Sierra County









      Hubert H. Huntley, yard foreman for the Clover Valley Lumber Company at Loyalton, is a native of this valley and a member of one of its most highly honored families.  He was born at Sierraville, Sierra county, on the 4th of December, 1900, a son of Herbert Harold and Jennie (Fagg) Huntley, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work.  His father died September 15, 1930, and is survived by his widow, who is still living in Loyalton.

      When Hubert H. Huntley was about four years old the family moved to Loyalton, where he acquired his education in the public schools.  In 1923 he went to work for the Clover Valley Lumber Company and through his loyal and efficient service received various promotions until, in April, 1929, he was made yard foreman, in which capacity he is still serving.  His is a responsible position, but his experience and judgment have enabled him to direct the yard operations to advantage.

            On December 30, 1925, at the home of the bride, in Plumas county, Mr. Huntley was united in marriage to Miss Edith Church, a daughter of Charles G. Church, who is represented elsewhere in this work.  To them has been born a son, Hubert H., Jr.  Mr. Huntley is a member of the White Pine Lodge, No. 175, I. O. O. F., at Loyalton, is a Republican in his political adherency and manifests live interest in all matters affecting the welfare or the progress of his community.  He owns his home in Loyalton and is very comfortably situated.  He is a loyal and public-spirited citizen, progressive in his views, and not only commands the confidence of his employers, but also the highest measure of regard on the part of his fellowmen.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 199-200. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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