Sierra County








      Louis W. Conklin, who is now serving his fourth consecutive term as president of the board of trustees, or mayor, of the town of Loyalton, and is the oldest employee of the Clover Valley Lumber Company, being the purchasing agent for that concern, was born at Newark, New Jersey, June 4, 1867, and is a son of Edward L. and Leonore (King) Conklin.  His father, who was a veteran of the Civil War, served a term as postmaster of Newark, where he was the owner of a lumberyard, planing mill and box factory.  He was of Scotch descent and lived to the age of sixty-eight years.  The maternal grandfather, William King, was the pioneer lumberman at Newark, and built mills and factories.  The King family is probably of English origin and settled in Newark in a very early day.

      Louis W. Conklin graduated from the Newark high school when fifteen years of age, immediately after which he entered his father’s employ as a common laborer in the lumberyards and mills.  He was connected with his father’s retail lumber business in Newark for fifteen years, after which he went to New York City, where he engaged in the wholesale lumber business for three years.  In 1902 he reached California and became connected with the Towle Lumber Company, at Fulda, Placer County, as manager, which position he held for two years.  In 1904 he came to Loyalton and found here five mills in operation: the Roberts Lumber Company, the Reno Mill and Lumber Company, the Marsh Lumber Company, which was burned out in 1919; the Horton Brothers Lumber Company, which later sold out to the March Lumber Company, and the California Lumber Company.  The Clover Valley Lumber Company, which was organized in 1916, took over the interests and mills of the Roberts Lumber Company and the Marsh Lumber Company.  When the mill of the last named concern was burned down, the Clover Valley moved into the mill of the Roberts Company.  This has since been greatly enlarged, being now a two-band mill, with a productive capacity of four hundred thousand feet every twenty-four hours.  It also operates a large planing mill and an extensive box factory.  The company has built about forty miles of railroad, and has several locomotives and other equipment for the purpose of bringing in the sawlogs.  This is now the chief industry of Loyalton.  Mr. Conklin has devoted his time and attention closely to the interests of the Clover Valley Lumber Company, which owns a large acreage of timber in its own right, in addition to which it has the right to cut timber for fifty years on the United States forest reserve. At present the company has thirty million feet of lumber cut and drying in the yards at Loyalton, and is regarded as one of the largest and strongest lumber concerns in this section of the state.

      Mr. Conklin was the head manager of the California Lumber Company for six months, after which for five years he served as assistant manager of the Roberts Lumber Company and as manager of the Marsh Lumber Company until 1912.  From 1912 until 1916 he was the manager of the Standard Lumber Company’s mills at Standard City, California, and on the organization of the Clover Valley Lumber Company, by Cecil D. Terwilliger, he became the resident manager at Loyalton, in which capacity he has served ably and loyally to the present time.

      On January 18, 1892, in Newark, New Jersey, Mr. Conklin was united in marriage to Miss Carolyn Shepard, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus G. Shepard, the former a prominent member of the great Colgate Company of New York City.  Mrs. Conklin received a high school and normal school education and is also a graduate of the Barnard College of New York.  For one and a half years prior to her marriage she taught in the schools of Newark, New Jersey.  Mr. and Mrs. Conklin are the parents of a son, Joel S., who graduated in civil engineering from the University of California and for the past nine years has served as civil engineer for the Clover Valley Lumber Company.  Joel S. Conklin is greatly interested in Masonry is a past master of Loyalton Lodge, No. 359; is a district deputy and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine.  He is married and has a son, Joel W., one year old, and the family resides in Loyalton.

      In his political views Mr. Conklin is a Republican and has served on the county central committee for many years.  He is mayor of Loyalton by virtue of his position as president of the board of trustees and has rendered splendid service to the community.  The present members of the board of trustees are, Louis W. Conklin, president; W. Schroeder, Attilio Lombardi, Fred Squires and Louis Genasci.  Mr. Conklin was made a Mason in Loyalton Lodge, No. 359, and is a member of the Knight Templar Commandery at Nevada City, Nevada.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 156-157. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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