Sierra County







            Isaac Martinetti, whose splendidly improved dairy farm lies at the head of the beautiful Sierra Valley, is a true type of those energetic and sturdy natives of Switzerland who have helped make the Sierra Valley one of the most noted dairy and stock raising sections of eastern California.  He was born in Canton Ticino, Switzerland, on the 27th of December, 1874, and lived at home until sixteen years of age, when he immigrated to the United States, where so many of his countrymen had achieved success.  At that time his mother was deceased and his father passed away about a year later.

            Of their four sons and two daughters, Isaac is the fourth in order of birth.  A sister, Mrs. Elmira Peterson, resides in Solano County, this state, and an older brother, Herman, died in Solano County, California.  After arriving in this locality, Isaac Martinetti went to work for his brother Herman, with whom he remained two years, after which he was employed at such work as he could find to do, including logging and mining.  In 1916 his bought his present ranch, comprising five hundred and ninety-seven acres, and during the subsequent years he has made many permanent improvements on the property, including one of the finest country residences in this section of the state, barns, garage and other farm buildings, and bought a complete line of equipment.  This is the old Grau Rice ranch and a never failing stream of pure mountain water flows through the property.  It is one of the oldest settled places in the valley and is famed for its natural beauty.  Mr. Martinetti has a modern dairy, keeping forty-five milch cows, and also has about one hundred and forty-five head of stock and beef cattle.  A few years ago a disastrous forest fire destroyed nine of his buildings, leaving only the residence and a nearby building, but he at once went resolutely to work and now has a splendid set of buildings, making it one of the most attractive farm properties in the valley.

            On October 15, 1913, at Reno, Nevada, Mr. Martinetti was united in marriage to Miss Delia Guidici, who was born and reared in the Sierra Valley and is a daughter of the late Alexander Guidici.  Mr. and Mrs. Martinetti are the parents of four children, Rita, Elwina, Dorothy and Elmer.  Mr. Martinetti was made an American citizen in Solano County, California.  He votes in the Sattley precinct and is non-partisan, giving his support to the men whom he believes to be best qualified for the offices they seek, regardless of party lines.  He is a steady and reliable citizen, commanding the respect of those who know him, and has many warm friends throughout the community in which he lives.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 350-353. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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