seven men under him in the machine shop and eighteen men on the railroad, and he has made a splendid record for keeping everything in good running order, so the mill and road operations may be continued without interruption.

            At Verdi, Nevada, Mr. McCollum was united in marriage to Miss Florence Lonkay, who was born in Virginia City, Nevada, a daughter of Eli and Olive Lonkay, the father having organized the Verdi Lumber Company.  To this union have been born three children, Esther, Florence and David James.  In his political views Mr. McCollum is a Republican, while, fraternally, he is a member of Loyalton Lodge, No. 359, F. & A. M., at Loyalton; Reno Consistory, A. A. S. R., at Reno, Nevada; and Kerak Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., at Reno.  He is a lover of outdoor life and is particularly fond of hunting, being an expert shot.  In the fall of 1930 he was the first deer hunter at Loyalton to bring in two bucks.  He went out into the Clover valley on September 15th, the first day of deer hunting season, and on that same day brought in his quota of two bucks.  Though a very busy man, he is cordial and kindly in manner, and, possessing a pleasing personality, he easily makes friends, while among his fellow employees of the lumber company he is held in high regard for his ability and accomplishments.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 198-199. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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