Sierra County









      Horace G. Adams, who is engaged in the garage business at Sattley, Sierra county, is one of the progressive and enterprising young business men of this section of the valley and is meeting with well deserved success.  He was born at Sierraville, Sierra county, on the 29th of September, 1906, and is a son of William A. and Tina G. (Fowler) Adams, the former a native of the Sierra valley and the latter of Oakland, this state.  The paternal grandfather, John Charles Adams, was an honored pioneer of this valley, coming here about 1852, and settled on what is now known as the Adams ranch about 1858 or 1860.

      Of the eight children born to William A. and Tina Adams, Horace Gilbert is the second in order of birth.  He received his education in the public schools of Sierraville, of Oakland, of Clio and Plumas county completing his education in the Polytechnic Engineering College in Oakland, where he specialized in mechanical engineering, with the purpose of engaging in the automobile business.  He finished his course there in 1925, after which he spent a year as an automobile mechanic in the employ of various garages, becoming a “trouble shooter.”  He possesses a thorough knowledge of motors and engines in all of their details.  After a year as an employee, he became associated with his father, William A. Adams, in establishing the present garage and machine shop at Sattley in the spring of 1926, and this has been developed into a very successful business.  Mr. Adams is qualified to repair any gasoline driven motor, as well as electric dynamos and other electrical equipment.  He maintains an oil and gas station at Sattley, where he handles all Associated and Standard products, as well as a full line of automobile accessories and United States and McClaren tires and tubes.  He keeps an up-to-date automobile repair shop for trucks, tractors, caterpillar tractors and stationary engines.  He has seven thousand five hundred dollars invested in the business and does both retail and wholesale business in tires and tubes, being the distributor for the McClaren products for Sierra and Plumas counties.  He is also the local agent for the Reo line of cars, speed wagons and trucks for these two counties, and has been very successful in these special lines.

      On August 31, 1928, in Reno, Nevada, Mr. Adams was united in marriage to Miss Thelma Banks, who was born in Sierra City, and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Banks, of Sierraville.  They are the parents of a daughter, Dorothy.  Mrs. Adams is a member of Imogene Parlor, N. D. G. W., at Sierraville.

      Mr. Adams is descended from the Adams family which has been so prominent in the history of this country from colonial days to the present time.  The Adams, Miller and Quigley families crossed the plains together, with ox teams and covered wagons, and their various members have contributed in large measure to the development and progress of their respective communities, the Adams family being numbered among the leading and well to do people of Sierraville and Sattley.  Henry E. Quigley, the present county clerk, auditor and recorder of Sierra County, is descended from the Quigley family which accompanied the Adams’s across the plains.  He is the oldest county officer in Sierra County in point of years of continuous service.  William A. Adams is still engaged in the general mercantile business at Sattley, and his wife is the postmaster here.  Horace G. Adams is a Republican in his political views and can always be counted upon to support those things which promise to advance the best interests of the town and county.  Because of his earnest and consistent life, he commands the respect and confidence of the people, who have known him from boyhood.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 225-227. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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