Shasta County







     One of the leading pool rooms of Redding, Shasta county, is that owned and conducted by Baragar & Riley, who have a soft drink parlor in connection and have gained a large patronage. F. P. Riley, the junior member of the firm, is a native of Illinois, born the 13th day of May, 1872, and is a son of Patrick and Julia (Sullivan) Riley. The former was a farmer but during the gold rush of 1849 came to California, crossing the plains with ox teams and covered wagon. He did some mining, but his later years were largely devoted to agricultural pursuits. Both parents are deceased.


     F. P. Riley received his education in the grade school of his home district, which was located five miles from his home, thus giving him a daily walk of ten miles. He started out to make his own living at an early age, doing any kind of work that he could find, and eventually engaged in the saloon business, which he followed for twenty-five years. In 1916 Mr. Riley came to California and soon afterwards became associated with his present partner, under the firm name of Baragar & Riley. They have a pool room, soft drink parlor and cigar stand and during the years that they have been so engaged here have gained a large patronage. They conduct a clean, orderly and well equipped place and, because of their close attention to business, have been very successful.


     In 1898 Mr. Riley was united in marriage to Miss Carrie H. Langford, a native of South Dakota, and they are the parents of four children, namely; Madeline; Genevieve; Harold, who is a member of the Redding fire department, and Lucile, who has finished her high school work and is at home. Mr. Riley is a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles at Redding and his religious connection is with the Roman Catholic Church. Hunting and fishing are his favorite forms of recreation, and he is an agreeable and friendly man in his social relations, so that he enjoys marked popularity wherever known.



Transcribed by Craig Hahn.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 pgs. 51-52. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2005 Craig Hahn.




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