Sierra County








            Antone E. Dotta, who is one of the leading ranchers, dairymen and livestock dealers and an influential citizen of the Sierra Valley, is president of the Caesar Dotta & Sons Company, Inc., which owns about fourteen thousand acres of land.  Born on his father’s ranch near Loyalton, on the 23rd of March, 1889 he is a son of Caesar and Catherine (Valla) Dotta, who were born in Canton Ticino, Switzerland.  They immigrated to California in 1884 and settled at once in the Sierra Valley.  The paternal grandfather, Antone Dotta, who was a lifelong resident of Canton Ticino, was a breeder and an exhibitor of prize cattle.  A successful drover and stock dealer, he showed his cattle at fairs and expositions.  Mr. and Mrs. Caesar Dotta were accompanied to America by Raffaele Dotta, who is a prominent banker, extensive landowner and successful dairy farmer in the Sierra Valley.  The Dotta family was poor when they came to this locality, but they were hard and persistent workers, exercised sound judgment in the management of their affairs, particularly in dairy farming and the handling of livestock, through which they became wealthy.  Antone E. Dotta is the eldest of six children, the others being Daniel D., Leon, Albert C., Caesar and Eda, who is the wife of H. G. Smith, a newspaperman at Santa Rosa, this state.

            Antone E. Dotta was reared at home and received his early education in the Island district school, in his home neighborhood.  He prepared for a business career by a commercial course in the Polytechnic Business College in Oakland.  He also received good practical training under his father, who was a man of unusually sound judgment in practical things.  He now lives on the old McNear ranch of five hundred and fifty acres, which he bought in 1920.  He is also the owner of the Dotta mountain ranch of two thousand acres and the Heriot ranch of six hundred and eighty acres, as well as other lands devoted to pasturage, his holdings aggregating three thousand five hundred and ten acres.  The Dotta holdings for sound business reasons were combined under the name of Caesar Dotta & Sons Company, Inc., of which Caesar Dotta was the president to the time of his death, on July 1, 1929, at which time Antone Dotta succeeded to the presidency.  Besides Antone Dotta’s individual land holdings, he is the owner of two meat markets in Portola, Plumas County, which are carried on under the names of the Portola Meat Company and the Quality Meat Market.  Mr. Dotta’s brother-in-law, Mr. Hamilton, is the manager of these markets, which have combined sales of about ten thousand dollars a month.  Mr. Dotta raises beef cattle extensively and operates a dairy farm, on which is a herd of sixty milch cows.  In addition to his own range, he rents about a thousand acres of pasture land, and employs three men regularly, two milkers and one ranch hand.  Throughout the Sierra Valley, the Sacramento Valley and the Honey Lake Valley, Mr. Dotta buys beef cattle, hogs, poultry and eggs for his own markets, besides which he is an extensive buyer of cattle, hogs and sheep, which he ships in car-load lots to the San Francisco market.

            On September 10, 1910, at Oakland, California, Mr. Dotta was united in marriage to Miss Edna F. Hamilton, who was born in Spokane, Washington, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton, the former having been a prominent and successful mining man of Nevada in which state Mrs. Dotta was reared.  She was a granddaughter of the late Colonel Quinn, who also was one of the foremost mining men of Nevada.  Mrs. Dotta’s mother, Josie (Quinn) Hamilton, died at the home of Mrs. Dotta, November 18, 1929.  To Mr. and Mrs. Dotta were born eleven children, as follows:  Emil E., who assists his father in the management of the ranches; Agnes C.; Thelma, who died at the age of six months; Antone E., Jr.; Aileen E.; Elmer, who died at the age of ten years; Alice, Adella, Anna Marie, Annetta and Donald Theodore.

            Mr. Dotta gives his political support to the Republican Party and stands consistently for the best things in the life of the community.  He was reared in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church and is a member of the Knights of Columbus at Reno.  He is a man of strong character and pleasing personality, and is sincere in his social relations, so that he commands to a marked degree the respect and confidence of the people among whom he has spent his life.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 315-316. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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