Sierra County








      Attilio Lombardi, a leading business man and enterprising citizen of Loyalton, is the capable and efficient manager and secretary of the Sierra Valley Creamery, Inc., which, next to the Clover Valley Lumber Company, is the chief industry of this place.  He was born on the old Pompeo J. Lombardi ranch, three miles from Loyalton, on the 22nd of February, 1893, and is a son of Pompeo J. and Angelina (Ramelli) Lombardi, to whom were born four children, namely:  Marie, the wife of Charles Laffranchini, a stockman at Vinton, this sate; Caesar P., a stockman near Loyalton; Attilio; and Louis, who is engaged in the stock business in partnership with his brother Caesar.  A separate sketch of Pompeo J. Lombardi appears on other pages of this work.

      Attilio Lombardi attended the public schools of his home neighborhood and the Oakland high school, and completed his educational training by a course in the Polytechnic Business College at Oakland, from which he was graduated in 1915.  During 1916 and the early part of 1917 he was employed as a bookkeeper by W. H. Duncan in the Sierra Valley Bank at Loyalton, and was filling that position when the United States entered the World War.  He at once stepped from behind the teller’s desk in the bank and enlisted with the Sixth Regiment United States Marines.  Soon afterward he was taken ill and was removed to the government hospital at the Mare Island Navy Yard.  He was in the service for almost two years, being honorably discharged in May, 1919.  Returning home, he assisted his father on the home ranch for about a year and in 1920, became the manager and secretary of the Sierra Valley Creamery. He aided in its reorganization and has served in his present capacity continuously from that time.  On coming home after the war he and his brothers Caesar and Louis engaged in farming on an extensive scale, and continued together until 1921, when, finding that the business of the creamery demanded his entire time and attention, Attilio Lombardi disposed of his agricultural interests and has since devoted his entire time and attention to the creamery.

      The Sierra Valley Creamery was organized in 1903 as a cooperative partnership, composed of George Knox, of San Francisco, now deceased; W. H. Saylor and William Rausell.  The original creamery building was a frame structure.  The co-partnership continued until 1914, when the business was taken over by Mr. McNamee, but financial difficulties caused him to shut down the plant.  At that time the dairy farmers of the Sierra Valley and vicinity came to the rescue and, under the genius of W. H. Duncan, then president of the Sierra Valley Bank, organized the Sierra Valley Creamery.  It was incorporated in 1915, with Charles Jones as its first president.  In 1921 the company was reorganized and now has thirty-six stockholders, who are numbered among the most successful and best known dairy farmers in California and Nevada, though most of them are residents of the Sierra Valley of California.  In 1920 Mr. Lombardi became the manager and secretary of the Sierra Valley Creamery, assisted in its reorganization and has been an active and influential factor in its subsequent success.  The creamery manufactures three hundred thousand pounds of choice butter annually.  Its products have been exhibited at various fairs, including the Pacific Slope Dairy Show, where it was in completion with the Golden State and other leading creameries, and won first prize.  Sixteen hundred pounds of sweet cream are brought to the creamery every day by truck and the butter making is in charge of Holger Christiansen, a very competent buttermaker from Denmark.  Strict attention is paid to sanitary conditions in and about the creamery and the output of this concern finds ready sale in Reno, the adjacent lumber mill and mining camps and the Bay cities.

      On September 10, 1921, in Reno, Nevada, Mr. Lombardi was united in marriage to Miss Panola Edwards, who was born at Olean, New York, and is a daughter of John D. Edwards, a prominent railroad man at that place, and a granddaughter of E. C. Atkinson, a distinguished lawyer at Arkansas City, Kansas, who, though now eighty years of age, is still practicing his profession.  Mr. and Mrs. Lombardi are the parents of two daughters, Marilyn and Ethyle (“Bebe”), both of whom are popular among their little friends and are favorites with the older ones who know them.  They were given a joint birthday party at their home on August 25, 1930, which was very largely attended and a very enjoyable affair.

            In his political views Mr. Lombardi is a Republican and has taken a keen interest in the public affairs of his community.  He has been a member of the board of trustees of Loyalton for the past twelve years and on April 1, 1930, was reelected for another term of four years.  The present trustees are Louis W. Conklin, mayor; William A. Schroeder, Louis Genasci, Fred Squires and Attilio Lombardi.  Mr. Lombardi is a member of Loyalton Lodge, No. 359, F. & A. M., of which he is a past master; Reno Consistory, A. A. S. R., at Reno, Nevada; Kerak Temple, A. A. O. M. M. S., at Reno, and Darrel Dunkle Post of the American Legion.  He and his wife attend and contribute to the support of the Community Church and stand for those things which are of essential value to the community.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 183-185. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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